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whats wrong???????
by basui75 on Apr 21, 2006 09:59 PM

I am a single woman and I live abroad, so maybe my views are, people kiss everywhere and I find nothing wrong with it....why are we making such a hue and cry abt something so silly?? Can u imagine the same conversation abt kids that are orphans or illiteracy and spread of AIDS?

if two people want to show their affection in a decent manner which to me is kissing, they should be allowed to do long as they dont step their decency limits. if you dont bar such things, then the frequency will also come down. As long u forbid people, they will be more tempted to taste the forbidden fruit. I think Indian youngsters are smart and responsible and know what they are doing. and personally, with no offence to anyone and If you ask me, Kissing is a wonderful feeling, U sure feel much better after kissing ;-)...Why even bother waiting to show ur attraction???

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Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss