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Beef ban and the death of protest

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Plants and animals
by rouge on Mar 26, 2015 09:22 AM  | Hide replies

Plants have life but they dont have "chetana" If u take fruit from trees they can grow it again and it doesnot hurt them because anyway after ripening of fruit it falls and new fruit comes. If you cut branch of tree it grows again.
This doesnot happens with animals if you cut them they are finished.
This is difference between Veg and non veg food.

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Re: Plants and animals
by rouge on Mar 26, 2015 09:24 AM
This was to help morons here who are commenting to ban plant without proper scientific knowledge.

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Shujath Hussain
Re: Plants and animals
by Shujath Hussain on Mar 26, 2015 09:59 AM
The difference between man and animal reproduction system is man grows in number gradually, but, animal multiplies, where do you have space to accommodate animals that naturally multiplies in number? Where do you have resources to shelter them, feed them and take care of them medically? Trees are cut to give way to development if needed despite stringent laws and as per laws! Can that be the case with animal killing?

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Re: Re: Plants and animals
by rouge on Mar 26, 2015 10:15 AM
I have seen you people multiplying in this country 3 fold since independence.

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Re: Plants and animals
by ilyas on Mar 26, 2015 10:30 AM
how can u say plants don't feel pain? Lizard tails also regrows & snakes shed their skins every time so would u eat it?

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Re: Re: Plants and animals
by rouge on Mar 26, 2015 11:19 AM
I hv not stopped u from eating Lizard tail and snake skin.

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Sreedhar Chakravarthy
Help me
by Sreedhar Chakravarthy on Mar 26, 2015 06:53 AM  | Hide replies

I am in middle east. Here I want to eat pork but it is banned here. I planning for dharana , request you to protest against pork ban in midddle east come join & support me

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Shujath Hussain
Re: Help me
by Shujath Hussain on Mar 26, 2015 07:34 AM
Are you a citizen of the country or a migrate for job sake? If you are a citizen and there was customs to eat such animal and suddenly the Government by autocratic law pulled out your food overnight citing holiness then it is called infringement of private rights. If you fall under above category then please send me visa I will join you in dharna or protest!

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Re: Re: Help me
by SEKHAR SHUKLA on Mar 26, 2015 10:31 AM
It was well decided that beef consumers will leave for Pakistan after Independence.
It is either foolishness of Indian Government or may be misfortune of Hindu Citizens that again there are jihadis like you who are again impatient to divide India once again in the name of religion.

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Sreedhar Chakravarthy
Re: Re: Help me
by Sreedhar Chakravarthy on Mar 26, 2015 12:52 PM
My dear in india every thing is late so beef /cow slaughtering is also late please co operate and adopt to indian culture rather than sand land culture all the best

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Shujath Hussain
Re: beef ban
by Shujath Hussain on Mar 26, 2015 07:43 AM
Are you a citizen of any middle east country country? If you are a citizen and there was customs to eat such animal and suddenly the Government by autocratic law pulled out your food overnight citing holiness then it is called infringement of private rights. By the way publicly elected government should take public opinion first and that is called democracy!

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Beef Ban in Maharastra
by on Mar 26, 2015 06:20 AM  | Hide replies

"For more than two weeks," Hashim complained, "I have not eaten beef. One fine day the government tells me I will be sent to jail for five years if I am found eating beef. Is this justice? Is this a law or a joke?"

This is law not Joke. When you are in Rome do what Romans do. This is India so be like Indians.
"I had told my wife that something good would happen after this morcha, but I don't see anything. What will I tell my wife when I go home?". Tell her to pack bag and leave for middle east if you cannot live without beef.

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Why is the BJP so silent
by piri on Mar 26, 2015 01:13 AM  | Hide replies

about cow slauxghter in the state of Kerala?

Apart from a few states in the north east, Kerala is the only place where there is no ban at all on cow slauxghter and slauxghtering and beexf eating are part of everyday life.

Hyxndus, muxlims and chrxiztins sit shoulder to shoulder and enjoy beexf fry, beexf chilly, beexf curry, roast, etc. in thousands of restaurants in Kerala!

So why is the BJP and other organizations in the Parivar so silent about Kerala ?

Obviously, it is only because of the knowledge that, should the ban be imposed somehow, the BJPs long anemic 10.4 % vote share in that state in election after election might plunge further down!

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rajiv kumar
Re: Why is the BJP so silent
by rajiv kumar on Mar 26, 2015 11:56 AM
Don't Worry these unfortunates will be reconverted and the Ban will be inposed

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Re: Re: Why is the BJP so silent
by piri on Mar 27, 2015 12:04 AM
Conversion or no conversion, the BJP - accustomed as it is to north Indians who expect or submit to slave labour and landless bonded labour - will find it extremely hard to understand that there are people who regard those as extremely undesirable !!

What will the BJP do to make common Keralites think like north Indians by submitting to bonded labour on others' farms for slave wages ?

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Mansoor Kazi
by Mansoor Kazi on Mar 26, 2015 12:21 AM  | Hide replies

Whether its BJP or Congress - there would be appeasement politics only...
It had been a good decision if at all the govt. provided an alternative to those unemployed.
Fact is that the beef ban decision has divided people... and look at the statement "ppl who oppose ban should go to PAK"....ficking Why should someone go to Pak...
please get the facts right that M00slims or any other minority have the same rights on India the way Hin00s have... and as far as respecting the traditions are concerned we are not against ban on COWS but against bulls and OX...

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Re: Appeasement
by on Mar 26, 2015 06:46 AM
its better to adapt appeasement policy for 75 hindus rather than 15 percent muslims

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Re: Re: Appeasement
by Kpsastry on Mar 26, 2015 08:55 AM
Well said. Afer Dec6,1992, Hindu is no more in a mood to give away. He now wants to take away. What is wrong if amjority prevails. That precisely is 'democracy'.

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