Why dont you raze the khajuraho temples to the ground ?? why keep them standing? Arent they part of our culture? Or were they biult by Americans? Kissing ????? These temples depict actual lovemaking. Our so called "culture" says love unless certified under marriage is dirty, dangerous and despicable. For our culture, love and sex are dirty and ugly words. Ironically, love stories make the most money in bollywood. Some of our most famous stories are love stories. Some of our greatest literary works explore sexuality. Still we continue to be narrow minded. WHY?? because we really dont understand what it means to truly love. Why do these couples kiss in public places ? Because almost all of them are shunned by their parents, ridiculed by their colleagues and hunted by the law. Believe it or not, they really dont have a private place to go to !!!
If your child or little sister sees two people kissing in public, look him or her in the eye and tell him they are in love, and they are expressing that love to each other. Thats it.Look at it as something beautiful. If you see two people having sex in public, then call the police.