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Why Kapil Sibal trashed the CAG report

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Kapil Defended A Corrupt Judge
by Abilash on Jan 10, 2011 10:31 AM

After that Corruption Baba(PVNR),Inducted Him to Congress.BJP dont Like CECs and Congress dont like CAGs.What a pity?

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The Brain, 1969
by vorpal on Jan 10, 2011 10:29 AM

I remember a 1969 movie, "The Brain", starring David Niven. Niven plays the role of a very clever thief. The thief's head, carrying a very heavy brain, tended to fall to one side or the other, and he had to prop it and keep it straight with his hand. ....!!!

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kumar kn
Congress and Kapil's strange logic
by kumar kn on Jan 10, 2011 10:28 AM

Kapil Sibal has made a fool of himself by his strange explanation by which the 2G Scam loss has come down to ZERO from Rs 1.86 lakh crores.He has insulted the intellegence of the Indians.He has become a spokesperson for Raja and DMK.SO WHY DID RAJA RESIGN ? Kipil should immediately resign and reinstate Raja to his former post.The Congress newspapers and channels are going to town brandishing and justifying this new nonsensical argument of Kapil.Some honest jounalists like MJ Akbar have rubbished Kapil's nonsense.Kapil has violated his oath of office by trying to protect Sonia/MMS/Raja/Karuna at the expense of the country to which he should own alligience, but unfortunately,doesn't.Shame on Kapil Sibal !

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unwanted speech by minister and authority,
by ASHOK PANDYA on Jan 10, 2011 10:27 AM

people do backwas in the conferance who has authority and when some contraversical statement comes party says it is his personal opinion, how a mininster or an authority on the dias gives his personal opinion when the question was asked to him as an authority, other thing is that the lawers who thinks that they are pleading the case wihtout getting any fees from the clints and try to justifiy the common man the uncommon things , all these lawers manish tiwarri,k.p.sibbla,manu singhwi,manishankar aiyaer,and all others they throwout their life studied what is legal and what is not, what is wriiten in the books and what is not, but they just forget the common man who has yet to visit a court for any resona

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arungopal agarwal
Kapil Sibbal
by arungopal agarwal on Jan 10, 2011 10:27 AM

Have you ever seen politician accepting any charge even after Supreme Court verdict, how on CAG or CBI findings can be acceptable to Sibbal. Only a politician is right, everyone in this country is prejudiced.

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prashant bhandari
sibals accounts
by prashant bhandari on Jan 10, 2011 10:17 AM

17000 cr / raja = sibal = 0.

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Shravan Sinha
by Shravan Sinha on Jan 10, 2011 10:16 AM


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rajeev kulshrestha
Kapil is a lawyer
by rajeev kulshrestha on Jan 10, 2011 10:13 AM  | Hide replies

Kapil is a lawyer his duty is to defend the person
that is why he is defending the congress..

But he is not an accountant so how he can challenge the CAG which has whole life experience of accounts.
if advocate can do the accounctancy work than goverment should select lawer for the post of CAG,auditers and in his department .

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ramakrishnan s
Re: Kapil is a lawyer
by ramakrishnan s on Jan 10, 2011 10:18 AM
Very well said! Accounting and law are two different professions. The problem is that in india politicians think no end of themselves and know they can talk anything and get away with it.

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Re: Kapil is a lawyer
by RAJESH on Jan 10, 2011 10:23 AM
My dear friend he is a minister holding a constitutional post. Taken oath in respect to constitution.

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Of course
by MOON MOON on Jan 10, 2011 10:13 AM

All are fools other than this guy and the other loud mouth Manish Tiwari.

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Nagarajan Iyer
Hi Kapil
by Nagarajan Iyer on Jan 10, 2011 10:11 AM

After completing law did you ever work with PWC? Price Waterhouse and Coopers?

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