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this person is to be excused
by dinesh kumar on May 01, 2007 07:24 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

humanist,u are a misinformed child.
are there tensions anywhere now or before?
u cant be classified.

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RE:this person is to be excused
by pandia rajan on May 02, 2007 12:05 AM  Permalink
dinesh, leave this yaar .. no point in arguing in this issue .. these are people who hate caste-based reservation but love caste .. and they behave as if they are guardians of hinduism ..

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by Humanist on May 01, 2007 07:03 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

kill each other on some pretext or other lol. Just the way how Africans behave. After all both are black

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by Kiran on May 02, 2007 09:00 PM  Permalink
Racist comments... and you call yourself humanist..

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by dinesh kumar on May 01, 2007 07:21 PM  Permalink
a person with many compexes,that is u.

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An IAS officer making a Anti Indianness Film..isnt he breaking the law here ??
by BostonPunekar on May 01, 2007 07:02 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It is a known fact that when a IAS officer is incarporated in the Indian Admistrative Service , he swears his alliagnce to the loyalty, integrety and alligance to the Indian Democratic Republic.

All IAS officers have to swear to this pledge of

"To my country and my people I pledge my devotion I solemnly pledge to work with dedication to preserve and strengthen the
freedom and integrity of the nation"

Now here is an Individual Gnana Rajasekharan who is an IAS officer makes a

film of Periyar then he has to touch the subjects of..

1> His opposition to Indias Freedom struggle and colabration with the Britishers .

2>Visit to Russia and meet the Russian dictator Joseph Stalin who slaughtered and
executed 40 million of his own Russian comarades in concentntration camps..!

3> In 1956, he took a procession of Rama's picture garlanded with slippers. So has to show open defamation and insult to Hindusim
near Dharmapuri and destroyed the portrait in public. And show praises of Islam and Christinity.

4>Most importantly his own cry of Separate country for Dravidian people.

5> his stand of against competing in elections in a democracy and the democratic system.

6>Reinterpreted" Ramayana-a version transposing hero and villain, in which the Sri Lankan demon king Ravana becomes a heroic "Dravidian of 'excellent character, convinently forgetting Ravana was a Brahmin..!! Devi Sita was shown as a flirt and a characterless woman..!!!

7>Encouraged the policy of evicting Brahmins from their homelands, towns and villages , forcing the "LARGEST SILENT FORCED MIGRATION" of Brahmins outside of Tamilnadu.Infact has similarities to the eviction of Kashmiri Pandits from the Valley, only the means there were violent, here they were silent and invissible but yet state sponsered.

Now I am interested to see how is a IAS officer going to put all this anti-India and hatefull information in the film.

Well with the Communists in support to UPA , anything that offends Hindus is always welcome.This just falls in part of that agenda.

Dont any of the viewers feel that he is indeeed breaking the law...?? And dont be surprised if someone files a Public Interest Litigation against this horrific activity.

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RE:An IAS officer making a Anti Indianness Film..isnt he breaking the law here ??
by Purohit Sharma on May 02, 2007 09:16 AM  Permalink
Please be respectful to others ideas.Self criticism is the best criticis.Those who do not have an intelligent answer to a query gets angry and starts using primitive culture and language, filthy remarks. This is totally unbecoming of a civilized person anyway. Everybody knows Hinduism is a sinking ship. Unless and until some radical reforms based on human values are taken Hinduism will only find a place in museums only in a very short span of time. As time passes the exodus will gain further momentum. So end it if you can not mend it.

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RE:An IAS officer making a Anti Indianness Film..isnt he breaking the law here ??
by dinesh kumar on May 01, 2007 07:20 PM  Permalink
u r the poison.
u look to kindle things.
u are a failure.

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RE:RE:An IAS officer making a Anti Indianness Film..isnt he breaking the law here ??
by BostonPunekar on May 01, 2007 07:36 PM  Permalink
Dude dinesh,

Perriars followers started kindeling things 60 years ago. Hence there is now hardly anything left in Tamilnadu to burn or poison..!!!!

