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Moral Police
by Dev narayan on Apr 21, 2006 08:04 PM


This is a curious bit of information. Let us see how much they proceed with these ridiculous laws of theirs upon us! And let us believe that we will be sensible enough to do what we do behind closed doors be left there and what we do in public be left there too! There are some laws which need some spading and that could be instigated through the ridiculous usage of the law upon unwary public! Then what has to be changed will be changed if it is out of place in the present world!

Now let us just enjoy and watch as to how it goes !

A kiss given to the appropriate person at the appropriate situation and appropriate time and place seldom brings in trouble - so enjoy kissing, but enjoy it with all the appropriates in place, which could bring in the least flak from people around you and from the ridiculous moral police sniffing around to punch in a dose of their morality codes.

Dev Narayan

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