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Nothing to fear, Koodankulam will be a success, assures Kalam

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mani mani
Read the article came 3 days before in DNA site
by mani mani on Nov 07, 2011 05:27 AM  | Hide replies

Dr Prameshwaran(who is the first PHD holder on nuclear technology in india) wants to close all the nuclear plants in india.Read the article in DNA site.

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Vivek Dev
Re: Read the article came 3 days before in DNA site
by Vivek Dev on Nov 07, 2011 08:02 AM
This is exactly what I have been saying on this board. Scrap all nuclear plants in INdia, now. Indians whether scientists or lay people do not understand safety issues. I have challenged people to prove nuclear plants are safe. I will pay anyone who can prove nuclear plants are safe Rs1 lakh. In case they are not able to prove it they should pay me Rs1 lakh. No takers till now

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Re: Re: Read the article came 3 days before in DNA site
by giveanid on Nov 07, 2011 10:27 AM
Sir, I lay out the same challenge about your car.

Wanna take that?

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Vivek Dev
Re: Re: Re: Read the article came 3 days before in DNA site
by Vivek Dev on Nov 07, 2011 11:18 AM
Yes every activity carries risk. It is all about acceptable risk and non-acceptable risk. Jumping out of a window on the 10th floor of a building is an unacceptable risk, jumping from a windown on the ground floor is acceptable risk. Get it?

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Babu Subrahmaniyan
Re: Re: Read the article came 3 days before in DNA site
by Babu Subrahmaniyan on Nov 07, 2011 10:31 AM
In the same breath, prove all rail travel, air travel, road travel, all domestic and other electrical appliances, pressure cookers.... the list can go on and on, are equally safe, because these are used by the 'common man' daily. Can we ban these because somewhere an accident happened and people were hurt or even lost lives? we are as of now sitting in the comfort of our home and send these mails thanks to technology. There is NO 100% assurance of safety in any aspect of living. We should look at the broader canvas.

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shravan tumallapally
Re: Re: Re: Read the article came 3 days before in DNA site
by shravan tumallapally on Nov 07, 2011 10:37 AM
Boss, all those risks are associated with themselves and private people are accountable. Now with nuclear disaster one some innocent will bear the brunt..and for life time..Have you forgotten bhopal?? How shabbily our people approached and let guilty escape..

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Vivek Dev
Re: Re: Re: Read the article came 3 days before in DNA site
by Vivek Dev on Nov 07, 2011 11:20 AM
Read above explanation it is all about acceptable risk and non-acceptable risk.

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mani mani
100 % assurance or Joke?
by mani mani on Nov 07, 2011 05:24 AM

Is Dr kalam developed nuclear technology to give 100% assurance? Then why russian scientists are commissioning the plant? Did russian scientisist given 100% assurance?

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mani mani
Read the artice from Dr Prameshwaran
by mani mani on Nov 07, 2011 05:19 AM

Dr Prameshwaran(who is the first PHD holder on nuclear technology in india) wants to close all the nuclear plants in india.Read the article in DNA.

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Vinay Gupta
this man
by Vinay Gupta on Nov 07, 2011 05:19 AM  | Hide replies

May be difficult to swallow but fact is that Kalam is agent of US and industrialists

Unfortunately we choose wrong and frauds as our role models

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Re: this man
by Almighty on Nov 07, 2011 08:23 AM
Ok , live without electricity and go back to kerosene lamps.

every idiot wants power but object to coal , nuke plants these are 2 most econominal options.

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Q and A
by D S on Nov 07, 2011 03:42 AM  | Hide replies

Max or John videshi agents,
All your arguments are invalid,

what india really needs. it will not get.
the technology to recover hydrogen from water using solar power is there and then convert hydrogen back to water.
The videshis are holding back key technology so India first commits itself into buying junk technologies for nuclear (and even third rated solar tech) to, spends their money like it does on 3rd rated weapons sold on hype or because they are sold to enemies so india is forced to buy junk.
videsh will bring out their key technology in solar and rest of energy sectors when India is fully sScuked and sold out into their strategy and junk techt.Videshi watch any key indian development that is promising to scuttle it, use it for themselves first or to slam it down or to buy out key desis developers using various bodies including spies, politicians, Desi brokers, programs, MNCs, etc.

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Re: Q and A
by D S on Nov 07, 2011 03:43 AM
continued ..

Slap and fool John,

All advanced nations are pumping solar power back into the grid, they are not storing it in batteries.

WAKE UP, they are selling you craaaaap.shut the F, why SP MPs were bribed? it is a big money business.
Why is Kalam so scared to talk alternates?



videshi agent , then why you lie so much about acid batteries, etc. WHY ??? FIX YOUR LIES.

there is hydrogen power technology that videshi are no giving, they are hiding it and lie that it will be released very sooon as it needs improvement. the hydrogen power can even use salt water.


john the videshi agent liar,

heard photo synthesis. there is new process where hydrogen is broken away from water and then reconverted back to water quite like Green plants. Are green plants explosives.

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I trust Dr.Abdul Kalam
by Vin on Nov 07, 2011 01:05 AM

He is good human being and a scientist

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Louis Hamon
Radiation absorbing liquid
by Louis Hamon on Nov 07, 2011 12:23 AM

What is the super absorbent fluid at the bottom of the reactor - Indian manufacture? How come we never heard of it? Is it like sanitary napkin.

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janardanan nambiar
Kalam and Kundankulam
by janardanan nambiar on Nov 06, 2011 11:28 PM

Shri APJ A Kalam is an Engineer turned Statesman.He know the subject well.Let us take his advise and proceed to complete the project.Politician think of next election and the Statesman think of the next generation.Dont cast aspirations on others,be specific in the subject

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