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'Democracy is a government by the grumblers'

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sachin sardesai
Victory of Mr. Modi
by sachin sardesai on May 20, 2014 12:06 AM  | Hide replies

I personally believe that our nation has won. It's for the first time since independence non congress political party has won the election with majority.
I have seen many people criticizing Mr. Modi as if he is responsible for current state of our nation. Which political party had ruled our nation for 90% period after independence, its a Congress. Still the same people are not blaming Congress for that.
Mr. Modi is known for good governance and inclusive politics which is evident from 2002 till today in Gujrat. Even it is the same in MP where another BJP man is leading. Still those same people are criticizing them and supporting Congress who have concentrated always on winning election and divisive politics.
Anyway let us help, to the best of our capacity & ability, in re-building our nation. Also should note that Mr. Modi or anybody does not have Magic Wand. It will take some time.

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kallol paul
Differenet kinds of Hindus in India!
by kallol paul on May 19, 2014 11:54 PM  | Hide replies

They differ a lot state wise ...zone wise family and village wise!

All non wise are religious!

Hinduism is all about inclusiveness and plurality...from ages and years!

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kallol paul
Re: Differenet kinds of Hindus in India!
by kallol paul on May 19, 2014 11:56 PM
Learn from our tribal they dis not have religion and considered mountains, hills as gods!

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Re: Re: Differenet kinds of Hindus in India!
by amulbaby on May 20, 2014 01:40 AM
but the ACCCHAAAAYans went to the tribals and gave them the POISON from ROOOOOPATHA.....

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Re: Differenet kinds of Hindus in India!
by amulbaby on May 20, 2014 01:39 AM
but the KERALA religious minority is different? cunning and obstructive? this time the whole INDIA says YES to MODIJI except KERALA landMAFIA minority rooopathaaaa....

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