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Re: Re: Its a fight between terrorists and civilians.
by vishal paiverneker on Nov 27, 2008 05:00 AM

This is not the time to talk about the shortcoming of the government. We all agree that things need to be improved drastically but this is not the right moment to express it.

After the situation has calmed down we should raise these points and take a lesson out of it. Only then will we be able to improve.

But once the situation is calmed down we all forget about the incident and we are back to square one.

India as a country is doing good as compared to most of the nations in the world. Managing one billion people is not easy. No country in the world does it today like India does. So lets have faith in our leader and I am sure they will do wonders even with respect to terrorism.

Time has now come for us to realise that vote bank politics don't matter and we should not fall prey to such promises.

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