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Sudheendra BM
Such people make us really proud
by Sudheendra BM on Jul 14, 2010 02:02 PM  | Hide replies

Kahini, Its a previlage to know about you. You are involved in a job which needs lot of courage & guts. Leaving a corporate job to take up such unconventional job needs lot of determination & conviction. Very proud of you & whole hearted wishes. God bless you with all happiness in life & make your mission successful.

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mukesh yadav
Proud to be a related to Chhindwara
by mukesh yadav on Jul 14, 2010 01:54 PM

Keep it up. Incidentally, I could not do like you without any support of guidance, but still stiving to do with the held of our staff club, who organises such type of excursion and treks in Maharashtra. My heartiest wishes to you and wish all sucess in your future efforts. I would like to tell that I too have resided in Chhindwara for 4 yrs. i.e. from 1984-88 and enjoyed the scenic view of Tamia, Patalkot, Bijauri, Badlakuam, Pachmari e.t.c.

Keep it up.

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hrishikesh jha
Very proud
by hrishikesh jha on Jul 14, 2010 01:40 PM  | Hide replies

I am very proud of this lady....We humans are a pathetic lot-Having destroyed this planet beyond repair, all due to this need-an urge to be selfish and self-centered
The day the Indian Tiger becomes extinct-I will disown this land for no matter how much I love her and the flora and fauna that she nurtures, our government has all but destroyed the essence.
I am being dead serious here
Kudos to this lady and her organization-Its when you are in the wilderness will you realize that true happiness can be achieved without a green card, an expensive mobile or a land rover

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spider man
Re: Very proud
by spider man on Jul 14, 2010 01:48 PM
what have you contributed till date...in whatever sense!!!

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Shanta Saikia
I knew you could do it
by Shanta Saikia on Jul 14, 2010 08:30 AM

Dear Kahini, am so proud to see the work that you are doing. Not many are lucky to follow their hearts, but you have shown the way. Hope the message and importance of nature conservation gets through to a largely indifferent populace. And sure hope to join one of your expeditions. Lots of love and best wishes to you and Shivang.

Shanta Saikia

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by Iken on Jul 14, 2010 08:18 AM

Please run parallel mission to save tigers.

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E darwin
Just aping what a white women does in Africa
by E darwin on Jul 14, 2010 04:54 AM  | Hide replies

Just aping what a white women does in Africa where she tracks elephants....

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Re: Just aping what a white women does in Africa
by Arvind on Jul 14, 2010 07:35 PM
Did she say that she was the first one or only one to do it? She does what she loves, why should everyone have a comment about it?

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Re: Just aping what a white women does in Africa
by GAUTAM KOTWAL on Jul 14, 2010 05:24 AM
you couldnt do it .. so why sound so frigging negative mR Judgementalist !

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jwelit mathur
Good Job
by jwelit mathur on Jul 14, 2010 04:50 AM  | Hide replies

Good Job and hats off!!

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Agreed but...
by Leader on Jul 14, 2010 01:44 AM  | Hide replies

I or anyone will appreciate this kind of dedication towards tigers or any other field for that matter. Good Job!

But on the other hand.....there are millions of people who would want to follow their passion too...but lack of money forces them to stick to a 9 to 5 job.

Point here is: Look at the camera in her hand ...esp the Lens in pic 2. That lens is close to Rs. 2 lacs in India and $2500 in the US.

Well, even renting such an equipment, one needs to deposit Rs. 50,000 and then rent it.

Explains why so many people enter film industry after making money in a 9 to 5 job.

All said & done....Good job lady!

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Re: Agreed but...
by rexberry on Jul 14, 2010 12:23 PM
fantastic reply...
i always felt to do something adventerous but suddenly i realise that my parents , my wife and my kids are dependent on my earnings... if i do something adventurous then they have to starve... only some blessed ppl can do all this... anyways good job lady..

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Prashanth DSouza
Re: Agreed but...
by Prashanth DSouza on Jul 14, 2010 02:14 PM
And who's to say that the camera was not purchased from the earnings of her company which provides guided tours? People are willing to pay good money for a serious and well informed trek, sometimes in groups of 20 as mentioned.

It is immaterial as to what she is carrying, as long as she is not misusing govt funds. For all you know, she could also be carrying a camera of one of the crew members of the movie unit mentioned in the article.

Please don't jump to conclusions on such flimsy matters. There;s no harm earning money honestly while spreading the good news about conservation and the environment.

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Nikhil Lama
by Nikhil Lama on Jul 13, 2010 11:31 PM

My interest in exploring nature and wildlife photography lead me to enroll for one of the expedition to Corbett, I was thrilled to learn the amount of knowledge Kahini has in terms of wild life... be it Birds, Mamals or Corbett in general and to top it all she is a fab photograher. The trip was for 2 days and the wilderness lasted many days even after I reached Delhi.

My Best wishes to kahini and Shivang, who is doing a Fantabulous job. I am waiting with high anticipation for the upcoming trip to Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve coming October.

- Nikhil lama

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