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Abhinav Bindra, dignity personified
by Shari on Nov 10, 2009 09:03 PM  | Hide replies

Neatly dressed and the way he is passionately speaking (as evident from picture) tells how not to get carried away by fashion and models. Loads to learn for indian cricketers. Sourav should have had a coach like Abhinav Bindra. Vijendar looks like he is already on his path for downfall.

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slayer slayer
Re: Abhinav Bindra, dignity personified
by slayer slayer on Nov 10, 2009 09:09 PM
what have in your life done to come to judge people on trivialities , nothings and evidently wrong perceptions?? its strange to see how people like you get by living like that...u have an excuse called society for that...coupled with a false sense of etiquette and good behavior , u sir did it wrong

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Re: Re: Abhinav Bindra, dignity personified
by Shari on Nov 10, 2009 09:22 PM
Well, when people write comments on forums like these, there needs to be a purpose and connection with the situation(here photographs of sports personalities). If you thought my comment was a judgement or even perception, I will leave it to your experience to decide.

My comment was just to look at the learning aspects from the article coupled with pics. Afterall, people discuss for better clarity, not just to make their voice heard.

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slayer slayer
Re: Re: Re: Abhinav Bindra, dignity personified
by slayer slayer on Nov 10, 2009 09:34 PM
yeah exactly! u did the latter without any regard for the former...
How by the text coupled with the pics did you come to conclude that 'Vijendar looks like he is already on his path for downfall.' ??
So dancing on stage makes him indisciplined ? To people like Vijender who have come up the ranks through sheer grit , hardwork and passion for what they do , in spite of the system not because of it, trivial things like dancing on the stage doesn't make him lose his mental balance or nerve... and if he falls this wouldn't be the reason for it...
Critical thinking! DO IT

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Pradeep Mohan
Re: Re: Re: Re: Abhinav Bindra, dignity personified
by Pradeep Mohan on Nov 10, 2009 09:36 PM
Don't comment by looking at pictures, Vijender is the world number 1 in his category

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For what
by Varma on Nov 10, 2009 09:01 PM  | Hide replies

India is just like Jamaica. People get prize for doing nothing.

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Pradeep Mohan
Re: For what
by Pradeep Mohan on Nov 10, 2009 09:40 PM
Dont compare jamaica with India. Even if the size of Jamaica is no way comparable to India, they have Usain Bolt, the world and Olympic champion in 100m and 200m both won over world record times. Does India have anyone like that ?

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MADHU shetty
by MADHU shetty on Nov 10, 2009 08:58 PM  | Hide replies

Some great person once said cricket a game played by eleven and watched by eleven thousand fools but today it is eleven players, one billion fools.

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kiran gogi
Re: Cricket
by kiran gogi on Nov 10, 2009 09:35 PM
it was george bernard shaw

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Anna Chimbori
Team of The Year??
by Anna Chimbori on Nov 10, 2009 08:57 PM

Team of The Year award for which achievement??

a) First round exit from T20 World Cup 2009

b) Humiliating defeat in ODI series by 'B' grade Australian Team

c) Possible defeat with upcoming SriLanka matches

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why bhajji is shy of wearing his turban which he should be of.
by jat on Nov 10, 2009 08:54 PM

why bhajji is shy of wearing his turban which he should be of?

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are'nt they doing match practise one more match left?
by Jasmine on Nov 10, 2009 08:41 PM  | Hide replies

r'nt they doing match practise one more match left?

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Re: are'nt they doing match practise one more match left?
by Talisman on Nov 10, 2009 08:54 PM
Great question. Who has time for that?

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Re: Re: are'nt they doing match practise one more match left?
by gurpreet on Nov 10, 2009 08:55 PM
whats the point? they already lost the series - just have to play go get their pay cheques.

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r'nt they doing match practise one more match left?
by Jasmine on Nov 10, 2009 08:40 PM

r'nt they doing match practise one more match left?

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by CHATUR on Nov 10, 2009 08:35 PM  | Hide replies


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Raj Reddy
by Raj Reddy on Nov 10, 2009 09:01 PM
Chatur, not out of greed. Out of frustration that we support them and they always scr_e_wup. What has Greed got to do with it? How are we benefiting from it??

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by Guest on Nov 10, 2009 09:23 PM
Stop supporting them. Stop watching cricket. If you expect every match and series to be won, you will get frustrated.
Btw, for all morons who were commenting on Team India's performance, no Indian team has ever been so close to #1 ranking in both tests and one days. And yes, all the while they have been doing ads.

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Cricket in Marathi
by MJ on Nov 10, 2009 08:35 PM

MNS:- How will you say CRICKET in marathi?

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