I am a single woman and I live abroad, so maybe my views are warped...here, people kiss everywhere and I find nothing wrong with it....why are we making such a hue and cry abt something so silly?? Can u imagine the same conversation abt kids that are orphans or illiteracy and spread of AIDS?
if two people want to show their affection in a decent manner which to me is kissing, they should be allowed to do so.....as long as they dont step their decency limits. if you dont bar such things, then the frequency will also come down. As long u forbid people, they will be more tempted to taste the forbidden fruit. I think Indian youngsters are smart and responsible and know what they are doing. and personally, with no offence to anyone and If you ask me, Kissing is a wonderful feeling, U sure feel much better after kissing ;-)...Why even bother waiting to show ur attraction???
its only the NEWS that the govt makes with such things. kissing for god's sake.. there are better things to worry about in this country! talking about culture.. does it say we should fight on all possible borders (town!, state, country)? doest it say we should have a corrupt administration?
comon people.. grow up! look at the bigger picture! THINK BIG!
I think people are just trying to prove themselves that they are cool and they are modern.I think they just want to copy western STYLE.INDIA is famous for its culture,and i think at any price it should not loose it
Kissing on the lip is an erotic act, and should not be allowed in public,in India and for Indians. The westerners have already lost the whole romance in kissing, and indeed in almost everything else, because of their promiscuous ways and culture. By such a forced restraint, our people/youngsters etc. may be able to retrieve some of the glorious romance and deep meaning in such acts. With freely available blue films and the onslaught of western movies, it really seems a losing battle, but all is still not lost. Here again, if self-discipline is not practised, then law/rules could be made AND ENFORCED STRICTLY. After all, any lover-couples having reached that assured state of mutual consent, should not object to avoid public kissing, public necking, and public sex.
This is a curious bit of information. Let us see how much they proceed with these ridiculous laws of theirs upon us! And let us believe that we will be sensible enough to do what we do behind closed doors be left there and what we do in public be left there too! There are some laws which need some spading and that could be instigated through the ridiculous usage of the law upon unwary public! Then what has to be changed will be changed if it is out of place in the present world!
Now let us just enjoy and watch as to how it goes !
A kiss given to the appropriate person at the appropriate situation and appropriate time and place seldom brings in trouble - so enjoy kissing, but enjoy it with all the appropriates in place, which could bring in the least flak from people around you and from the ridiculous moral police sniffing around to punch in a dose of their morality codes.
I think it is high time the police should also count people's opinion on these matters. It is just another way of making money!!!. Let police learn from their counterparts in the other parts of world.
You people make \"moral polcing\" sound more vulgar than \"immoral trafficking\". The positives of this rule: It won;t make others embarassed. It won;t make kids watch what they are not supposed to (now, if you are going to say that kids are different now and they are this and that ...well..no comments) and the negatives..please tell me what are the negatives if you are so concerned (apart from having to pay rs 500 fine, which is an avoidable thing.)
Kissing is certainly an act of sensible involvement. It should reflect your concern with your partner but to make it public is certainly an indecent act and should immediately be banned.