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Vishal Jain
Re: treat as other part
by Vishal Jain on Aug 07, 2010 06:31 PM
The problem here is not that the Valley region is under isolation, but that the mindsets of the people living in that area. These people are physically present in India, but are mentally and emotionally attached to Pakistan. They are not even willing to understand that Kashmir is an integral part of India. I have been to Kashmir and have with my own ears heard these people gossip like, "This is Kashmir. This is not Hindustan".

And if you are talking of isolation, just visit Andaman and Nicobar or Lakshwadeep Islands. Even you will find those people proudly declaring themselves as part of India. Is Kashmir valley more isolated than those places?

It is just that the Kashmiris are not able to insert in their minds the very fact that India is an independent country and the state of Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India; irrespective of who all are living there. That's it.

Pakistan is not willing to accept these people as their own and they are not willing to accept us Indians, who have sheltered them for more than 60 yrs as their own.

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anurag verma
Re: Re: treat as other part
by anurag verma on Aug 08, 2010 01:53 PM
good comparison and food for thought , there are places which are so isolated but still part of India by heart and soul.

Actually it is Kashimri Pundits who are real victims of these separatist right wingers. First they have to get the due then anyone else.

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anirban bandyo
Dont blame the youth: Find who are behind them?
by anirban bandyo on Aug 07, 2010 10:15 AM  | Hide replies

The old fools who are playing the game, find them out and kill them. Youth's are just puppets to dance in their tunes.

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anirban bandyo
Re: Dont blame the youth: Find who are behind them?
by anirban bandyo on Aug 07, 2010 10:16 AM

Forgot about Bengal in 1971?

Who were behind them?

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Balan Iyer
Azad Kashmir
by Balan Iyer on Aug 07, 2010 10:06 AM

Pakis by attacking Kashmir through Pathan Tribal Raiders brought to end the Independent Sovereign Statehood of Kashmir;but the piece of Kashmir bitten of by Pakis is ironically called Azad Kashmir.More than on the Military Front,we should fight a war on the Propaganda
Front to impress the stupid Kashmiris, crying for Azad Kashmir, as to who is the friend and
who is the foe?

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Ravindra Jayawant
by Ravindra Jayawant on Aug 07, 2010 10:02 AM  | Hide replies

DEAR ALL who have been writing and postingtheir opinions on this subject. I also wish to invite all of the youths from KASHMIR to participate in this debate.
We date back in 1947 the independance year for INDIA as well as PAKISTAN. At the same time I wish to request everyone to pay respect in true sense to PAKISTAN. Please never use the language that would hurt the feelings and sentiments of them. As you respect and wish to be respected as India & Indians, they also have the right to call their country as Pakistan & Pakistani. What would realy happen if you need to forgive some mischiveous people from Pakistan by doing a purpouseful mischif of putting the Indian tricolor in reverse manner??? Once you forgive them for such things, you let it go un-noticed even after noticing it, they will learn a definite lesson. The moment we start getting annoyed by the deeds of such people, their acts get fueled. They also enjoy you getting disturbed. I never mean that we should not protect our integrity and the land but while doing so we should never allow our focus be diverted from the main issues as such due to the small incidents. Why the problem in KASHMIR and not in other parts, where there is more muslim population??? This problem is not for any religious reason. The islam is getting tarnished unnecessarily in this problem. It is one of the most peace loving religion. One should respect this religion as in the same manner as it his/her own. I will continue in

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Balan Iyer
by Balan Iyer on Aug 07, 2010 10:11 AM
I agree with you.We should
at least stop using langua
ge of hate,hurt and venom.

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venu usha
by venu usha on Aug 07, 2010 09:50 AM

There are only two ways of solving the problem.If Kashmir is an integral part of India treat it like one and solve the mutiny with hardest measures.Dismiss the civilain Govt. relieve their police force as they are not able to deliver the goods, pull back civilian population and hand over the border areas to army and seal the borders. Deal with the internal trouble mongers in such way that that forget issue altogether.One should know that we are fighting an external enemy who is behind the so called separatists. The other way is to concede what the majority of Kashmiris want and get rid of the issue so that others in this country can live peacefully and develop.Give them the long rope and let them hang themselvees but we should strongly deal with any chain reaction to this in other part of the country. Soft pedalling the issue and running away from facts will not do as is proved.But will there be committed leaders in this country to do it?

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Sameer Bhagwat
Cry babies
by Sameer Bhagwat on Aug 07, 2010 09:46 AM  | Hide replies

Muslim cry babies where were these guys when Pandits were being driven out? Kill them all if they protest.

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sara bano
Re: Cry babies
by sara bano on Aug 09, 2010 10:47 PM
why didnt pandits fight back against jagmohan who comelled their migration and pandits left in greed of jobs and relief..if they repent for their decision they are welcome to comeback

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sham sundar
Aazadi? What's that?
by sham sundar on Aug 07, 2010 09:40 AM  | Hide replies

It is time that Kashmiri's realise that Aazadi is not an option available...how many evertimes that they chant this slogan...how many ever time they take to the streets...how many ever times they burn buses, police vehicles...and how many ever times they raise up in rebellion against India!

Kashmir's fate is interlocked with India's and cannot be undone for as long as the current Indian Republic stands. If anything...any insurgency or Intifada would be put down with overwhelming force...if things go beyond a time..

India should not hesitate to raze Kashmir to the ground and bomb them back to stone age! History has shown us repeatedly that successful nation states are built on building blocks such as Civilizational linkages, might of the state and lots and lots of blood!

So my dear Kashmir brothers...give up your pipe-dream and make yourselves useful.

Hail India!

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sanjeev chhabra
Re: Aazadi? What's that?
by sanjeev chhabra on Aug 07, 2010 10:27 AM
First solution to this problem is that dissolve article 370 and make the muslim community a minority by giving free land to Retired army and paramilitary people.Till date lot of soft peddaling has been done. Consider this as a war against India and deal with these seperatist with iron hand . try to drive them to other side of kashmir

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sara bano
Re: Re: Aazadi? What's that?
by sara bano on Aug 08, 2010 03:05 PM
50 killed in 58 days...including 7 year old children beaten till death..soft peddaling??

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anirban bandyo
There was no rebellion in 1990s It was genocide of hindus
by anirban bandyo on Aug 07, 2010 09:37 AM

Genocide of hindus should not be considered a freedom fighting.

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