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Pranab withdraws service tax levy on healthcare

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manevannan s
service tax
by manevannan s on Mar 22, 2011 02:43 PM  | Hide replies

when govt itself not able to generate employment but they tax on our selfemployed business to add more burden on the citizen of india.why??/

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Hebbar R
Re: service tax
by Hebbar R on Mar 22, 2011 05:12 PM
A leech is not aware that it is harming the person when it such his blood. Nor is it bothered!!!!

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Hebbar R
Re: service tax
by Hebbar R on Mar 22, 2011 05:11 PM
A leech is not aware that it is harming the person when it such his blood. Nor is it bothered!!!!

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chanakya maurya
They do it deliberately.
by chanakya maurya on Mar 22, 2011 02:40 PM

With the knowledge they are doing it wrong, and with the the preparedness for rolling back. It was an apparently stupid move on the part of such an experienced and somewhat brilliant vitta mantri.

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Tax on health services
by VB S on Mar 22, 2011 02:39 PM  | Hide replies

Tax on services was a stupid idea and people wonder why was that when Govt is not able to provide any worht health service.

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first good move by the congress govt in last 7 years
by Baazigar on Mar 22, 2011 02:36 PM

wasnt great,,,,but something is better then nothing.

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om shanti
by om shanti on Mar 22, 2011 02:29 PM


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inder ratra
Where does this all Tax money goes.
by inder ratra on Mar 22, 2011 02:27 PM  | Hide replies

On TV they show taxes are collected for social welfare.Some times very poor are shown foe eyewash.As tax payer , what ever they show on Tv.
1. our children cannot attent government run schools.
2.We dread to go to government hospitals.
3.Way the people work in government depatments work or never work is well known.

4. so called poor do not get any benifits.Rajeev gandhi himself claiming out of Rupee one hardly 10 paise reaches the end user.

5. For all development projects like metro or express way saprate charges are levied and these are themselves revenue earners.

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Dev Padhi
Re: Where does this all Tax money goes.
by Dev Padhi on Mar 22, 2011 02:30 PM
Join Bharat Swabhiman Movement by Baba Ramdev to fight against corruption.

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