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'Attempt to curb voice of free media': Outrage over murder of Gauri Lankesh

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Regardless of the fact that
by piri on Sep 06, 2017 09:03 PM  | Hide replies

Komaaaaaali Modi is a complete a*s in terms of governance and in terms of delivery, he has something which no opposition leader has as much as he does - theatrics !

The komaaaaaali brays very loud, modulates his voice up and down in intense animation, has a grating voice, wears outlandish head gear and fancy clothes (somewhat like Gurmeet Ram Rahim), shifts his pose constantly on the podium to look at all parts of the audiences, brings down his left palm hard on his right to dramatically emphasise some of his points, screws up his face in a perpetual scowl, always talks about matters that are high on form and low on substance, spends time on serving up hearsay that is designed to please all manner of common prejudices............

He is unmatched indeed in this !

Except for experiences like when he got snubbed and ridiculed by the general public in Kerala when he tried to replicate such shows during the 2016 election, the komaaaaaali has been enjoying a huge run of successes in other parts of India with such theatrics !

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Great Indians
Re: Regardless of the fact that
by Great Indians on Sep 06, 2017 09:06 PM
Yes, you are right...It is the work of BJP......BJP will try to silence all those who Question and those who ask for equality...and those who who are pro-poor....India's democracy is in danger...This is an attack on Democracy...

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Vidyut Shenoy
Re: Regardless of the fact that
by Vidyut Shenoy on Sep 06, 2017 09:23 PM
All of these killings have happened in Congress run states ... Dabholkar in Pune 2012, and 3 kilings in Congress run Karnataka - Pansare, Kalburgi and Gauri Lankesh. Karnataka's Home Minister has stated publicly that their CID has not been able to get any info on the killers of Pansare and Kalburgi, but still they go ahead and lambast the right wing BJP. What kind of nonsense is this?
Rafool Gandhi says Hindu terror and their rises a chorus. See what happened with Samjhauta ... all manufactured cases with doctored and manufactured evidence.
But then Gauri was no saint. She has given the lip to everyone she did not like. This outrage is created as Karnataka gets into election mode. BTW, Gauri's family has suggested a CBI enquiry and not a CID one. That shows their confidence or lack of it in the Karnataka government.
However the usual goons on the street .. the Azmi's, KKs, Setalvad and those on the net like piri will always have a ready hand to raise against BJP. Have a life folks ... make all of the noise after some evidence of the killers is available. Till then shut up and dont paint a wrong picture. Up until now there was no problem with the media. But all of a sudden there is outrage .. free voice being muzzled and so on.
Again plain and simple nonsense that defies all logic.
Incidentally policing and law order is a state subject. These are used to create false cases and harass those who are inimical to state govts. See Mamata in Bengal.

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Re: Regardless of the fact that
by P S SHAH on Sep 08, 2017 08:16 PM
Kalia komaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaali, the idiot known for his long and useless comments and repeated copy paste as it is allowed number of times free of cost at Rediff which this jobless man can afford.

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Navneet  Bhatnagar
Death of a leftist journalist
by Navneet Bhatnagar on Sep 06, 2017 08:45 PM

Violence of any kind is condemn-able. But death of Gauri Lankesh becomes all the more controversial when leftists of all kinds and areas congregate before her house lighting candles. Where are all these fellows when persons espousing Hindutva psychology are maimed and murdered in Kerala and West Bengal. Why don't these fellows ridicule violence and intolerance then?

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logical indian
by logical indian on Sep 06, 2017 07:57 PM

Should investigate this and find the culprits. If center does it, he will say fake instead let him do it. He says open to center why?

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n jhanarhdhanan
Misusing the democracy
by n jhanarhdhanan on Sep 06, 2017 07:21 PM

Overall people, media, press, .... to learn a lesson. No need to please someone at the cost of others. If this continues, people will loose faith in press, media (including rediff),...

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Abetting sedition is no freedom of press.
by auryas on Sep 06, 2017 06:59 PM

In a mature democracy, you have a political dispensation and opposition who come together when it comes to issues of national integrity and security.

India\'s misfortune is we have a immoral political dispensation ( barring very minuscule of learned people) and an unethical media.

And then, there is full blown power struggle.

Congress party is a disease to the nation which ate the system like termites for about 60 years - family based, feudalistic, sycophantic, authoritarian and corrupt to the core.

Then there are confused communists who, while aware of the fact that they have no place in a civilized , competitive society , that their ideology is kicked out from the world decades ago do not concede to this fact still play desperate second fiddle to what Congress say.

Together we have a toxic concoction of a radical power mongers.

Add to this, sly , corrupt media who beds with any one depending on the opportunity.

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Abetting sedition as freedom of press
by auryas on Sep 06, 2017 06:58 PM

In a mature democracy, you have a political dispensation and opposition who come together when it comes to issues of national integrity and security.

India\'s misfortune is we have a immoral political dispensation ( barring very minuscule of learned people) and an unethical media.

And then, there is full blown power struggle.

Congress party is a disease to the nation which ate the system like termites for about 60 years - family based, feudalistic, sycophantic, authoritarian and corrupt to the core.

Then there are confused communists who, while aware of the fact that they have no place in a civilized , competitive society , that their ideology is kicked out from the world decades ago do not concede to this fact still play desperate second fiddle to what Congress say.

Together we have a toxic concoction of a radical power mongers.

Add to this, sly , corrupt media who beds with any one depending on the opportunity.

media can make a hero out of an anti-national, can concoct a story or dubbing sedition as \'freedom of press\'.

net result if this.

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Abetting Sedition is no freedom of press.
by auryas on Sep 06, 2017 06:56 PM

In a mature democracy, you have a political dispensation and opposition who come together when it comes to issues of national integrity and security.

India\'s misfortune is we have a immoral political dispensation ( barring very minuscule of learned people) and an unethical media.

And then, there is full blown power struggle.

Congress party is a disease to the nation which ate the system like termites for about 60 years - family based, feudalistic, sycophantic, authoritarian and corrupt to the core.

Then there are confused communists who, while aware of the fact that they have no place in a civilized , competitive society , that their ideology is kicked out from the world decades ago do not concede to this fact still play desperate second fiddle to what Congress say.

Together we have a toxic concoction of a system which invents \'Saffron terrorism\', \'Sangh parivar\', \'Hindutva\' , \'Right wing\'

Add to this, sly , corrupt media who beds with any one depending on the opportunity.

media can make a hero out of an anti-national, can concoct a story or dubbing sedition as \'freedom of press\'.

net result if this.

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Gauri -Anti National
by on Sep 06, 2017 06:36 PM  | Hide replies

Today I am throwing a Party for killing the Anti national I invite every nationalist to come and join me.

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Sudhanshu sharma
Re: Gauri -Anti National
by Sudhanshu sharma on Sep 06, 2017 07:04 PM
consider me in only if you ready to cut them in atleast 10 pieces.

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