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There should be no retirement age for politicians: VS

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Lakshmanan Kalimedukaliannagoun
age for politicians
by Lakshmanan Kalimedukaliannagoun on Apr 13, 2011 02:24 PM

Employees in every sector after 60 will be ruining that particular sector. But politicians at any age could ruin the nation, plunder all through their life.

Why Rahul talks about age in Kerala but not in Tamilnadu? That is politics.

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retirement for politicians
by SUNIL SHETH on Apr 13, 2011 02:13 PM

For any minister-MP,MLA,Union/State Minister- should compulsarily retire at 55 years.

Half of corruption will be over.

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Prathap p
by Prathap p on Apr 13, 2011 12:06 PM

A peon in kerala retires at the age of 55. But bloody politicians live on peoples' money till they die. This is very sad. all politicians must retire at the age at which a peon reitres. See the fate of DMK Congress BJp.

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Joy Gupta
No retirement age for politicians
by Joy Gupta on Apr 13, 2011 12:04 PM

But their performance evaluation should be done by a third party. Each and every promise made by the parties in their election manifesto should be evaluated to check for compliance.

If compliance is more than 60%, the person will get a second term. No second term even if the person is the leader of the winning party.

But to implement all this, we need an electoral reform and amendment of the constitution. For that, the people of India should unite once again. I dream of that day when we the people of India unite against the politicians and drive them out to build a clean India.

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Shyam Sunder
by Shyam Sunder on Apr 13, 2011 11:48 AM

There should be no retirement age for politicians. Even if you keep any, they would continue to be Governors of some States or trustees of some boards and mismanage. Best thing is to kill them once they are sixty. Atleast for the fear of death at sixty all ro- gues would stop entering politics.

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Why politicians should be spared of retirement?
by VipertheSniper on Apr 13, 2011 11:05 AM

Why politicians should be spared of retirement? Now a days Politics is not a form of service to a nation it is a career. As every career has retirement age some early some may retire latter.

Like US India should follow the same policy election to the highest post (Like CM, PM, President etc) only twice in a life time.

So that India will have many choices and right choices.

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by sunil on Apr 13, 2011 10:35 AM  | Hide replies

No Retirement age for politicains.What can we say about Manmohan sing,Soniya Gandhi.

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Prathap p
Re: retirement
by Prathap p on Apr 13, 2011 12:07 PM
what about adwani

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well said V S Achuthanandan
by babulal on Apr 13, 2011 10:10 AM  | Hide replies

there shoild not be any retirement age for politicains.politicians do desh seva.
If there is retirement age then how are beloved leader lal krisn Advaniji will be the prime minister of the country. our hope will be shattered. we all want to see advaniji become primeminister one day.
jai advaniji

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Re: well said V S Achuthanandan
by JGN on Apr 13, 2011 10:56 AM
OneAdvani has been able to drill some sense into the rottenBrain of low life convrts!! Really wonderful achievement.

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Prathap p
Re: Re: well said V S Achuthanandan
by Prathap p on Apr 13, 2011 12:07 PM

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RAJ sharma
by RAJ sharma on Apr 13, 2011 04:01 AM

should show balls & expose all these criminals from top to bottom....we deserve a better system and govt.....stop this babushahi....all the chors need to be put behind bars...jail bharo magar choro se

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RAJ sharma
what were these ppl doing
by RAJ sharma on Apr 13, 2011 03:58 AM

for 60 yrs....could not do development now come election they talk abt it....and media has no DUM to strip them naked in public.

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