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Refer Telangana Bill first to Standing Committee: BJP

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by rajveerpatel on Feb 01, 2014 11:19 PM

"BJP & RSS hoist pakistan flag and punish policemen who caught them red handed. G'charya of RSS has termed BJP ruled MP as the most corrupt state in India and in MPs history. BJP has no guts to take action on corrupt leaders."

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by rajveerpatel on Feb 01, 2014 11:18 PM  | Hide replies

"BJP should work for the people of india rather than just speaking anything and go on storytelling. UPA is becoming clean and is working for well being of people. BJP should learn from them."

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by rajveerpatel on Feb 01, 2014 11:18 PM

"The BJP which is protesting CBI inquiry in Ishrat Jahan probe, registered it's support for the same in 2011! Who will trust this party with dual policies?"

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by rajveerpatel on Feb 01, 2014 11:17 PM

“In 2002, it was NDA govt who started working on 100% FDI in retail sector but now they protest for fame!”

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by rajveerpatel on Feb 01, 2014 11:17 PM

“As usual it is the double speak of BJP. Nothing surprising. How long this unprincipled political party can go on fooling the people.”

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by rajveerpatel on Feb 01, 2014 11:16 PM

"Firstly BJP contrasted on ram mandir, then they are saying that they want to focus on muslim once again they are coming on ram mandir. One side they are talking are talking on development politics and on the other side they are playing politics on religion."

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by rajveerpatel on Feb 01, 2014 11:15 PM

“I think, BJP now would do immense harm by raking up the Ram Temple Issue...Since the matter is subjudice let the dispute be resolved legally...BJP should now focus on developmental issue, issues of inflation, pinching price rise, corruption of UPA etc as its issues... No matter how much its opponents try to give the direction of political fight as one of Communalism Vs Secularism....People of this country has seen enough of secularism practised by the so called secular parties....”

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by rajveerpatel on Feb 01, 2014 11:15 PM

"Feeling pity for all BJP fraudsters that their words are not being heard by the head panel which dominated by the FEKU."

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by rajveerpatel on Feb 01, 2014 11:15 PM

"It's day dreaming of the RSS snugs that advani should take over atal bihari vajpayee. Till Modi is their their is no possibility for any of the BJP thugs to improvise"

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