If a person eductaed in Hindi medium can achive what Mr.Shekhar achived, then why the hell our govt. promoting Engish medium education in schools? Have you ever heard a english medium boy got intrest in Hindi novel/fiction books? No it is not posible.Then why kapil sibel is promoting English medium?
Re: Then English medium is just a hype!
by Single Green on Sep 24, 2009 01:01 PM
Re: Re: Then English medium is just a hype!
by mahesh muliyala on Sep 24, 2009 12:55 PM
He is head of Indian express group, an Engish mass media.Relatively highest point any jurnolist whanted to achive.
by Deepesh Shah on Sep 24, 2009 12:42 PM
it is proved that Medium of study is dos'nt matter, if you have tellant. today we are crazy for english medium but still quality is not mainatn like it was up to 60s or upto 70s
by mahesh muliyala on Sep 24, 2009 12:42 PM
To become a proficient in a field is noting to do with medium of education.In a country where maxium people speeks Hindi,if a journalist is not strong in Hindi nobody bothers, why this slave mentality?
India needs more Shekhar Gupta. Today the community of good quality jounalist is small but growing fast.Their importance has considrably increased considerably because of the fast erosion in the credibility of politicians.
People like Shekhar Kapoor have made the Indians more enlightened on issues of importance & concern by going into the depth of the matter and presenting the same witout bias to the audience.
We wish him good health and long service to the nation.
Education standards in India are poor for the simple reason that it is not allowed to prosper & compete as a business. This breeds corruption & incompetent candidates equipped with outdated knowledge. Most of what is studied & taught has no connection with worklife application. It has also become something like the License Raj system.
Enacting amendments, & making the much-needed reforms as proposed by the Yashpal report, to the Education system & allowing for-profit enterprise will actually bring down costs thru comeptition & help reach out to the masses, improve quality & bring about a whole new revolution in the country.
What is needed is political will to educate the masses & create an informed citizenry. Yes, this will adversely affect some political fortunes but in the long run will benefit politicians as well, & the country as a whole.
If things do not improve in the next few years, then there will be social unrest, chaos, & a flight of jobs to China. How vociferously will we support outsourcing if our companies & the rest of the world outsource work en masse to China owing to lack of quality manpower in larger quantities at home? Will not the political parties be in trouble then?
D. Goel Pkl. afternoon 2.10pm, Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2009. It is always a joy for a person who has made so well in his professional career even before one is gray eminence of late Sixties as Head of A leading News-Paper chain like Indian Express. The point is why in the media so much more emphasis is given to correct accent and posture as is supposed to be ensured by Public -School or residential School background, when by necessity very few could be belonging to such smart groups? This shows lingering colonial hang-over ,unfortunately ,over our media industry. Why a great Publicist cannot be entirely writing in Bengali or Tamil let alone Hindi?D. Goel
Those days, "If you were not good enough for biology, then you did engineering", is incorrect, the brightest took maths and thus engineering, the second rungs were the biology students followed by commerce and arts in that order. Although there were and are some exceptions the rule still holds true.
Re: Mr Gupta the bugle is blowed
by Roy on Sep 23, 2009 02:38 PM
What he said was correct.First choice for Brilliant students was medicine and then Engineering.But Brilliant Brahmin students never want to do medicine,since they have to touch the dead bodies,so they Took engineering as first choice instead of engineering.
Re: Mr Gupta the bugle is blowed
by apratul shukla on Sep 23, 2009 02:34 PM
Absolutely true. Maths had been and has been the first choice of brightest students. And when he says that "I didn't have the patience to study seven more years" it means he could not clear medical entrance and had no chance of becoming doctor. Medical entrance need vigorous study of physics which is a horror show for most biology students.