I am kind of in love with the star Wars. Maybe the impact of it as a child kept growing and growing. I still collect Star wars novels, have all the six movies and also some comics.Despite being in the Air Force commanding people for so many years, given a chance would still like to zip in an X-Wing fighter to search for Yoda and Obi Wan Kenobi into the fathomless space. Yes R2D2 and the light Saber by my side. Well folks check out a trilogy of novels written by Timothy Zahn under 9 years afterstar Wars: A New Hope, The Thrawn Trilogy- 1.Heir to the Empire 2.Dark Force Rising 3.The last Command
In all the Star wars novel time line starts 33 years before Star wars: A New Hope and ends 35 years after A New Hope In all there are 101 novels spanning the complete era including the six motion picture scripts. Actually want to know how it all started , history of the characters and their respective adventures, go and check out these novels. The era of of 25-30 Years after A New Hope might spin your head with so many new offsprings becoming potential characters. Actually their unusual names do take time to register. Many good authors have spun fine web of stories in these novels. Specially check out the ones by Zahn, Troy Denning,Walter Jon Williams etc. Anyway May The Force Be with You Always folks.
the title says "what kind of movies should karan johar make ?" and u end up on this star wars page...rediff work sometimes no point sitting on ur B** all day.
and well karan should make a movie on his own life "A-R-S-E ticklers club"
I was really amazed and bespectacled at the way star wars created a myth in the minds of viewers, especially when it was released and was at its nascent stage. It was experience in itself to watch Starwars, its characters, plot, spectacular production designs and actions sequence unrivalled till today. George Lucas had created a Universe of its own and took us around galaxiesfighting each other. The characters like Hans Solo, R2-D2, Darth Vader, they are still fresh in our minds. I remember even U.S had created a SDI(Strategic Defence Initiative), inspired by Star Wars movie. The movie had a big impact on space programmes and created a virtual world of space and its components. But very unfortunately, its glamour wore off after producing seamless sequels, may be law of diminishing marginal utility was at work or people were over-dosed with space fantasies, the charm failed. But till today I rate it as the best special effects loaded movie and is truly a visual treat!
Whole film is to be remembered. The film was atleast 50years ahead of its time.The guns,swords,robots,war-ships, dresses,the style,everything was superb and is worth to be remembered.
Being a youngster I saw the movie for the first time on Star movies.I still remember the scene from empire strikes back when the imperial march score(Vader's intro)plays and you see Vader's helmet and hear his raspy breathing.That really gave me the goosebumps.Also in the same movie when Vader reveals to Luke:
Obi-wan never told you what happened to your father.
He told me enough.He told me you killed you.
No,Luke I am your father.
And then Luke shouts NOOOOOO and I was devastated by the revelation.(I had no idea about the prequel movies,which by the way suck big time barring episode 3)
The reason Star Wars is so endearing is not because it is a spectacular movie,but the fact that the simple story line has so many emotions,intimacy and a great soul which is absent in most other sci-fi movies.
All the characters are great and the best is the character of Darth Vader and Obi Wan Kenobi I have seen all the movies a minnimum of 6 times each they dont make movies like this any more
a) Darth Vader appearing for the first time with the tand-tand-ta-dan background score b) Darth Vadrer telling Luke Sjywalker "I am your father" c) Princess Leia in a gold swimsuit chained up :p d) Master Yoda fighting with Count Duku e) Harrison Ford flirting anytime with Princess Leia
While studying at IIT Mumbai, for one of our elective subjects (Industrial Design), we were asked to watch this movie and submit a report on the innovative designs and concepts used, and also provide suggestions on how we would have done it. Everytime this movie name comes up, my mind goes back to those days during 1979 or so when several of us were sitting in the New Empire Theater in Mumbai, writing observations in the dark on notebooks sitting on our laps. Ofcourse, we had to explain the purpose of all this to other curious people in the theater.