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Target GRE score: 1600!

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GRE prepration
by rajendraprasad on May 02, 2006 07:25 AM


how to prepare for GRE .. help me...

ok byee

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by srid on Apr 07, 2006 09:07 AM

Hai ,
I am in serious dilemma here on how to go abot it....I am a mechanical engineer form REC, Nagpur graduated in 2002 having nearly 3 years of work exp. Now, i have quit and come back from south korea for my masters.My GRE is 1390 and my TOEFL is 260.The schools i applied for are the following:
1.Texas A & M
3.Univ of Missouri-rolla
4.State Univ of Buffalo,NY
6.Univ of Maryland,College park
7.Univ of wisconsin, Madison
The first 4 have already given me rejects.
I dont know whether i can be little hopeful regarding the other 3.Even though if i leave Univ of wisconsin,Madison which can be a bit unreachable, let me know on the others.Lemme know my chances.

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by ravi on Nov 23, 2005 03:56 PM

1.my gre score is 790 quants,540 verbal and 3.5 in analytical writing thats 1330 in 1600.
2.i am a student of national institute of technology ,nagpur and my branch is architecture, my toefel score is 270.
3.my acads are a bit low just 60%,but as such acads in architecture are not high.
what are my chances of admission and scholarship to state universities in the subject of urban design

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admission in usa
by srikanth on Sep 30, 2005 09:09 PM  | Hide replies

i am having 56%in ssc,64.1% in intermediate and 54.95% in b.tech.I want know that universitys in usa will consider the acadmic records for getting admission.I want purse ms(cs) in usa and how much i should get in gre and toefl

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RE:admission in usa
by lavya on Nov 22, 2005 09:29 PM
well frnd ur condition is same to me
well if ur an IIT ian let me cay u ur done???
iff not u have a long struggle

simply work hard !!!!

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wat is d max. limit to study for a good score?
by Chaithu on Jul 22, 2005 01:22 PM

Hi, I want to know wat it takes to say "I can fare well in the GRE"

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by R.Santosh on Jun 08, 2005 07:53 PM

Can i appear GRE if i am a person with some work expericene,i mean is it in any means profitable .if so what is the good score to get into a good colege

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