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Man 'who killed thousands of Americans' faces death!

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Shilpa Mehta
by Shilpa Mehta on Apr 06, 2012 11:57 AM  | Hide replies

In first sight I thought KMS looks similar

like OSAMA .

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Raj Mishra
by Raj Mishra on Apr 06, 2012 03:23 PM
kapil sibal too looks like same....hairy bear......lolzzz :)

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Pat Thakur
by Pat Thakur on Apr 06, 2012 12:32 PM
Why? If Mannu wears that Arabic Safa, even he'll look he's come from Middle East.

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sathyam guda
by sathyam guda on Apr 06, 2012 11:53 AM  | Hide replies

The fundamental and basic question about 9/11 attack which puzzles but no one asks is: Can the GIS/Global positioning/Navigating technology is capable of giving the skill to any person navigate in the skies without any experience in sky routes to precisely penetrate through target (In this case WTO towers) then other routes like Pentagon, Pennsylvania etc. The Pennsylvania is classic case. When the pilot knows that the plane will crash if he succumb? Is it possible for inexperienced to navigate the flights so precisely into the targets? This basic question is a greatest puzzle of the century.

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Indian First
by Indian First on Apr 06, 2012 11:58 AM
So america demolishes 2 nations and kills millions for killing just three thousand citizens in terror attacks and we, in hindustan still talk with the enemey even thoguh they have managed to killed a million hindu,sikh buddhist kaffirs in terrror attacks and we feed with beef biriyani& provide foam bed and moble phone to those who have killed in front of our eyes nearly 1000 people in cold blood! Who are morrons??? mericans or hindus, and which one is banana republic??? usa or hindustan??? no prize for guessing,folks!

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s h
by s h on Apr 06, 2012 12:15 PM
Only India has people who do not get nauseated by seculars who demean hindus in everwhich way. We have slave mentality, seek guidance / take orders from that Rome mata who knows nothing about indian ethos and have appointee effete, spineless coward as prime minion, who does nothing even if diplomats get publicly humiliated. You expect strong reaction ? even normal behaviour is a distant dream. Who cares for ordinary hindus ?

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niki surabi
by niki surabi on Apr 06, 2012 11:48 AM  | Hide replies

Every 4 out of 10 US citizens believe that 9/11 was staged managed by US with help of Israel

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sathyam guda
Re: Re: 9/11
by sathyam guda on Apr 06, 2012 11:53 AM
The fundamental and basic question about 9/11 attack which puzzles but no one asks is: Can the GIS/Global positioning/Navigating technology is capable of giving the skill to any person navigate in the skies without any experience in sky routes to precisely penetrate through target (In this case WTO towers) then other routes like Pentagon, Pennsylvania etc. The Pennsylvania is classic case. When the pilot knows that the plane will crash if he succumb? Is it possible for inexperienced to navigate the flights so precisely into the targets? This basic question is a greatest puzzle of the century.

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Re: Re: Re: 9/11
by Darius on Apr 06, 2012 12:13 PM
you forgot the secular ones

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Re: 9/11
by bharat on Apr 06, 2012 12:05 PM
The survey was carried out by a torrorist to post the results by another torrorist called niki.

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sathyam guda
Puzzle of the century
by sathyam guda on Apr 06, 2012 11:45 AM

The fundamental and basic question about 9/11 attack which puzzles but no one asks is: Can the GIS/Global positioning/Navigating technology is capable of giving the skill to any person navigate in the skies without any experience in sky routes to precisely penetrate through target (In this case WTO toweres) then other routes like Pentagon, Pennsylvania etc. The Pennsylvania is classic case. When the pilot knows that the plane will crash if he succumbs to terrorists on board or not and leads to death of all on board certainly will he do as terrorists on board instruct him to do or is it that the terrorists on board over powered cock-pit crew and navigated the plane(s) in question through their targets? Is it possible for inexperienced to navigate the flights so precisely into the targets? This basic question is a greatest puzzle of the century.

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niki surabi
by niki surabi on Apr 06, 2012 11:40 AM  | Hide replies

First Osama & now this guy Khalid. Obama has worked it out & timed it well for his re-election
But sadly, America is heading down the hill and cannot continue the job of world's police man.
China is sensible and will over take America as a commercial super power in next 5 years.
Like the Roman or Automan dynasty, American hegemony will not last long.

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Indian First
by Indian First on Apr 06, 2012 12:01 PM
America and obama praise mahatma MK gandhi and non-violence as great for 24 hours and do violence 24 hours too!Is non-violence only meant for poor and helpless nations like hindustan only???food for though,folks!

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Pramod Kulkarni
Re: Evolution gone wrong
by Pramod Kulkarni on Apr 06, 2012 11:59 AM
correct observation.

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Indian First
Re: Re: Evolution gone wrong
by Indian First on Apr 06, 2012 12:03 PM
Good one,folks, you are not bool sheeting,dudes, but get a clearer picture of our great heroes,folks!How many hindus and Indians know that millions of hindus and indians were starved to death before world war two? by british looters by packing millions and millions of tonnes of our food stuffs and shipping the food to england during that period and by starving our fore-fathers to cruel starvation&death? see ashani sanket, folks, the greatest film ever made by our great legend and film-maker, Satyajit Ray, After seeing the film, you may not be able to sleep forever, if you have some conscience or sensitive mind! How many hindus and Indians Know that our great non-violent saint mahatma gandhee, nehru and other great freedom fighters sat silently , not protesting even one day when millions were being starved to death and what is worse our non-violence saint did a mass appeal that all hindus, sikhs and buddhists must join british army to fight the enemeies and do you know how mnay thousands of hindus and sikhs&buddhists lost their lives in world war??? This is the crooked dark face of the british agent, mohandas aka mahatma ganchee!& Now the british looters are preventing even entry of hindus and indians to their soil though many lakhs have given their lives to save britain in world war! Now tell me folks, how will you rate great mahatma now?

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Re: Re: Re: Evolution gone wrong
by koshalodisha on Apr 06, 2012 04:27 PM
butthey are not as bad as moghuls who ruined the total indian culture and treated hindus as their bonded labourers

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Balan Iyer
A Sincere Friend Of USA
by Balan Iyer on Apr 06, 2012 10:38 AM  | Hide replies

Paki ISI caught KSM and handed him over to CIA Now next in line is Hafeez Saeed,who is going to be duly made over to USA to share the resu lting booty of 10 million dollars among the top brass of ISI.

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Re: A Sincere Friend Of USA
by koshalodisha on Apr 06, 2012 04:29 PM
this hafeez is canebal,thirsty of human blood and human flesh,the worst demon in world

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