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Exclusive: Arun Jaitley on Kashmir

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jatinder nayar
Kashmir - People Conflit
by jatinder nayar on Sep 12, 2010 01:47 PM

All the pandits, dogras, ladakhis have proved themself cowherds and afraid to fight for their rights. This is actually partly true because right from the independence none of governments which came to power supported their justification and only gave in to the separatists demands. Now if all the pandits, dogras, ladakhis come together and put forth their demands very persuasively and then stick to them with equal voilence will the separists mellow down. As Voilence from one group of people against the voilence of the other group will result in peace.

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ashish muni
Kashmir Violence.
by ashish muni on Sep 12, 2010 01:43 PM  | Hide replies

This Stupid PM Manmohan Singh just to please his USA Bosses will barter away Kashmir for a few International praise.Why cant be tough like Israelis who will tolerate no nonsense.The PM is so weak that he is afraid of some few Stone throwers.If he cannot keep the country United he should be soon thrown away with Sonia and Baba Rahul.Why cant Rahul do something for Kashmir or he is also afraid like our PM. Congress only knows how to loot this country and keep this country poor .But at least the common people and the armed forces has got guts to defend this country.Go to hell to the CONGRESS.

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ayman q
Re: Kashmir Violence.
by ayman q on Sep 12, 2010 07:26 PM
You cant blame MMS. He is only a night watchman. The real mess was created by Nehru family who saw advantage in perpetuating Kashmir mess. He thought 1. he could impress Edwina 2. he could try for Nobel prize 3. it would be a good way to distract people's attention from corruption, poverty, illiteracy.
All this dynasty wants is to strut on stage saying they are saviours. They havent provided a solution for anything so your hope about Rahul doing anything is expecting too much. He is anyway not there to solve anything only to talk about his family which created the K mess, gave away thousands of kms of land to China etc

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Manish Shukla
Finish the Issue of Kashmir asap
by Manish Shukla on Sep 12, 2010 01:39 PM

Just change the special status of J&K and resolve issue asap. No need of intervention of other country. These older and aged ministers can't do anything. They should at the temples or at homes. This issue must be solved by Congress as it is started by Jawaharlal Nehru.

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We need to develop our own strategy to resolve this issue...
by ashoka on Sep 12, 2010 01:29 PM

Well said, Mr.Jaitely but there is no point is waiting for Congress to accept the past blunders which might never happen. And in the same way expecting the western governments to support us in this issue too is simply easy said than done. Because westerners will naturally have their strategy to place every non-western countries 'in check' and J&K issue is the one to keep our Country in check. Our parties [BJP in particular] will need to increase their strength in this state. i.e. Jammu, this should be the first step. The local parties are too unreliable.

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Re: Like kashmiriyat
by GRINDIAN on Sep 12, 2010 01:59 PM
Kashmiri terrorist agent is writing with Bengali names. Bengal is land of Bhadra Lok and Indian Idols like Tagore , Subhash Babu and not the terrosist you idiot .

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Rahul Moondra
Re: Like kashmiriyat
by Rahul Moondra on Sep 12, 2010 01:33 PM
you are a lol.....boka chele...

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Mahesh Jagga
Re: Re: Re: Like kashmiriyat
by Mahesh Jagga on Sep 13, 2010 05:44 PM
Good. At least you know names of 10 states. Try some more and you will memorize rest of them also.

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Balaji ramakrishnan
Re: Re: Re: Like kashmiriyat
by Balaji ramakrishnan on Sep 13, 2010 06:23 AM
Funny dude. get a life.

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bihari babu
Kashmiri have to be respected.
by bihari babu on Sep 12, 2010 01:16 PM  | Hide replies

The time is gone when you can use gun to keep people with you. whole world has awaken. you have to work psycologically. promote good laedership. kashmir need 1000s of leader who can inspire youth for growth and peace not violance. Also most importantly try to solve their problems of job creation, infrastructur.
talk to them in respectful manner, treat them just like other indian.
lot of people keep writing abusive message. that will creat even more terrorist and violance since muslims by nature always want to fight.

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Re: Kashmiri have to be respected.
by GLADIATOR on Sep 15, 2010 07:39 AM
They are always respected enough, but what they have done? Did they give respect back..if they have problems, sit across the table like civilised people and talk it over. Do they do that???

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Re: Kashmiri have to be respected.
by GRINDIAN on Sep 12, 2010 01:56 PM
Dont writ with nicknames Bihari Babu. You are a Paki agent . Say this philosopjhy in Pakisthan and Chiana , your neck woudl be chopped off. Thne you would understand the meaning of freedon of expresssion.

Basically Kashmiri seperatist have been pampered by Nehruvian mindset of cowardice. His pals in present congress are ding injustice with Mother India by paying with kids gloves with terrorists. We need Saradr Patal like iron man at centre and not the OLD lady fo 125 years who has lost faith in life and cant stand on its own.

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