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Kal Kissne Dekha : Truly dismal

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Film Buff
Kal Kissne Dekha
by Film Buff on Jun 12, 2009 08:30 PM  | Hide replies

i like the way people pin point at others,
like why the ____ that crickter did like that why cant he play like that.... etc.
well Raja i strongly suggest you to go ahead and make a movie... and tehn i would lovee to critic on that...
Kal Kissne Dekha...
I would just want everyone to grow up and start loving the quality product of the hardworking guys of Indian Film Industry...
go home relax and watch the movie tomorrow again and please dont fight with anyone before going to the movie, jackky is our youth icon...
jackky you are toooooo goood..... we love you....

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Subhojit Sanyal
Re: Kal Kissne Dekha
by Subhojit Sanyal on Jun 12, 2009 09:49 PM
The same thing happened with Truffaut... Don't tempt him. If he hits it on the head, everyone will have to head for the hills!

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chakraborty srimon
Re: Kal Kissne Dekha
by chakraborty srimon on Jun 12, 2009 09:09 PM
For ur kind information Raja Sen is a renown fim maker in Bengal and made many award winning films. So dont comment without knowing

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pankaj pant
Re: Re: Kal Kissne Dekha
by pankaj pant on Jun 13, 2009 06:17 AM
Mr. chakrraboty, i think its u who dose not know anything here, and telling others to think bfore commenting..AND FOR UR VERYYY KINd INFORMATION, this raja sen is in Creative and Media Enterprise and work for rediff..he is from delhi.. jus bcuz he is sen, dsnt mean that he is some REOWN FILM MAKER in bengal.....

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ankur takrani
Re: Re: Kal Kissne Dekha
by ankur takrani on Jun 13, 2009 01:11 PM
chakraborty ji thanks for the information, that means bengali movies are that bad where he directs and gets the award, u people make him big for nothing and he sits on your head, worst ever critic i hav ever seen.

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My RealFather
Re: Re: Kal Kissne Dekha
by My RealFather on Jun 13, 2009 02:01 PM
which raja sen? u r confused babu moshay

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Yusuf Hatim
nice movie
by Yusuf Hatim on Jun 12, 2009 08:27 PM

i saw it today...cannot believe what raja just wrote...it is a decent movies guys...make up your mind....don't believe in someone else's opinion

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Sexy Shriya
Raja Sen..Retire!
by Sexy Shriya on Jun 12, 2009 08:13 PM  | Hide replies

This moron called Raja Sen can NEVER write an article without criticizing. C'mon dude..just take a movie as a MOVIE..not reality. People go to watch a movie to get entertained..and not take it seriously. What the F$$k would happen if someone didn't persorm well..or wasn;t as good as the last release? GROW RAJA SEN!

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Re: Raja Sen..Retire!
by gaurav on Jun 12, 2009 08:30 PM
get a reality check..the film is a dud. No personal offence to the two young actors but the movie was tragically bad.

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akshath shetty
by akshath shetty on Jun 12, 2009 08:00 PM

What a huge waste of 30 crores......as claimed by the producers

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King Aragorn
Paid ones!!
by King Aragorn on Jun 12, 2009 07:19 PM  | Hide replies

So we can see some paid bloggers praising the movie. Bakwaas movies only get such short reviews ..

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Shibani Grover
Re: Paid ones!!
by Shibani Grover on Jun 12, 2009 08:30 PM
are you paid by Raja to write all this shit, because i definitely don't agree with raja's review, it was better than many movies he gave multiple stars to

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what does the king khan , Ychopra and rani mukerji have in common
by Indian on Jun 12, 2009 06:19 PM  | Hide replies

nes ajar is the biggest dratsab and helluva crictic he eats thru his esra figure where wud be his eys be.You know what does the king khan , yash chopra and rani mukerji have in common.. they take care of the same dog..any guess RAJA SEN

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Its Magic
Re: what does the king khan , Ychopra and rani mukerji have in co
by Its Magic on Jun 12, 2009 06:50 PM
this is surely from Bhagnani's employee.... LOL

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Re: Re: what does the king khan , Ychopra and rani mukerji have i
by SachinaurSehwag on Jun 14, 2009 02:22 AM
Oh so your are Karan Johar's do-gg, How is your pitch-wada :-)

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sunil nair
by sunil nair on Jun 12, 2009 06:16 PM  | Hide replies

How many comments were made by Bhagnani's employees?? some of the comments below makes me think that this movie is better than pulp fiction... hilarious... ehehe

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Re: hilarious...
by Narakasur on Jun 12, 2009 07:07 PM
I was planning to write the same .. Mr Bhagnani better luck next time.

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Me Patel
dont waste money
by Me Patel on Jun 12, 2009 06:12 PM  | Hide replies

bakwas movie

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Server CG
Re: dont waste money
by Server CG on Jun 23, 2009 03:52 PM
very true

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