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by kedem kemorah on Apr 19, 2009 02:07 PM

Pakistan-based terrorists will launch another deadly Mumbai-style attack on India,says a US intelligence think-tank,Stratfor.Coming on the heels of the Tokyo donors' meeting which gave Pakistan some $5 billion,Stratfor concludes that these aid packages would have no effect in changing Pakistan's behaviour vis-a-vis India."Yet the gradual unraveling of command and control within the Pakistani military establishment has enabled many more of Islamabad's Islamist militant proxies operating in Pakistan and India to team up with transnational jihadists to carry out deadlier and more strategically targeted attacks,it said.Though the timing is uncertain,India is likely to witness another large-scale attack on its soil that will once again escalate cross-border tensions,Stratfor warned.India had refrained from taking a more militaristic response against Pakistan after the Mumbai attacks,which Stratfor had criticized,saying that a lack of response was far more dangerous than the threat of escalation,which was the argument UPA had given then.Stratfor believes that the UPA government was too soft,but that if the BJP comes to power there was a greater expectation of a stronger response to Pakistan."India is more likely to deliver a forceful response to future attacks should the BJP emerge victorious in these elections,"it said.Stratfor said "India was watching fearfully as the jihadist insurgency in neighbouring Pakistan has spread to India's doorstep".THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE TO NDA.

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