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Niranjan Sahoo
by Niranjan Sahoo on Nov 10, 2009 09:58 PM

Hussey's test spot under threat.

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ramen das
by ramen das on Nov 10, 2009 09:53 PM  | Hide replies

I don't see Sushil Kumar, the other olympi mdeallist here...is it because he doesn't have the looks like Vijender??...

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Jai Babu
by Jai Babu on Nov 11, 2009 12:31 AM
well said!! This plastic world is just running behind the images... not substance

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Head banging
by kasak on Nov 10, 2009 09:51 PM

Surrendered the series to aussies for nothing and now running for awards

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ramen das
what a joke
by ramen das on Nov 10, 2009 09:51 PM

even if it was awarded last year i could understand...team of the year for 2009?...

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vikki singh
2 bronze medals???
by vikki singh on Nov 10, 2009 09:32 PM  | Hide replies

is it true that in boxing and badminton both lossing semifinalists get medal , they dont compete for the third place among them

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Re: 2 bronze medals???
by S S on Nov 10, 2009 09:34 PM

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Pradeep Mohan
Re: 2 bronze medals???
by Pradeep Mohan on Nov 10, 2009 09:35 PM
I am not sure about badminton, but in boxing, yes.

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aurigo auri
Re: Re: 2 bronze medals???
by aurigo auri on Nov 11, 2009 12:15 PM
what r u doing here pulls

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Ram V
Losers, can get awards and MONEY from IPL
by Ram V on Nov 10, 2009 09:28 PM  | Hide replies

Losers, can get awards and money from IPL, cannot beat a team like Aussies, cannot make it to the champions or any world cup Semi's they all are fit again to play for IPL to make MONEY.

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Re: Losers, can get awards and MONEY from IPL
by gurpreet on Nov 10, 2009 09:49 PM
Ever wonder where they get so much money after playing pathetically. From you and people like you.

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hitesh shihora
by hitesh shihora on Nov 10, 2009 09:06 PM  | Hide replies

go to hell

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Re: ok
by psi on Nov 10, 2009 09:14 PM
hahhaha..rediff simply wasting the times.!!

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Warrior Prince
Re: Re: ok
by Warrior Prince on Nov 10, 2009 09:32 PM
exactly, Heading and news has no connection...

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