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RE:RE:RE:An IAS officer making a Anti Indianness Film..isnt he breaking the law here ??
by dinesh kumar on May 01, 2007 07:49 PM  Permalink
what are the incidents ,any one ?

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RE:An IAS officer making a Anti Indianness Film..isnt he breaking the law here ??
by greatrr on May 02, 2007 12:55 AM  Permalink
BTW SVe Sekhar had asked if the govt. of tamilnadu support or fund a film taken on vaidhyanatha ayyar & rajaji who also fought for the same cause as the so called "periyar".. Mr. Karu is quiet :)

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by Purohit Sharma on May 02, 2007 09:17 AM  Permalink
Please be respectful to others ideas.Self criticism is the best criticism.Those who do not have an intelligent answer to a query gets angry and starts using primitive culture and language, filthy remarks. This is totally unbecoming of a civilized person anyway. Everybody knows Hinduism is a sinking ship. Unless and until some radical reforms based on human values are taken Hinduism will only find a place in museums only in a very short span of time. As time passes the exodus will gain further momentum. So end it if you can not mend it.

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Brahmins Failed and hence got denigrated
by Srinivasan Parthasarathy on May 01, 2007 06:36 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The origin of caste system was to have excellence in all spheres. Brahmins were given the highest order but were barred from amassing wealth, as money and wisdom are mutually exclusive. The one who runs after money can never attain the power of wisdom.
Brahmins were expected to live on alms and keep preaching and praying for the goodness of the soceity. As long as they were doing this, there was no problem. Even in the pre_British history of India Brahmins started occupying positions of power as Rajagurus. As you all know, power corrupts. Very few people like saint Ramanuja carried on the good work of breaking the caste based discriminations.
After the invasion of British, they found that by trading favours to upper caste, the country can be ruled. Only very few from the upper caste fought for freedom. All others occupied positions of power. In Tamilnadu the scene was bit different, the justice party offered an Olive Branch to British Rulers and gained proximity to British Rulers competing with Brahmins.
Whether in Ancient India or Preindependence India or the post independence India Brahmins have been used as Tools by ruleres to exploit the masses. Since the community allowed itself to be used as a tool , it is taking the beating now. It can make a come back, if it takes up the noble profession of teaching instead of running after money. How many Brahmins are ready to give up their jobs in Software Industry and take up teaching as a social service ?

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RE:Brahmins Failed and hence got denigrated
by bharat on May 01, 2007 07:43 PM  Permalink
dear sri i am very impressed by your logical approach but this is only one phase of the that much needed discussion.i am 100% sure the day this discussion end in a fruitful result no one would stop india to be numero uno country in the world.i am not going in very deatail (as it will make a lot of epics)to discuss this casteism but you have rightly said it is power who overcome that you should be very
tough mentally as well as morally & all your's thoughts should be on the basis of humanism.this
mother nature has created us to live peacefully & happily but again it is power of any kind that leads (in most of the cases)towards so called immoral & corrupt way to go ahead endlessly.the history is witness of the fact that when someone was given power sooner or later one used it to develop only smaller domains not for all (exceptions are there).
if say fairly everybody should have right of equal living (we can't bear to go in past history as we are aheading for a jet age).it will be very much acceptable by brahmins (as far as my knowledge is concerned) if they all are given the job of teachers & socail workers.but my question is that is this society is ready or able to give all brahmins socail protection & atleast sufficient alms respectfully so that brahmin's family (considering he,his wife,old parents & two children & may be one unmarried sister/brother).don't forget we are living in what age.i know & accept what wrongs forefathers of brahmins had done in arrogance of power given to him.that's why all their grand childrens are facing so much hatred by if one is fair enough will say brahmins are real minorities & have almost no say in this world but it is again the theory of power that is quite visible in our so called leaders.dear sri give me solution if you really know.


