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Layoffs: Don't take your job for granted

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a small nutshell
by aman on Sep 13, 2013 04:35 PM

a small nutshell...

the suicide by an it manager speaks of the IT industry ..

its job only for name sake and courrpt minds have made it something like wokring on daily wages..

and exploitation of every kind is practised..

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kamesh k
Bad Planning
by kamesh k on Sep 13, 2013 02:34 PM

I guess the mail culprit is IT Companies hunger to outsmart each other in terms of employee strength. Companies need to get their act right in terms of manpower planning. Please consider the following before getting carried away by the huge buildings companies have or the swanky interiors they boast of:
1) Number of employees is not an indicator of the success or the profits the company is making.
2) Half of employee centric practices that IT companies boast of are flippant talk and most them are not even implemented internally by them
3) HR policies in IT companies are the worst across all industries.
4) Most of IT companies at least at entry level hire for bench rather than a position they already have or would like to create.
5) Risk mitigation models, that most of the companies have do not factor employees and job losses, infact this is not considered or is least priority
6) IT companies are causing more damage to the economy rather than good and single factor which can be attributed to this is POOR MANPOWER PLANNING AND inappropriate Business PROJECTIONS
7) Placing high levels of disposable incomes in the hands of employees and pulling it back later under the name of poor economic condition is more dangerous than having a rational salary structure factoring the economic up's and down's they might come across. This call for great deal of HR acumen which most of the companies don't have. Finally pls don't line up for campus hiring unless you really need them.

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satish  kumar
layoff blows
by satish kumar on Sep 13, 2013 02:34 PM

As far as i know, IT industry is the most stringent and competitive industry. There is no room for words like kindness/mercy/humanity in this industry. Employees (including those in bench) who are not bringing revenues to the company are treated as loss and they are the most targeted ones for laying off(they are like sitting ducks). Any job/post(even highest managerial post) is not safe in this IT industry. Anytime any employee may be asked to quit/fired by management. Hence always be ready to attend new interviews.

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vikram singh
How much IT given you rediff
by vikram singh on Sep 13, 2013 02:28 PM

How much IT given you rediff , to push beach employees to get in projects.See freahser they are in project for 3-4 years without doing any thing....

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Sudhanshu Umalkar
IT sector is secure if you are good
by Sudhanshu Umalkar on Sep 13, 2013 02:17 PM  | Hide replies

Nothing's wrong with the IT sector. I am into IT for more than 13 years and not even once I felt insecure. The money is good and you have to be good as well at your job. Its that simple. Only inefficient people are laid of, so nothing to worry if you are technically strong.

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kamesh k
Re: IT sector is secure if you are good
by kamesh k on Sep 13, 2013 02:36 PM
Well thats not true in all the case. Lot of companies owing to inappropriate planning do right sizing of their TOP PERFORMERS as well.

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naga B.
Re: Re: IT sector is secure if you are good
by naga B. on Jan 13, 2015 10:21 AM
Sudhanshu Umalkar u r seems chamacha or licking of bosses

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Siddhu ism
This article is an eye opener for all those
by Siddhu ism on Sep 13, 2013 12:29 PM

who might have only heard of hypes surrounding IT jobs and salaries. The truth is IT industry is quite unorganized, there are no labor unions or laws; even there are companies where there is no PF, no gratuity etc

Equally valid for all the new comers who are dreaming still about their IT jobs

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