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She was fired from 9-5 Job or Plain Incompetent
by rkms on Jul 17, 2010 11:20 PM  | Hide replies

Truth is most people want to go out and ENJOY.

They can't say that. SO THEY COME UP WITH EXCUSES like Photography. And More.

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Amit Kadam
Re: She was fired from 9-5 Job or Plain Incompetent
by Amit Kadam on Jul 18, 2010 11:07 AM
9*5 jobs are the most boring routine for boring people. The real excitement lies in doing something different. Common man will never understand that.

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Neyaz Ansari
by Neyaz Ansari on Jul 15, 2010 03:45 PM

Who does not want such adventurous jobs provided some body has to be there to take care of the financial needs to start with.

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Vishwanath CB
Passion vs Ration!!!
by Vishwanath CB on Jul 14, 2010 05:45 PM

I admire, envy, applaud this lady's gut and gumption.. but to choose between Passion and Ration is the tough job... However she has managed to do that is worth lauding, also laudable is her husband and immediate family... Great job guys... Keep it up...

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Shoot tigers with cameras not with guns
by HRM on Jul 14, 2010 03:57 PM

Wild life photography is thrilling. Shooting a tiger is even more thrilling. especiallly the wait for the big cat to come near your place or sighting it inside a thick bush, is awesome.

I dont know about corbett or Kaziranga park, but, Ranthambore is one good place in India to sight tigers. For forest wandrers and naturalists, Tholpetty at wayanad is worth going. A day or two stay in Kabini river lodge would be an added advantage.

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Sudheendra BM
Such people make us really proud
by Sudheendra BM on Jul 14, 2010 02:02 PM  | Hide replies

Kahini, Its a previlage to know about you. You are involved in a job which needs lot of courage & guts. Leaving a corporate job to take up such unconventional job needs lot of determination & conviction. Very proud of you & whole hearted wishes. God bless you with all happiness in life & make your mission successful.

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