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RE:RE:Brahmins Failed and hence got denigrated
by Srinivasan Parthasarathy on May 04, 2007 08:26 PM  Permalink
The antibrahmin movement is a spent force. Those who perpetrate this also know about it. They merely do it because the community is a soft target and they are not a vote bank. The best solution is to just ignore the campaign. People still hold brahmins in high esteem and simply worship those who are teachers and social workers and contribute to the soceity as a true brahmin.

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RE:Brahmins Failed and hence got denigrated
by Loser The Indian on May 02, 2007 06:51 PM  Permalink
I do agree. My grandfather did not amass wealth, he did not even have single penny against his name when he died but TN rulers and society slowly started targetting them thinking that they are defenseless. By abusing Brahmins or killing them you never get any complaints in our democratic system because they are not big vote-bank unlike Afzal or Graham Staines who are seen as part of votebank politics.

Due to this reason, it was necessary for them to earn wealth and leave this place as soon as possible.

When Abrahamic invadors killed millions of Hindus (Brahmins included) there was no hue and cry.

It is a real pity that majority of the Hindus in this country allow themselves to be ruled by others for petty monatry gains and play traitor role just like this EVR did.

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RE:Brahmins Failed and hence got denigrated
by Purohit Sharma on May 02, 2007 09:19 AM  Permalink
Very correct.Wealthy Brahmins are dangerous according to You?

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who is propagating hatred
by dinesh kumar on May 01, 2007 06:28 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

whether periyar advocated a philosophy of hate or not,various people in this forum are having a vicious hatred for periyar.
periyar advocated self respect.
Truth will triumph.
self serving twisting and turning and oohing and aahing will be revealed for what they are.
the first amendment to the constitution was caused by a fraudulent claim by a person in the madras high court about not getting a seat inspite of scoring well.
some questions.
why are periyar statues existent in uttar pradesh?
as regards reservation,46% of the obc s have 30 % reservation.13% of the upper castes can participate in 31 % of the open category seats.if they are consistently outscored by others ,what does that suggest?

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RE:who is propagating hatred
by r patil on May 01, 2007 06:57 PM  Permalink
Affirmative action is given to minorities in this world and that too it does not exceeds 10%
and that it is voluntry.Look at south africa,USA.No where in the world arrirmative action is done for the huge majority.It is like
saying that since parsis are 1% of the population no reservation for them only 5% open category, b'coz after all it is social justice. 5 times more seats are open to them in a democracy and the govt is doing a favour by keeping 5% open seats for a population of 1%.
I wonder does the govt follow the same rules while collecting taxes from parsis.

Strange is the maths of tamil nadu andtamilians.
1)reservation since 1920 = increase in creamy layer.
2)reservation as high as 69% = increase in creamy layer.

They some how agree on left hand side but totaly refuse the R.H.S result.Infact they will
argue that R.H.S = more increance in backward people.Therefore more reservation !!!!!!!!!!!!
But at the same time looking that their answer, if a person comes to a conclution that reservation increases backwardness, they some how have the ability to prove more backwardness = more social justice .

Hail reservationist we are simply incapable of understanding your maths excuse us.

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RE:who is propagating hatred
by dinesh kumar on May 01, 2007 07:01 PM  Permalink
hi rpatil,since when have reservations in education been educated?
how many seats are in the reserved category?
how many students have benefited by reservations?
what is the population of obc s in number.
rpatil,give me a few of these numbers.either u or i will be proved right.

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RE:RE:who is propagating hatred
by Humanist on May 01, 2007 07:13 PM  Permalink
Periyar hated Hindi wallahs. I wonder who put statues there. Ambedkar was educated whereas Periyar was not Ambedkar quit a religion he considered not equal whereas Periyar visited dance bars. Periyar wanted a separate country for Dravidians, i think only because of Jayalalitha his vicious philosophy has lost some of his sting

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RE:who is propagating hatred
by r patil on May 01, 2007 07:41 PM  Permalink
I did not understand what exactly u want me to give.AnywayAs you know I come from non-brahmin community.My father and all his school friends and relatives also studied till 10std .That is the reason he did not made us quit schooling and made my brother study atleast 10std and we joined college and graduated.MY cousins who studied in varnacular school did their masters ,one did her PHD in phsics other gave her MPSC twice first time she became class II officer and at second attempt she became class I
officer .On top of it my cousin who is classI officer is handicaped lost her one leg in accident and lost her one year of schooling.Till she became 24 yrs she had undergone so many painfull grafting surgeries.
The greatest thing about her is she refused to take handicap reservation,she actually wanted to be a doctor but standing for 6 long hr in practicals was impossiable for her that is why she did BSc and later MSC and MPSC.

