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'Climate reports not diluted'

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bhagat singh
RE:123 N Deal
by bhagat singh on Oct 12, 2007 04:33 PM
CPI(M) is Criminal Peoples of India (Makkad)
CPI is Corrupted Peoples of India

UPA is responsible enough not to burden Mid-Term poll but, let us see how they will take us through the development process against these sick and fanatic people, so called CPM and CPI. These power thirsty leftist are agents of China and they will try to strike again and again against interest and development of our country. We have fought against Britishers to gain freedom, but now we have to clean out this sick, uncivillised, fanatic, triator communist from our country.

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Nobel prize for Dr Rajendra Kumar Pachauri
by Gomathyselvaraj on Oct 12, 2007 04:10 PM  | Hide replies

We need to be proud that an indian could attain this eminence.

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RE:Nobel prize for Dr Rajendra Kumar Pachauri
by Santhosh on Oct 12, 2007 04:34 PM
Check your wording Gomathy.
It conveys a different meaning!!

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RE:Nobel prize for Dr Rajendra Kumar Pachauri
by Santhosh on Oct 12, 2007 04:33 PM
Check your wording Gomathy.
It conveys a different meaning!!

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D goel
Congrats To Dr . R.K. Pachauri ji
by D goel on Oct 12, 2007 03:58 PM  | Hide replies

Pkl. Afternoon, 355pm 12th oct . Friday, 2007
Well as an indian I do feel happy that a fellow Indian citizen and dedicated environmental scientist has been recognised as the person along with distinguished Environmental ,former VP of US El Gore for 2007's Peace Price by Nobel Foundation.We wish his concerns and efforts shall lead to mankind's welfare better, now, that he has suddenly been pushed to Global Lime-Light.Congrats...D. Goel/

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mah jogad
RE:Congrats To Dr . R.K. Pachauri ji
by mah jogad on Oct 12, 2007 06:47 PM
Congrats to Dr R K Pachauriji
After many years some Indian scientists has been recognised along with Prof Algore former VP of USA.
Convey my congtulation to Prof Algore
Dr M S Jogad
Dept of Physics,
SBC of Science, Gulbarga, India

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ems nnn
Lets' Wait
by ems nnn on Jun 14, 2007 08:20 PM

Let us wait till the Arctic sea ice Sept minimumextend of 2007. Lets' see what Mark Serezze has to say

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Economic boom
by on Jun 05, 2007 10:54 AM  | Hide replies

The developing countries like India, China, Phillipines etc are so blinded in their race to tap economic & industrial growth that they have failed to set the right direction. India & China are being labelled as outsourcing hub of the world. All the manufacturing, labor & resource intensive activities are outsourced to these countries. And we pride ourselves with this trend. We need to realise that we are depleting our natural resources, polluting our climate to cater to the services of the developed country. Developed countries, who outsource, have everything going for them in this equation. They get a huge cost benefit without spending their natural resources and polluting their climate.. and they get final produce.. What do India/China get? Some bit of employment (mostly underpaid), so called economic boom and a feel of weighty position in international trade scenario.. We need to be wise enough to understand that at this rate, we are going to be robbed-off our natural resources and climate. It won't take much for the so called out-sourcers to take back their contracts/investments.. If we are working so hard and earning money for the good future of our coming generations, then lets think again.. I would definitely not want my children to inherit the earth where they have to fight for basic necessities like water, food, pure air and healthy sunlight. They may have their parent's fortune but that will do little to improve their quality of life.. They will curse their forefath

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abc xyz
RE:Economic boom
by abc xyz on Oct 12, 2007 05:31 PM
Outsourcing is happening mostly in IT and services industry... where there is no question of climate or using more resouces...

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Mukesh Garg
RE:Economic boom
by Mukesh Garg on Jun 06, 2007 01:53 AM
Very well said.
But remember, India is far behind China is this respect. In China, they have 3 time more land and natural resources, and they have done their best o control population. What has India done in this regard? Nothing. So, Finally, it will be us who will be worst hit. Govt must take steps to control population.

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bhagat singh
RE:Economic boom
by bhagat singh on Oct 12, 2007 04:38 PM
China is also playing foul game by locking the value of its money, so that they can dump their cheap and under quality products in our country. Resulting in closing down of our industries. Who will bear this burn most ?.. Our peoples are becoming jobless now..Why nobody is bothered about these ??.. If Left peoples are so bothered about workers, then why they are keeping quite ??

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RE:Economic boom
by Chanakya on Oct 12, 2007 04:29 PM
i appreciate your point... however, just think where would India be without the current trend of outsourcing being attracted... India has always been under developed with unemployment, poverty, poor infrastructure, poor power supply, falana falana... If we think like LEFT (who first calculate the profit of an Industry before even the foundation stone is laid) and claim wages, perks and benefits, it would not be too far that the current trend also would come to an end..in that case, what alternate do we have to grow. until we grow and stand on our own, whatever comes to us cannot be simply disregarded.

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Ram Sharma
Global warming, happiness
by Ram Sharma on Jun 05, 2007 10:51 AM

We should strictly enforce one child norm like china. increasing population is a bottleneck in providing enough to everyone. it is also responsible for global warming, which is going to cause lot of natural havoc in the world very soon, without discriminating on the basis of caste or religion.
-start putting expenditure tax. this will reduce excessive expenditure by people, which causes heart burning in poor people and it also causes burning of oxygen gas in the atmosphere adding to global warming.
- people should lead a simple life like that of gandhiji, netaji, vinoba bhave, dr kalam etc AND NOT RUN AFTER FASHION, MONEY OR FAME. this will make the people happy.

in the name of develpoment lot of forest land has been encroached, air and water has been polluted. but it has not made the man happy. people of even usa, the only super power, r not happy. amabani brothers r not on talking terms, even though they r the richest in the country. so why to waste time, money, environment, ecology in the name of development?

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