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''Aspiring writers don''t stick to Paulo C

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Aviram Vijh
Disgusting Rediff
by Aviram Vijh on Jul 07, 2009 09:18 PM  | Hide replies

He never said they shouldn't read Paulo Coelho...he said they shouldn't stick to him. Cacth line on the rediff front page is a lie..here it is different.

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Re: Disgusting Rediff
by FALGUNI SAHA on Jul 07, 2009 09:59 PM
Rediff's marketing strategy is very wrong. Just to get the attention they typed the wrong msg.

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Vinay Premnath
Opinion about paulo coelho
by Vinay Premnath on Jul 07, 2009 09:18 PM

I used to be a fan of Pualo Coelho until I read his last book 'The Winner Stands Alone'. It come to me as a rude shock that his books were pretty stereotypical after all. He seems to produce stuff that can be compared to a 'crowd pulling' movie.

This being said, I strongly feel that the New kid on the block should refrain from making such remarks about well established authors. Such denunciation of respected authors throws our new lime light monger to very poor light.

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Re: Look at his face in the photo
by FALGUNI SAHA on Jul 07, 2009 10:00 PM
why are u so angry. this is democratic country and everyone have the right to speak up their mind what if ur words which u typed here were vice versa ? Instead of criticizing others first look urself in the mirror

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He is definately frustarated guy.
by RAMESH MAKILI on Jul 07, 2009 09:10 PM

This writer must be a frustrated guy becuase he might not have got a publisher for his stupid work.Probabaly he should be nominated for "bekar prize" instead of Booker prize.

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Santosh KumarS
This guy is an idiot!!
by Santosh KumarS on Jul 07, 2009 09:05 PM

This guy is trying to get popular by saying the other writer's book should not be read. But does this guy know how many people will know that his book will be read??
He should check is back rather than commenting on someone else.

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harish krishnamurthy
horse before the cart
by harish krishnamurthy on Jul 07, 2009 09:05 PM

Our new writer is very clever, from his point of view one can come to a conclusion in two ways. One Mr. new writer's book is on the same lines as that of Mr. Paulo Coelho's books. So, he wants to know before hand as to what will be the feedback of the masses.

So, once he knows the feedback of the masses, he can guess the vice-versa as well. It could ahve been done in a more subtle fashion.

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He luks frustrated and gay
by PiratefrmSomalia on Jul 07, 2009 08:41 PM

He is sure gay.

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Is REDIFF Editor a More-on? Without the e, More-on?
by sfsdfs on Jul 07, 2009 08:40 PM  | Hide replies

Rediff is the world's cra-ppiest website,

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Re: Is REDIFF Editor a More-on? Without the e, More-on?
by sfsdfs on Jul 07, 2009 08:40 PM

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Re: Re: Is REDIFF Editor a More-on? Without the e, More-on?
by sfsdfs on Jul 07, 2009 08:41 PM

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Re: Re: Re: Is REDIFF Editor a More-on? Without the e, More-on?
by sfsdfs on Jul 07, 2009 08:42 PM
and they deleted my messages all the time! But allow all hinduism propaganda

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Is REDIFF Editor a More-on? Without the e, More-o
by sfsdfs on Jul 07, 2009 08:43 PM
and they deleted my messages all the time! But allow all hinduism propaganda

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Idiot's guide to Sure shot publicity.
by gakkad on Jul 07, 2009 08:20 PM  | Hide replies

If you can not compete with a popular person by virtue of his work,
Then criticizing will surely get you noticed.
So many politicians have criticized Mahatma Gandhi. There are some singers who have criticized A.R. Rehman. Just to get quick cheap publicity.

Off late India has made great strides in many areas except two area where the quality is declining 1. Politics and politicians 2. Journalism and writers. Off late there is more focus on sensationalism than analysis.

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Re: Idiot's guide to Sure shot publicity.
by Babu on Jul 07, 2009 08:48 PM
Well Said...

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Prem G
Re: Re: Idiot's guide to Sure shot publicity.
by Prem G on Jul 07, 2009 09:46 PM
yup! Denunciation aint gonna make this guy a better writer. He may have been doing book reviews, but his unwarranted comments sure shows him in poor light and lack of maturity. Let him not like any author, its his choice. TO criticise an authour of over a dozen books is appaling to say the least.

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Rahul Mishra
Paulo Coelho..rubbish writer?? who gives u authority to judge?
by Rahul Mishra on Jul 07, 2009 08:16 PM  | Hide replies

just one book out and u give verdict on Paulo Coelho and Dan Brown....I know..we all know its fiction but dont we remember "destiny favours brave" so wat wrong paulo coelho wrote.....he just said " UNIVERSE HELPS YOU TO ACHIEVE WAT YOU REALLY TRY FOR" I fully agree.....I LEFT MY CAREER OF 11 YRS AS hr mANAGER WITH A mnc TO PURSUE MY DREAM OF DOING BUSINESS IN 2004 AFTER READING ALCHEMIST......AND I FEEL PROUD TO SAY THAT MY DECISION WAS RIGHT AND YES UNIVERSE CONSPIRED TO HELP ME.....HE JUST SAID FOLLOW YOUR DREAM HONESTLY....BELIEVE IN YOUR DREAMS.....I DID THAT AND THANKS TO ALMIGHTY THAT I HAD THE COURAGE TO TAKE THE CALL.....THANKS PAULO COELHO.....Mr.Chandrahas Choudhury first qualify before passing on judgement.....

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Re: Paulo Coelho..rubbish writer?? who gives u authority to judge
by gakkad on Jul 07, 2009 08:24 PM
I think that dialogue in Om Shanti Om is something similar, seems like borrowed from Paul Coelho
If you desire something from your heart the whole universe helps you achieve it.

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