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No heaven, no afterlife, says Stephen Hawking

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manu abe
by manu abe on May 17, 2011 09:55 AM

Chick or Egg..Which is first
Like God and Science both r parallel..
No winner in this game

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Power Cut
God is a MERCIFUL Creator??
by Power Cut on May 17, 2011 09:52 AM  | Hide replies

The same God kills billions of stars, planets, animals, plants, unborn chilren, etc etc!!

The ones who are not only born but also survive this long are the luckyBastards!!!! And even that luck factor is shortlived and no one knows in which tsunami or earthquake or a terrorist attack or a disease will that luckyBastard get killed!!!

God is merciful?? Think again, you illiterate dumbfucks!!!

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Re: God is a MERCIFUL Creator??
by Purine on May 17, 2011 10:14 AM

God can't be a tyrant.. So there is something wrong in our perception of God. Someone said God is energy, like in Microwave.. Isn't this really pathetic?

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God do exist... but not in the form we think ...
by Arun on May 17, 2011 09:51 AM  | Hide replies

Embracing scince doesnt mean that u need to denounce god. And embracing god doesnt mean that u need to embrace religion. God do exist. In every living thing. It is the energy that makes living things live and also so called non living things like planets, stars including sun, galaxies exist and do their job without fail and also the same non living ones take care of the living thing's life an existence altogether. No one has any control over nature even after you boast of life and 6th and seventh sense right?

Religion, naming gods, castes all come out of our sick minds. Life is short... Lets serve and help eachother... and prove that we are one among the gods good creation and no need to question if there is a life after death.

why do we need to reserve a place in hell or heaven as we did when we were alive?

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Re: Re: God do exist... but not in the form we think ...
by Arun on May 17, 2011 10:02 AM
Nono... What I told was for the people in the discussion board. The guy there in the atricle is a real strong one who made it against the blief of many of his docs and hence the arogance. Thats ok. Atleast he contributed a geat deal in his life inspite of his short comings. How mny of us are capable of? Even that strength is given by his body and that is nothing but the energy.

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ajay sharma
Creator & Creation
by ajay sharma on May 17, 2011 09:46 AM  | Hide replies

Bina banay kuch banta nahi aur bina chalay kuch chalta nahi . So some One (Bagwan , God , Allah etc ) has created the universe & the human being or life . In other words which power / electricity runs the body till we are alive ? What’s that comes out of the human body that the organs ( Mind , heart etc ) stops working and is declared dead . There are “N” no of people who can recall their past life . The human body is so perfectly made by the creator that we are still doing research and have not been able to win over death . So I don't agree to what the scientist Hawking says .

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Power Cut
Re: Creator & Creation
by Power Cut on May 17, 2011 09:48 AM
The same bhagwan also kills in millions in mothersWombs even before birth and in billions when it comes to mosquitoes or parasites!!!!!

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Re: Re: Re: Creator & Creation
by Arun on May 17, 2011 09:59 AM
The unknown dad... Lol.

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Re: Creator & Creation
by tdharish on May 17, 2011 10:08 AM
human body was created but built by millions of years of evolution. Hearts is jus a machine that pumops blood. Brain is a machine that processes data. The energy we have come from the food we eat when it reacts with oxygen breath.

winning over death is tough because at one point body will too many damages to be repaired jus like a car which at one point become too costly to be repaired or maintained.

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ajay sharma
Creator & Creation
by ajay sharma on May 17, 2011 09:45 AM

Bina banay kuch banta nahi aur bina chalay kuch chalta nahi . So some One (Bagwan , God , Allah etc ) has created the universe & the human being or life . In other words which power / electricity runs the body till we are alive ? What’s that comes out of the human body that the organs ( Mind , heart etc ) stops working and is declared dead . There are “N” no of people who can recall their past life . The human body is so perfectly made by the creator that we are still doing research and have not been able to win over death . So I don't agree to what the scientist Hawking says .

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Power Cut
@asif siddique - All religions are MAN-MADE!!
by Power Cut on May 17, 2011 09:44 AM  | Hide replies

You are very much right. All these religions are MAN-MADE trying to discpline themselves through concepts like God for good and Satan for evil behaviour of a human. But the definition of good and bad change over a period of time, based on situations and geographies, and so does the definitions of God and Satan!!!

And hence, so many religions trying to define their own God (good) and Satan (bad)!!!

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asif siddiqui
Re: @asif siddique - All religions are MAN-MADE!!
by asif siddiqui on May 17, 2011 09:52 AM
True. concept of supreme being watching us and will reward/punish us even if other humans r not aware of our act, works for masses.

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SatyaKumarRao Dronamraju
It means..
by SatyaKumarRao Dronamraju on May 17, 2011 09:44 AM  | Hide replies

"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail."

Excellent, Brain indeed is a computer or 'Super Computer'. Hawking has unwittingly exposed his bluff.

Do we have computers made by NO COMPANY? Are they designed and manufactured in sophisticated labs or just pop up on their own?

Hawking has vouched that 'Aliens' exist and are already on earth few years back.

Let us not take all his talk as the Ultimate Truth. Science & Scientists know only a miniscule portion of the laws governing Life and Creation and we should not be in a hurry to jump to conclusions

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Re: It means..
by tdharish on May 17, 2011 10:10 AM
and u donno even that minuscule. U jus keep following what ur ancestor told blindly

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by BASHIR AHMAD on May 17, 2011 09:43 AM  | Hide replies


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asif siddiqui
by asif siddiqui on May 17, 2011 09:41 AM  | Hide replies

Dont know what Hawking say is right or wrong. One thing is clear all religions are fundamentally same. Concept of heaven/hell create a sense of right/wrong in mind of followers, which is like incentive/punishment for type of behavior.

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Power Cut
Re: hi
by Power Cut on May 17, 2011 09:43 AM
You are very much right. All these religions are MAN-MADE trying to discpline themselves through concepts like God for good and Satan for evil behaviour of a human. But the definition of good and bad change over a period of time, based on situations and geographies, and so does the definitions of God and Satan!!!

And hence, so many religions trying to define their own God (good) and Satan (bad)!!!

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asif siddiqui
Re: Re: hi
by asif siddiqui on May 17, 2011 09:52 AM
True. concept of supreme being watching us and will reward/punish us even if other humans r not aware of our act, works for masses.

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haider salman
Sloth from Hawking
by haider salman on May 17, 2011 09:40 AM

It is not more than a sloth.

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