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Anil Ambani in talks to buy Newcastle?

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sourit chakroborty
Do something for Indian Football
by sourit chakroborty on Aug 03, 2008 07:48 PM  | Hide replies

Its a shame that they are pumping so much money for British football. Instead they should invest on Indian football and bring our country to the world map of football.

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kasetty krishna
RE:Do something for Indian Football
by kasetty krishna on Aug 03, 2008 08:24 PM
they are not doing any charity dear. I guess you don't have any idea how much money is there in english foot ball he is a business man that is what he's supposed to do. If you invest in Indian football he will don't get any thing.

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RE:Do something for Indian Football
by sudhir on Aug 03, 2008 07:54 PM

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prashant sahu
RE:Do something for Indian Football
by prashant sahu on Aug 03, 2008 07:57 PM
I feel extremely happy and sad at the same time. Being a keen follower of the EPL it really will be a proud moment for an India, comparable to Mallya's entry into Formula-1. Sourit is right too, 260 millions!! indian football can definitely do better with such kind of money. But Mr. Anil Ambani is a businessman after all, and his sole intention in eyeing the takeover is the multi million pounds he ll profit every season, and a world of fame not to forget.

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Sukumar Samajpati
RE:Do something for Indian Football
by Sukumar Samajpati on Aug 03, 2008 07:53 PM
I do agree with you. I am sure if business man like Mr.Ambani takes little interest in our country it will reach a different league.

But, It might be a dream for all football lovers of country.

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Shovon Chakraborty
RE:Do something for Indian Football
by Shovon Chakraborty on Aug 03, 2008 08:17 PM
Very rightly said. If only this kind of corporate sponsorship (260 100 million $=1512 crores Rupees) would come in to Indian football, then we can dream about being a force in the world.

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anand mehta
RE:Do something for Indian Football
by anand mehta on Aug 03, 2008 08:33 PM
It is not a question of money. Where are the world class players in India? No foreign great would join our clubs as our competetions would not interest them. So he is doing this only for PROFIT. Unless more youngsters choose football to cricket, you can not dream to win even Asian tournaments. Money would come with popularity of players, as it happens in cricket. This happens when we beat world records and foreign teams. We are statistically minded people and cricket gives an opportunity to play with figures. Big money has come from business houses and bollywood stars but again for PROFIT.
If he takes control of Newcastle then more interest would be generated in football in India. May be some world greats would play some exhibition games, being paid by his company. May be some will have a short stint with say East Bengal or Salgaonkars etc. One must always try to look at brighter side otherwise we would always be criticising those successful in business. They are not saints and neither are you.

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anand mehta
RE:Do something for Indian Football
by anand mehta on Aug 03, 2008 08:34 PM
It is not a question of money. Where are the world class players in India? No foreign great would join our clubs as our competetions would not interest them. So he is doing this only for PROFIT. Unless more youngsters choose football to cricket, you can not dream to win even Asian tournaments. Money would come with popularity of players, as it happens in cricket. This happens when we beat world records and foreign teams. We are statistically minded people and cricket gives an opportunity to play with figures. Big money has come from business houses and bollywood stars but again for PROFIT.
If he takes control of Newcastle then more interest would be generated in football in India. May be some world greats would play some exhibition games, being paid by his company. May be some will have a short stint with say East Bengal or Salgaonkars etc. One must always try to look at brighter side otherwise we would always be criticising those successful in business. They are not saints and neither are you.

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anand mehta
RE:Do something for Indian Football
by anand mehta on Aug 03, 2008 08:39 PM
Sorry friends. There was some glitch so I did not get confirmation and repeated the comment. Please ignore the two extra copies.

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anand mehta
RE:Do something for Indian Football
by anand mehta on Aug 03, 2008 08:32 PM
It is not a question of money. Where are the world class players in India? No foreign great would join our clubs as our competetions would not interest them. So he is doing this only for PROFIT. Unless more youngsters choose football to cricket, you can not dream to win even Asian tournaments. Money would come with popularity of players, as it happens in cricket. This happens when we beat world records and foreign teams. We are statistically minded people and cricket gives an opportunity to play with figures. Big money has come from business houses and bollywood stars but again for PROFIT.
If he takes control of Newcastle then more interest would be generated in football in India. May be some world greats would play some exhibition games, being paid by his company. May be some will have a short stint with say East Bengal or Salgaonkars etc. One must always try to look at brighter side otherwise we would always be criticising those successful in business. They are not saints and neither are you.

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Amit Arora
RE:Do something for Indian Football
by Amit Arora on Aug 03, 2008 07:58 PM
Come on grow up. He is not pumping money for British football. It is for generating profits for himself and his company. Read the article carefully. Mike Ashley bought the club for 130mn and put in 80mn making a total investment of 210mn in July 2007. Now he will sell it for 260mn making a profit of 50mn in one year. Now thats business! Anil Ambani is hoping to do the same.

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Manoj Mehta
RE:Do something for Indian Football
by Manoj Mehta on Aug 03, 2008 08:06 PM
Will Indian Politician (CPM) accept any fund from Ambani for Indian Football? In India immidiately it will become a political issue with all parties , NGO'S & MEDIA starts putting their nose into it/

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RE:Do something for Indian Football
by Guest on Aug 03, 2008 08:13 PM
Dont forget this is a good sign the way indian business man are coming into the market.

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RE:Do something for Indian Football
by Ramaswamy on Aug 03, 2008 08:20 PM
Let it happen. Let us wish for it. Once NEWCASTLE UNITED is with our own Indian, 100% our footballers will get the opportunity to interact, mingle with international players and teams which will boost the status of our Indian Football. Since owning a team doesn't mean only for playing matches, but the teams training wings, headed and guided by legends may be used for Indian football development too. Let us hope for the best.

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RE:Do something for Indian Football
by SunilB on Aug 03, 2008 08:26 PM
Indian football???? Does such a thing exist here. All we have is a host of politicians who use the opportunity to ruin the game in the country.which businessman would be made enough to invest in Indian football in its present state

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