What Iam trying to say is that to become a rocket scientist your father need not be a rocket scientist.It is ussualy we come to know about different field from our freinds and teachers and news paper than our family.I did my
Engineering in merit distinction while having a 10std passed father and they were dozens like me.I agree that before getting engneering seat I took Bsc with PCM group and not with Biology group because I did not knew anthing about micro biology ,bio technology and the job benefits came along with it.

Since reservation is from so long in Tamil nadu
I can safely say many of the reserved young population is atleast graduate or atleast 12 pass.This is enough to make their children rocket scientist if they wish to become one and hence they should be removed from reservation list.When you say population of obc is 46% but getting 30% reservation that is not technically correct i beleive because, new born children,middle aged and old age people are also counted in that. Further when Ambedkar wrote the constitution we were not told that college seat and salary jobs were going to be divided as per the population,more population more represtation .Infact we were promised that we were not going to be discriminated on caste lines and EQUAL opportunity will be provided to all irrespective of the cast and social status.

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RE:who is propagating hatred
by r patil on May 01, 2007 08:07 PM  Permalink
By the way I am second generation to go to school and 1st generation to attend college.
My another cousin who did 12 after studying in varnacular school till 10th she was married of at age 17.Now she has put her children in english medium and takes tution of english medium school children on marathi subject because she has studed in marathi school.
The best part of it all is she takes up studies of her children by reffering to marathi -english dicnory ,because she is not that good in english.Iam very sure she will make her children atleast graduate.

I agree with subbu many FC can get back door entry in reservation by making their cast as backward on paper.I personally know one tamil couple who both are engineers they are proud to their upper status of the cast ,but for political reason their representives have made their cast MBC.

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by Purohit Sharma on May 01, 2007 06:26 PM  Permalink 

We are saying 'Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu' always but our religion has the maximum number of persecuted crores.They were our water carriers,labourers,tillers toilers scavengers, for centuries. They worked hard to feed us cloth us, constructed our houses, temples,etc But in return we denied them everything, food, water, shelter, basic human rights, demolished their huts raped their girls.
We continue to insult them, calling them Bhangees etc.Very inhuman indeed. Is it Hindutva or Devils dance as swami Vivekananada once asked?
.Now our Judicial Brahmins continue to deny social justice to the OBCs in all Reservation cases. Judicial Brahmins are not aware of social justice, need for historical correction, and sympathy for the downtrodden. So there is an urgent need for proportionate representation of all sections of society at all levels of Indian Judiciary

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by Purohit Sharma on May 01, 2007 06:23 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

During Krita,Thretha,Dwapara yugas we Brahmins were enjoying beef since Vedic Period.Dalits were also taking it in an inferior form.We did not allow good quality beef to them,just like we don%u2019t allow cow slaughter even now.
There was a preparation called Madhuparakom,which is cooked beef added high quality honey and nuts.It is very tasty.We take along with vedic alcohol the somarasa a beer like drink. Lord Indra was always intoxicated with that creating problems womanizing etc.Yugas passed and in the Kaliyuga Sribudha came and told the people the practice of killing animals getting intoxicated and womanizing destroying national wealth for these are all sins just like as written in the Holy Bible.So people clamored enormously with Budhism.It became a great movement against our Brahminism.Then our forefathers had a meeting in holy city of Varanasi.We had monopolized everything in India since we Aryans came to India .How to continue enjoying the country%u2019s wealth, how to continue enjoying royal girls...
Dasaradha was actually impotent. He will not have anybody to inherit. Then it was our illustrious Brahmin Priest Bhrigu after the Puthrakameshti Yaga%u2026The king was so happy that he offered all the wives for use of the priests. Then the chief Bhrigu impregnated all of them and Dasaradha got four children. That is the reason why all the other upper castes remain subordinate to us. This practice continues even now in different forms.

