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Re: It is like Miss World contest !
by Kaustav Kakati on Sep 24, 2008 11:42 AM

Why can't you be proud of an Indian living abroad, receiving the Nobel? No doubt, there's a lot of lobbying politics which decide the ultimate award but we tend to overlook one very important thing- one needs to do something exceptional just to be nominated. I've had the privilege of meeting Mr Bhagwati in person wen he flew down from the states for my college convocation. He's as normal and down to earth as anybody- the only stand out factor is that his brain is better than most's. I've also read Avinash Dixit's work on game theory and I believe he should've got the nobel a long time ago. Does it really matter if they aren't residing in India? Plus they aren't being nominated for the Nobel for public work, so where does the question of doing something for the country's poor arise from?

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