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underperformer in my personel experience
by abhi on Apr 12, 2008 10:20 PM  | Hide replies

It is something i have seen ...last year in my company 5 people got fired because of poor performance .. i was surprise to know 2 of then were IIT'ian .initialy i though IITian are very good how is that possible..then via HR other resouce we came to know they were from reserve class...so making in IIT does not make u job gurantee...end of they u have better than other person working with u ..

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RE:underperformer in my personel experience
by Golden on Apr 12, 2008 10:30 PM
reserve class????!
i dont know why these jokers tell lie and height is they think this will work.
abe gadhe right now quota has not been there.
and i can also tell story like this that some of pundits and kshatriyas were fired due to poor performance adn then i inquired and found that they were given admisstion because the director of so and so institute was a brahmin who was such a criminal minded that he did nto care the talent and gave admission to these upper class people directly thought they did not deserve any seat.
people will be surprised to know that one of the brahmin tried to do phd. on soul in the iit. these kind of people are coming in the industries so they are bound to come down.
these people are only filled with hatred and idiotic ideas.

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RE:underperformer in my personel experience
by abhi on Apr 12, 2008 10:35 PM
abe gadhe ...ST (21 %) quota is already there ...sale write karane se kuch padh ..

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RE:RE:underperformer in my personel experience
by abhi on Apr 12, 2008 10:37 PM
Gloden gadha ...quota is already there for ST ..Now same mercy is given to gadhe like u golden ...sale kuch to saram kar

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RE:underperformer in my personel experience
by Golden on Apr 12, 2008 10:39 PM
abe gadhagiri band kar. yahaan baat ho rahi hai OBC ki to abni dhechu dhechu mein ST aur SC kyon le aya..
rah gaya na gadha ka gadha..

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RE:underperformer in my personel experience
by abhi on Apr 12, 2008 10:49 PM
Be sale yanah reservation ki bat ho rahi hai i...reservation se OBC aye yaar ST aye ...kya pharak padata ,,,hai sale OBC ke awalad

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Anand Rao
by Anand Rao on Apr 12, 2008 10:15 PM

630 page judgement! Did the judgement involved the formula for making a rocket? But, a smart idea indeed, let the fools revolve around the 630 pages, by the time they would have understand the whole thing 10 years would have already passed and at that time these protestors would have been well settled out side India. So there will be no tension. Na rahega baans, na bajegi bansuri. :-)

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want to see unemployed IITians or IIM degree ..wait for 2008 batch to come out
by abhi on Apr 12, 2008 10:15 PM  | Hide replies

Time have come from 2008 batch onwards ,,,we can see people not getting jobs even they have degree from IIT and IIMS ..because pvt sectore will look for skills not cast ..

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Mahendra Patel
RE:want to see unemployed IITians or IIM degree ..wait for 2008 batch to come out
by Mahendra Patel on Apr 13, 2008 09:14 AM

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Anand Rao
by Anand Rao on Apr 12, 2008 10:12 PM

Who wrote the constitution and for Whom?

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dharamsingh rana
Reservations for OBCs and SC/STs.
by dharamsingh rana on Apr 12, 2008 10:08 PM  | Hide replies

There have been numerous verdicts from the apex court on the issue of reservations for the socalled OBCs and of course SCs/STs during the last 60 years or so since independence. Every time a judgment is delivered, the buzzword is "to bring the backward classes into the mainstream through positive discrimination". No where it has ever been said who constitute this "mainstream" part of the Indian society; apparently the expression alludes to the castes/classes falling outside the pale of reserved categories. But has anybody cared to set benchmark identifying the "mainstream" so that the reserved categories, when they are given preferred treatment in matters of admission to institutions of higher learning like IITs, IIMs and Medical Institutes, can aspire or are encouraged to raise themselves to heights that constitute the "mainstream". Because politicians have no calibre to think of the real issues; judges are a product of this mix of mediocrity in the society; and India is clearly condemned to remain a mediocre nation not excelling in any field. This will only ensure that Indians keep themselves busy in perpetuity quarrelling over nibling at the existing pie from all directions without ever caring to increasing the size of the pie/s which can feed all Indians without discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, religion or region. Then only we can aspire to make India a truly developed and most harmonious nation in the world.

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Krish Karthik
RE:Reservations for OBCs and SC/STs.
by Krish Karthik on Apr 12, 2008 10:38 PM
Can't agree with u more. The so-called OBCs did not take to education as they had other pursuits equally remunerative.Today they control the economy, politics and are salivating for the jobs which are a different calling. Caste has stood them in good stead. A good carpenter, a good plumber is as difficult to get as an IIM seat today in our cities. I know carpenters who make 2/3 lakhs in every new apartment building in Bangalore. I know of barbers who have made films.An uneducated motor bike mechanic I know owns three flats in Chennai. The incompetent will always covet what they don't deserve and now they want to get it through legislation instead of hard-work and sweat.A country that disrespects its meritorious deserves to be damned. A Sam Pitroda, an Ambedkar was possible only bcoz of necessary effort. They want the growth to take place through the hard-work of the meritorious but want the fruits thereof without any contribution. It is this sense of entitlement internalised in them that is causing deep concern. An IIT, IIM seat has certain requirements unrelated to caste. But they feel just bcoz they belong to a certain caste, it's their right to get it. As u righly said, ultimately it boils down to the parasite politician despite whom India has progressed and which he cannot digest. He wants his dishonest clones everywhere.

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