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The Main problem for India is I5lam - Like it or Not
by RSS on Aug 25, 2016 12:48 PM

India's problems began as soon as Mughals Invaded India & brutalized us.

As soon as India was Partitioned based on Religion in 1947, Mu5almaans had to be sent either to Pakistan or Bangladesh - Retaining them for the sake of Votebanks Congress has compromised National Security for Future Hindus & it will Hurt us in the long run.

Mu51ims will Never Patronize India & they will Backstab us at every opportunity.

Every Independence Day Indian National Flag is burnt, Indian Mu51ims always cheer for Pakistan During Hockey & Cricket matches, they don't sing Vande Mataram or Indian National anthem, they want to be treated like Monarchs inspite of their Treachery, they want Article 370 wherever they become Maj0rity, so on and so forth.

Unless the Curse of I5lam is not sent Out of India, we will forever keep on suffering endlessly at the hands of Congress, Pseudo Seculars & the so called Intellectuals who bat for their inclusion.

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by SHRI on Aug 25, 2016 12:32 PM

Mr. Aaakar can you explain who made Kashmir ??????Bekaar ?????

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surya narayan panigrahi
Really Indian
by surya narayan panigrahi on Aug 25, 2016 12:11 PM

first of all whole Indian should feel that the people staying in j&k r really indian like other non-muslim majority state.

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Pervez Musharraf
akaaran patel
by Pervez Musharraf on Aug 25, 2016 12:10 PM

We just cannot allow Kashmir to go..else India will then break up 150 such 'nations'..we need to learn from history , if not prepare to be history :)

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balaji sampath
Abolish Article 370
by balaji sampath on Aug 25, 2016 11:59 AM

It will help Kashmiris feel Indian.

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by SATENDRA GOEL on Aug 25, 2016 11:57 AM

Till the early 80s Kashmir was the most visited place by tourists it was only after the late 80s that the tourist stopped visiting Kashmir,for which they have only themselves to blame.waving of Pakistani flags and shouting anti India slogans is only going to make matters worse.Why did the Kashmiris forget the way the Army handled the flood situation last year which has been conviently forgotten,no separatist leader or any bureaucrat was their to help or praise them for their efforts.Dont know why the youth are pelting stones because it will not help matters,if it is a small fraction use the Isreal system tie a stone pelter on a jeep and the forces move behind the jeep to arrest the culprits.Past 70 years India has reached Mars while Pakistan is still trying to enter India.

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subir gupta
Kashmir is the Haven on the earth.
by subir gupta on Aug 25, 2016 11:44 AM

We all love Kashmir!!! People of Kashmir are fair and beautiful!!! Such a beautiful place shall not be spoiled by influence and exploitation. Liberation carries hardly any point, if a person have freedom to earn food clothe shelter medicine education. These basic needs are to be earned as India is a poor country with huge population all asking for the same.

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Suresh B Kurbet
Nirakar patel!
by Suresh B Kurbet on Aug 25, 2016 11:37 AM  | Hide replies

This Akar Patel is highly biased. Every Kashmiri is INDIAN FIRST. Every Indian do feel about Kashmiri. Few misguided people in the Valley are creating trouble.To control the misguided mob our Army is deployed there. We are loosing our young Jawans in this unnecessary conflict created by petty,selfish,unscrupulous politicians. Persons like NirAkar Patel should stop this misreporting. Rediff should stop publishing such reports.

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Krunal Gajjar
Re: Nirakar patel!
by Krunal Gajjar on Aug 25, 2016 11:48 AM
he is not bias, brainless rather... just learn and only know to make imaginary stories...

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dhananjay kritu
All of India's periphery & borders
by dhananjay kritu on Aug 25, 2016 11:28 AM

Similar issues are there all over India's borders, especially north east. Why do we single out Kashmir for a special treatment? Only recently there was a Bodo attack in which people lost lives. Military - Militant confrontations are all over north east.Only due a lot of sacrifices Punjab was retrieved. This is the reality

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by on Aug 25, 2016 11:28 AM

Year 1985- As a tourist the first question that confronts Indians - Are you from Hindustan? I think UPA has allowed this to grow. Like a weed now has reached menacing proportions.

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