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Federer wins fifth straight US Open

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vidhya h
congrats fed........yet another milestone
by vidhya h on Sep 09, 2008 05:06 AM

wow....what a performance. Absolutely crushed Murray, he knew when to up his gear and go for it. Like in the 2nd set, he was making so many errors but when the time came, he just shifted to a higher gear and sealed the 2nd set. The 3rd set was just a breeze.

Hail the king fed,this should silence his critics who said he was having a bad year.

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Gaurav Mathur
Federer...the true champion
by Gaurav Mathur on Sep 09, 2008 05:02 AM  | Hide replies

Roger Federer clinched his fifth successive U.S. Open and a 13th grand slam title with a 6-2 7-5 6-2 victory over Andy Murray, wrapping up victory in just 1 hr and 51 min. He is a true champion, coming up trumps when legends like Mcnroe and others had written him off. Top performance under pressure. This is what distinguishes Federer from others, he knows how to win BIG Tournaments, keeps his enrgy levels, concentrations for the slams. Big fan of yours, would have loved the same score against Rafa Nadal but trophy is trophy

All the best for more and more slams in coming years

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Gaurav Mathur
Re: Federer...the true champion
by Gaurav Mathur on Sep 09, 2008 05:05 AM
guys, we should not start abusing Nadal after this win. After all he too is great champion winning 5 slams when he is just 22 years. I am a DIE HARD fan of Federer and want him to win at least 15 slams including French but let's respect other champions too

Fedex, you are the greatest TENNIS PLAYER EVER TILL DATE

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Re: Federer...the true champion
by DARSHAN BHAVSAR on Sep 09, 2008 06:18 AM
Yes dear friend you are absolutely right we all give respect to those all player who have good talent.People dont show jeolosy for any personal statement to be true.The fact is tennis have now some good players so every player need to give their best to keep lying there at top level.Before tow years ago no one competitor of roger federer maybe some player tried that was andy roddick amd lleyton hewitt also agassi and not more classy player who can fight roger so hard but now the tennis time is changed and some good players are here come to give back to back fight to any champion So we all are now licky to see the fantastic tennis game.Lets see in comming years who passed roger federer record since he is top level from 6 years now nadal and djokovic seems good but time will tell more how these both can cope with comming days because its not easy to maintain keep good form each and every time.So you all guys leave this on their luck and time will automatic give the answer.

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hari krishna
roger is the greatest ever!!!!!!
by hari krishna on Sep 09, 2008 05:01 AM

once again he proved that he is still the best,wow, what a scintillating and awesome display of tennis.roger ... u r a treat to watch.

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Rahul Prasad
He is the best ...rest follows fedeX,,,,,,,,,,
by Rahul Prasad on Sep 09, 2008 05:01 AM

He proved the critics why he is called the best....he was so low in the year fully out of form but still remained in all the grand slams....finally won US open...the number one ranking just went out and its back for him with a bang....nadal u need game not power....my best wishes to fedeX........he is the best after pete................one of the all time greats...hope he breaks his all time records with 2 more grand slams..........All the best

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Calvin Ki Line
Simply WOW
by Calvin Ki Line on Sep 09, 2008 05:01 AM

Feddie u hv proved u r the greatest of all times and it makes all of ur fans jubilant and ecstatic to c u winning once again, tough luck to Andy boy

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karthik ram
ROGER FEDERER is the world best... where is nadal fans ???
by karthik ram on Sep 09, 2008 05:00 AM  | Hide replies

federer is the world best tennis player ever .. nadal must in the boots of roger federer..andy murray has no answer wat so ever ..federer thrashed murray.. nadal must play school tennis when federer is in this kind of form...nadal must better play in clay clourt alone.. grass this year ok but federer must b back to no:1 very soon... appreciate murray for his fantastic perfomance ...but in front of federer no one can match ...he is the god of tennis....

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Re: ROGER FEDERER is the world best... where is nadal fans ???
by DARSHAN BHAVSAR on Sep 09, 2008 06:21 AM
Yes dear friend you are absolutely right we all give respect to those all player who have good talent.People dont show jeolosy for any personal statement to be true.The fact is tennis have now some good players so every player need to give their best to keep lying there at top level.Before tow years ago no one competitor of roger federer maybe some player tried that was andy roddick amd lleyton hewitt also agassi and not more classy player who can fight roger so hard but now the tennis time is changed and some good players are here come to give back to back fight to any champion So we all are now licky to see the fantastic tennis game.Lets see in comming years who passed roger federer record since he is top level from 6 years now nadal and djokovic seems good but time will tell more how these both can cope with comming days because its not easy to maintain keep good form each and every time.So you all guys leave this on their luck and time will automatic give the

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mandeep uppal
Federe you have proved yourself again
by mandeep uppal on Sep 09, 2008 04:53 AM  | Hide replies

Oh man!!! wat a moment.An apt performance to shut his critics mouth.NO doubt his performances were below par sometimes but he has shown that he is the greatest ever.Take a bow

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veeru varanasi
Re: Federe you have proved yourself again
by veeru varanasi on Sep 09, 2008 04:57 AM
yes indeed .. a TRUE champ ..

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