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'India is not a dharamshala for Bangladeshi refugees'

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daniel thorat
India not a dharamshala !
by daniel thorat on Aug 02, 2018 04:56 PM  | Hide replies

Absolutely right. It may at times be an adharamshala but not dharamshala! It is correct to hold that no foreigner should simply come into India and become a permanent resident and have all things as an Indian citizen. But, such undocumented, unidentified and unauthorized migrations have happened all over the world from times immemorial. Now, we have means and capabilities to check and stop such migrations all together, and that should be done. The only point is that when people of India under different State govts. during past 50 years or so have received, accepted and absorbed such people in our society, have given them benefits and received benefits from them as well and when they have become a full part of India, with full integrity, loyalty and even "patriotic" attachments to India, is it not inhuman, cruel, criminal and against international conventions to force or annihilate them (as some half wit MP/MLA said) NOW at this stage? Aren`t there more dangerous, cruel, criminal, selfish people living here for a hundred years, who are and have been a threat to national security? And all this only for removing some community which may not vote for BJP?

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R  ponnabalam
Re: India not a dharamshala !
by R ponnabalam on Aug 03, 2018 08:58 AM
Make Rediff display differing opinion! We will make illegal act committing Indian and award citizenship to illegal act committing foreigners who had been part of seeking and diving this land mass and had got a land carved out for them.Google for the 1888 speech in meerut of Sir Syed and of Jinna's speech in 1941 in Lahore.Patriotism oozing out in those speeches R.PONNAMBALAM

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R  ponnabalam
Re: India not a dharamshala !
by R ponnabalam on Aug 03, 2018 09:07 AM
"all this only for removing some community which may not vote for BJP?"Does this imply that some party earlier willingly failed Indian Statue law in their full wit by punishing Indians committing and illegal act, but allowing the people of unbelievable intentions towards this Nation, committing serious illegal act of unauthroized entry to stay here so as to vote for them only and they want that to continue with.Good let some 40 million Indians go to China without Visa , may be in small batches or to Saudi Arabia and come back alive.How many are ready?R.Ponnambalam

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dipankar bhattacharjee
Re: Re: India not a dharamshala !
by dipankar bhattacharjee on Aug 04, 2018 10:35 PM
I am from Assam and a Bengali Hindu. Recently I went to Sri Lanka. A country like Sri Lanka doesnot tolerate illegal immegrant and will put you in jail.Think what Kim ding will do? NRC is a miust and seal the border with land mines like in Pakistan border. Act like the Israelis.

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dipankar bhattacharjee
Re: Re: India not a dharamshala !
by dipankar bhattacharjee on Aug 04, 2018 10:35 PM
I am from Assam and a Bengali Hindu. Recently I went to Sri Lanka. A country like Sri Lanka doesnot tolerate illegal immegrant and will put you in jail.Think what Kim ding will do? NRC is a miust and seal the border with land mines like in Pakistan border. Act like the Israelis.

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dipankar bhattacharjee
Re: Re: India not a dharamshala !
by dipankar bhattacharjee on Aug 04, 2018 10:35 PM
I am from Assam and a Bengali Hindu. Recently I went to Sri Lanka. A country like Sri Lanka doesnot tolerate illegal immegrant and will put you in jail.Think what Kim ding will do? NRC is a miust and seal the border with land mines like in Pakistan border. Act like the Israelis.

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R  ponnabalam
Re: India not a dharamshala !
by R ponnabalam on Aug 03, 2018 09:34 AM
"so have received, accepted and absorbed such people in our society, have given them benefits and received benefits from them as well and when they have become a full part of India" I can take some take some 10 cr. from somebody and absorb that and so it becomes legally mine.All done are illegally and immorally against the patriotic duty to the nation by those with heinous and ulterior motives as can be seen now also .It is not by India .Those who had allowed illegals are Illegal India as you had said they had "received benefits from them as well"even "patriotic" attachments to India.What a joke? Does India respect Shivaji as he deserves?Shivaji is not patriotic , only Nehru is patriotic> R.Ponnambalam

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suravarapu gopal rao
by suravarapu gopal rao on Aug 02, 2018 03:11 PM

This subject is apt in Kashmir. There are many non-Kashmiris/non-Indian people in Kashmir. They should also be sent back to their country. They are eating the coppers of India and doing anti-social activities. Hence they should be weeded out. Also the people in POK are to be sent back to have a State with Indian population and others with valid proof of migration.
Jai Hind. Jai Bharat.

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R  ponnabalam
Thanks Rediff!
by R ponnabalam on Aug 02, 2018 01:44 PM

Thanks sir Rediff! I wrote simple straight forward unoffensive words .You went on not didplaying.I persisted wording it differently.Now I find all displayed.R.PONNAMBALAM

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R  ponnabalam
defying the statue law
by R ponnabalam on Aug 02, 2018 01:39 PM

Indian Statue-Law tells that any illegal acts attracts the due and deserving punishment.If entering India in illegal ways is illegal should that be allowed in defiaace of Statue-Law.R.Ponnambalam

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R  ponnabalam
What nisn thism ism of not punishing the illegal?
by R ponnabalam on Aug 02, 2018 01:35 PM

Indians of India should be punished for their illegal acts in India.Bangladeshi's illegal action is India should not be punished.What ism is this?

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R  ponnabalam
commit illegal acts,no problem ;great support for that
by R ponnabalam on Aug 02, 2018 01:32 PM

Come on India.You are Great!You tell your citizens that they will face punishment for any illegal act committed in India.AND YOU INDIA ADVISE THAT ILLEGAL ACTS DONE BY BANGLADESHI's SHOULD NOT BE PUNISHED.Will any ----- not to take-- action on Indian who commits illegal acts in India!

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R  ponnabalam
Punish Not illegal acts committed by Indians also
by R ponnabalam on Aug 02, 2018 01:20 PM

Entry of Foreigners entering India is an illegal act committed in India.If we say that they must be given citizenship in India we are accepting that illegal act is not punished .So we must accept illegal acts by Indians also.We must not punish Indians who commit illegal acts R.Ponnambalam

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R  ponnabalam
Punish Not illegal acts committed by Indians also
by R ponnabalam on Aug 02, 2018 01:20 PM

Entry of Foreigners entering India is an illegal act committed in India.If we say that they must be given citizenship in India we are accepting that illegal act is not punished .So we must accept illegal acts by Indians also.We must not punish Indians who commit illegal acts R.Ponnambalam

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R  ponnabalam
Allow illegal actes to be done by Indian also in India
by R ponnabalam on Aug 02, 2018 01:16 PM

If we cannot send back illegal immigrants we should amend our Indian law that we would not punish illegal acts committed in India by Indians .Non Indians entering India illegally is an illegal act in India,as such is is universally in every country.If we do not take corrective action on that illegal act that facility must be extended to all Indian citizens and every indian should be allowed to go scot-free after doing illegal acts.Tolerant India and idea of india!!R.Ponnambalam

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