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Krishna Swamy
by Krishna Swamy on Dec 24, 2018 09:50 AM  | Hide replies

Agree Mr. Jhunjhunwala. Under Modi You can mutiply your Billions manyfold. He is your Golden Gosse which lays Golden Eggs. You look ai Modi as your money spinner and hence you have to support him.

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Re: Jhunjhunwala
by Ashwin on Jan 03, 2019 05:36 PM
Why dont you also start learning the basics/nuances of Stock market and make 100s billions instead just billions. Whats wrong if he wants to make his billions into trillions? If so, according to you, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Steve Job, Zuckerberg, Ambanis, Adanis, Tata's, Birlas etc., are all criminals.

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So What's New?
by Anand on Dec 24, 2018 02:18 AM  | Hide replies

It is a known thing that this government has made its rich friends richer, driving even middle class to poverty.
Persons like Mr Jhunjhunwala are bound to support this government. Luckily, they are few in number, and the vast majority that has already suffered under this government is already indicating its unhappiness - see what happened in the recent elections - and are likely to reject it in 2019.

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satya pal
Re: So What's New?
by satya pal on Dec 24, 2018 05:52 AM
rich industrialists want him again as p.m. our progress is not limited to lpg and toilets.demonetization killed the small job seekers.gst further harassed the small traders.no employment generation for youth.people now call him feku p.m.. who just makes false promises.instead of strengthening health sector,he has helped health insurance sector.education was headed in past by 12 th class minister and now a banker.no hybrid blended mode of education,which is chepest.helped private sector to loot and cheat public money.amenment to sc/st act has annoyed most of the country.we want he should be replaced.minorities are not happy.free hand given to gau rakshak.

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maya shanker
Re: So What's New?
by maya shanker on Dec 24, 2018 06:11 AM
What you say it is not correct. Wait and see in 2019 modi government good government rule another term.

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maya shanker
Re: So What's New?
by maya shanker on Dec 24, 2018 06:11 AM
What you say it is not correct. Wait and see in 2019 modi government good government rule another term.

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Ahi Sen
A beneficiary of Government subsidy speaks.
by Ahi Sen on Dec 23, 2018 10:11 PM

The Indian Industrialists have been singing in praise of the person who have not tried to get refund of loans taken by business houses and on the contrary trying to give the failed debtors more money by depriving the tax payers and the bank accounts holders. This gentleman does not know that most of the poor families are unable to purchase the refill of gas cylinders for not having so much money at their hands. It has become a SONAR PATHAR BATI i.e a bowl of gold made of stone .

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Somanathan Nair
India is not a share market.
by Somanathan Nair on Dec 23, 2018 07:02 PM

Mr.Jhunjhunwala might be a good assessor of share market and brand equities, but doesnt necessarily mean that his comments on governance or politics is equally measured. He made all his fortune before 2014 and recently he also had a setback from the stock markets. India is not a share market and unlike shares, fellow Indians cannot be treated as a commodity. These are living beings and what they feel and seek decides the outcome of any elections. We need to debate with case studies of policies framed,social awareness, plans for future -their impact on the people and many other aspects.

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mohammed azeemuddin
by mohammed azeemuddin on Dec 23, 2018 01:34 PM

Modi mukt Bharat is evident in next year, we all had enough of trauma, which every poor has undergone and Rich becoming even Rich and poor becoming even poor, Rafael Deal, Mob lynching, renaming cities, failed Demonetisation, GST, no jobs for youth, are few feathers in his cap, crumbling Rupee value, and now at the end Ram Mandir issue. And what about 15 lacs rupees in everybody\'s accounts. People are not fools,

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Raj  A
Media's manipulation...
by Raj A on Dec 23, 2018 12:58 PM

One should understand the way these paid propagandists creates the title for the articles. The intention in this case is to associate the word billionaire with Modi so as to create an impression that only billionaires like Modi or Modi is for billionaires. The writer believes that this will turn the ordinary people against Modi. The vulnerable minds fall for it without understanding why a person like Mr.Junjunwala made such a statement. Is this not misleading the readers? These billionaires also help create jobs!
Journalists should be made accountable for the words they utter or write.

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Truth Prevails
Businessmen and billionaires like Modi
by Truth Prevails on Dec 23, 2018 12:35 PM  | Hide replies

Why do businessmen and Billionaires like Modi.

Because they know what is economy.

Some pseudo intellectuals sitting on a laptop in AC office/home, reading news articles think they know better than the top businessmen.

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Sahoo Dhruba
Re: Businessmen and billionaires like Modi
by Sahoo Dhruba on Dec 23, 2018 12:59 PM
Congress only give loan against hefty commission to billionaire / businessmen like Vijay maliya, Nirov modi etc...etc and when they flew away, blame to BJP.....

No Infrastrure, no roads, no electrification, no gas connection, No aadhar link, but only corruption corruption and corruption is the motto of Congress and its allies.

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K Kumar
All patriots and honest people will like Modi to win
by K Kumar on Dec 22, 2018 04:26 PM  | Hide replies

Only paid anti-nationals and communal Pak-CHina sponsored NGOs and the UPA loot mafia paid fellows who appear on this website will say otherwise. Such people do not have the good of this nation and its 1.3 billion people in their mind and heart. These are utterly selfish people who thrived out of of the massive loot and corruption that thrived till May-2014, especially the previous 10 years, that were the worst period in world history when it comes to loot of the tax payor money by these vested interested in crony businesses, theh CONgress dynasty and its paid cronies in media, in some businesses, the corrupt bureaucracy that thrived and shared the loot, and parts of the judiciary, where corruption and nepotism was the only way to get into HC and SC from 1947 till 1993 collegium system - and anyway most of the HC and SC judges were appointed judges before 1993 by the corrupt, divisive, communal nehru dynasty.

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Ahi Sen
Re: All patriots and honest people will like Modi to win
by Ahi Sen on Dec 23, 2018 10:19 PM
Appears to be the sole authority to certify who is national.

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pramod bauskar
Paid by BJP
by pramod bauskar on Dec 22, 2018 04:10 PM  | Hide replies

I think Rakesh Jhunjhunwala is paid by BJP? Better he should join BJP and then speak. People will not get misled by such a non sense coments.

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K Kumar
Re: Paid by BJP
by K Kumar on Dec 22, 2018 04:27 PM
this man is a self made rich fellow, like all patriots. Only the corrupt fellows of COngress dynasty will say otherwise.

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samant kumar
Re: Re: Paid by BJP
by samant kumar on Dec 22, 2018 04:59 PM
rightly said

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samant kumar
Re: Paid by BJP
by samant kumar on Dec 22, 2018 05:02 PM
He indicates the importance of Modi for share markets and for country's economy. once he is gone, everything will collapse as FII and Indian investors like me will loose confidence in growth story of India and will withdraw everything for share market and invest it somewhere else. Hope u know what happens when share market in a country collapses. scene will be similar.

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achukatla basha
Re: Re: Paid by BJP
by achukatla basha on Dec 23, 2018 01:01 PM

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achukatla basha
Re: Re: Paid by BJP
by achukatla basha on Dec 23, 2018 01:03 PM

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balakrishna athri
Re: Paid by BJP
by balakrishna athri on Dec 23, 2018 12:15 PM
It appears Shri Jhunjhunwaa forgot he grew rich because of the govts which were progressive in their outlook and policies His myopic and biased views will be discarded by Indian polity

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Truth Prevails
Re: Paid by BJP
by Truth Prevails on Dec 23, 2018 12:30 PM
You cannot pay Rakesh Jhunjhunwalla.

I pity your ignorance

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