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Where is the soul in Passion?

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Review is biased
by Prem on Feb 26, 2004 01:40 AM

The review is "biased" towards anti-christian sentimates. I do NOT agree with what the writer of this article is saying. One who studies the first century HISTORY will clearly know about the voilance that is depicted in this film.
The funny thing in this review that I do not understand, what in the world that Jannet Jackson's sin is to do with the "violence" that is dipicted in this film. This clearly shows how the author of this article is so biased.

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Suparn Verma
Lets face facts
by Suparn Verma on Feb 26, 2004 01:02 AM  | Hide replies

Dear Reviewer,

You have boiled down the whole film to simply that the violence is impalpable. But DIND'T IT HAPPEN?

When Speilberg showed a guy picking up is torn up up and walking, a man trying to put his intestines back in, bullets tearing up people, their brains being blown out for 25 minutes in Saving Private Ryan, IT MADE SENSE. SHOWING VIOLENCE HAD A REASON.

Same here, we all have the crucifix being worn around the neck, put up in churches and mantle pieces, but do we realise what it actually stands for? THE PAIN JESUS UNDERWENT to pay for mans sins!

Secondly I doubt American parents will flock with their children in an R rated film, and even if they did, the violence is already so widely publicised that they won't.

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RE:Lets face facts
by rubin on May 24, 2004 06:08 PM

it seems u r quite desensitized to all the violence that is out there. It is bad enough that films like this and saving private ryan have to bring it to our homes. and all this for what..... Even in the reviews out here I see things like anti christian, anti-semitic and more rubbish being spewed. Where is the love and compassion and forgiveness preached by our lord.

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About the gore in Passion
by SB on Feb 25, 2004 10:59 PM  | Hide replies

Mel is not catering to the needs of weak minded people. His intent is to present the suffering of Christ as was in those days. As a Christian, I read about the sufferings of Christ in the Bible and go back to my sinful ways without realising the true and painful sacrifice of Jesus that calls for a righteous life. I cannot fathom the actual suffering unless I see it and that is what Mel Gibson is trying to do. HE WAS VERY CLEAR IN AN INTERVIEW THAT CHILDREN SHOULD NOT SEE IT.

You want illuminating thoughts about Christ? Go to a church. No one stops you from entering a church. It is easy to tell about Christ to the world. Take your Bible and go out into the streets to talk to people. There is no point in expecting a movie to explain the thoughts of Christ because God wants every Christian to do the work of spreading the gospel.

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RE:About the gore in Passion
by tina on Mar 18, 2004 08:52 PM
Suparn Saving Private Ryan was a film about war in contemporary times- it was not a film about a Messiah or about his message- one of love and compassion.
When you make a religious film you have a duty and responsibility to its tenets one that Gibson ignores.
There is no love in this film- only blood, saliva and
gore. The film is also historically inaccurate. Pontius Pilate was a thug not a misled idiot and the Romans were brutal killers not puppets.
This film should promote equality and peace thats why Jesus died, not so that we can watch a bloody, loveless film about his sacrfice that promotes exactly what he didnt want- intolerance.

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Dr Sathiaraj
the Passion of Christ
by Dr Sathiaraj on Feb 25, 2004 10:21 PM

It is criticised that the movie 'the Passion of Christ' is brutal. We should remember that the Roman execution was indeed brutal or barbaric, and Jesus Christ bore the sins of the people of the world on Himself and died on the cross as the Lamb of God. This is the punishment for our sins. God is loving and just. Hence the cross and resurrection.

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Anand Nair
Passion of the Christ Review
by Anand Nair on Feb 25, 2004 10:18 PM

It surprises me when the reviews on Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" deplores the violence depicted in the movie and criticizes the film for not offering insights into christianity or Jesus' teachings.

I think where people are missing the point is that the movie is more of a documentary focusing on the last 12 hours in the life of Christ's life as written in the four gospels. You may argue that the gospels do not offer details on the violence or the torture Jesus had to endure. But, given that Jesus was flogged and crucified, and taking this in the context of the period he walked on this earth, it is quite conceivable that he was subjected to very severe and unimaginable punishment. Projecting this suffering on screen by Mel Gibson is for us to share the excruciating pain and honor Jesus' teachings and promote love and forgiveness.

If depiction of violence in this movie is an issue, then that treatment should be extended to other acclaimed films viz. Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan. I believe violence in this movie has a purpose, which is to learn from the gore of it steer away from violence and hatred as a means to resolve issues that confront us.

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Your views on Passion of christ
by Ashish on Feb 25, 2004 10:07 PM

Well, Truth is truth. I do not like the word BRUTAL. Have read Bible? Didn't Jesus had to go through all these for our sin? I don't beleive that a perticular community did this. Whatever happened to Jesus was because of my sin, your sin and our sin. He died on that cross for our sin.
I think, this is more like something against a film which is based on Bible and Christianity. There are so many other films there which gives a picture that one community did something wrong to other and nobody had or have any problem. But this is what we do when it comes to religion, specially christianity.

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Roshan D\'Mello
Its the Gospel Truth
by Roshan D\'Mello on Feb 25, 2004 09:27 PM  | Hide replies

The article clearly is ignoring the fact that this is the Gospel TRUTH - That Christ suffered for the sins of the world Past, Present and the Future. That there is forgiveness of sins which is clearly a grace. No one can earn it. It is a gift for what Christ did. You may agree/disagree it doesn't matter. The point is you have heard the truth It happened and is verifiable by historical facts. The truth cannot be portrayed as per what is palatable to your mind. Mel clearly stated that it is a true depiction of what happened then. If you can't see it don't see it. The picture is about the last 12 hours of Christ. So it is understandably a A-Z depiction of Christ's life.

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RE:Its the Gospel Truth
by afzal on Mar 18, 2004 08:57 PM
How would you like it if a movie was made about what the Hindus in Gujarat did to innocent Muslims.
Would Muslims like it if a film was made about the BRUTALITY of some of the central asian invaders like Ghazni and Ghauri when they invaded India.
Religious films should be banned.They promote hatred.
In India we dont need this. We should live together as brothers

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Michel Hafner
by Michel Hafner on Feb 25, 2004 09:14 PM

The Pasolini film is from 1964, not 1996!

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