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''It is absolutely thrilling''

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sania mirza's win
by s.a.q on Jul 07, 2003 05:58 PM

it is a great achievement for her and the country, given the lack of support and the low level coaching and other facilities available,compare to the WEST.

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!Congratulation!!!!!!!!!!!! to Sania.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Vaseem on Jul 07, 2003 05:56 PM

Congrats SANIA,We are proud of you,keep it up!!!!!!!!

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well done..you are a true babe !
by a on Jul 07, 2003 05:44 PM

Congratulations and well done on this extraordinary achievement.Now we await to see you take the wimbledon Ladies title !!

you have got all the talent -All the best

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B U Kulkarni
Sania Mirza's triumph at Wimbledon
by B U Kulkarni on Jul 07, 2003 05:22 PM

Mr Imran Mirza is too modest when he says he 'hopes' the whole country is proud of her achievement. Indians all over the world are proud of her, Mr Mirza!


B U Kulkarni

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dont be complacent for there a big world ahead of you! good job
by edwin on Jul 07, 2003 05:08 PM

we are proud of you sania! but keep my words ,never be complacent coz we indians tend to be.anyways congrats and march ahead!

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Absolutely Brilliant Performance
by Khan on Jul 07, 2003 04:33 PM

Congratulations !!

Sanu, you have made all of us HAPPY N PROUD of you again. Absolutely Brilliant Performance from the young Indian Girl, just goes out to show that we Indains have the thing to make it big in the world.

Go on Sanu, keep it up and get us more n more grand slams

India maange more...........

ur keen follower


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sania at wimbledon
by jagannadh on Jul 07, 2003 01:53 PM

Congratulations SANIA. It was a great pleasure to see an INDIAN girl in the wimbledon.Winnig the trophy is great achievement - jagannadh ,apparao,praveen.

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Mrs. M. Ekka
Sania Mirza's success
by Mrs. M. Ekka on Jul 07, 2003 01:52 PM

"It is absolutely thrilling " We are all very proud of her and wish that soon she will be the Women's Single Champion too at Wimbledon. God Bless her efforts. CONGRATS SANIA!

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