Then it was decided to sacrifice beef eating. It was a very clever move. So we have stopped that and adopted vegetarianism. Declared all those eat beef are untouchables. So all the low castes and subsequently all other faiths became untouchables! We were able to throw Budhism out of India and reestablish our supremacy%u2026.Now it is clear to you%u2026.

But we are definitely afraid of you Christians since you educate the untouchables. That is a catastrophy for us. We enslaved them by monopolizing knowledge, the vid Vedas, we were its custodians. Now you impart them the vital knowledge power for the very existence, survival and progress. So we are really afraid. We will try to kill the missionaries e.g. Australian missionary, Kerala counterparts etc.We sincerely fear ultimately India will be a Christian Nation.

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by Akash on May 01, 2007 06:25 PM  Permalink
To all Brahmin Bashers and Similarly to all SC/ST/OBC Bashers as well as to religion bashers such as Hindu Bashers, Muslims Bashers, Christian Bashers etc. and caste bashers . To all Hindi Speaking Bashers as well as to all Tamil Speaking Bashers as well as to all other regional language speaking bashers
To all religious chauvinists, to all caste chauvinists, to all linguistic chauvinists,to all regional chauvinists.....



This isn't the land of Slobodan Milosovic, don't make it one!!!!

I know some people want to keep on abusing others and want to get away with it and if somehow someone complains then they try to stop him from doing so or shout him down similar to Hitler's SS. It is just one example of the nazification/talibanization/balkanization this country is heading towards.
People here are targeting communities believing what great service they do to their kins not realizing that targeting any community in itself is a great disservice to the country and to their community itself.I don't want my country to have several partitions on communal,casteist and linguistic-regional lines, but with all this going on, I can only look in dismay as to what my country is slowly turning into. A great disservice to the country is being done by this balkanization process and seems loyalties from India have now narrowed down to local affiliations,there seems to be no patriotism left!!!! It just seems to be a Feudal structure waiting to erupt similar to what happened in 47!! Shame on all those who think what great deeds they do by abusing people, those who think that their local loyalties are far greater than this country and that the country can be compromised at any cost to fulfill their wishes and give vent to their prejudices.If you have any sanity left, come to your senses!!!!

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India is not Yugoslavia for God Sake!!!!!!
by Akash on May 01, 2007 06:23 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

To all Brahmin Bashers and Similarly to all SC/ST/OBC Bashers as well as to religion bashers such as Hindu Bashers, Muslims Bashers, Christian Bashers etc. and caste bashers . To all Hindi Speaking Bashers as well as to all Tamil Speaking Bashers as well as to all other regional language speaking bashers
To all religious chauvinists, to all caste chauvinists, to all linguistic chauvinists,to all regional chauvinists.....



This isn't the land of Slobodan Milosovic, don't make it one!!!!

I know some people want to keep on abusing others and want to get away with it and if somehow someone complains then they try to stop him from doing so or shout him down similar to Hitler's SS. It is just one example of the nazification/talibanization/balkanization this country is heading towards.
People here are targeting communities believing what great service they do to their kins not realizing that targeting any community in itself is a great disservice to the country and to their community itself.I don't want my country to have several partitions on communal,casteist and linguistic-regional lines, but with all this going on, I can only look in dismay as to what my country is slowly turning into. A great disservice to the country is being done by this balkanization process and seems loyalties from India have now narrowed down to local affiliations,there seems to be no patriotism left!!!! It just seems to be a Feudal structure waiting to erupt similar to what happened in 47!! Shame on all those who think what great deeds they do by abusing people, those who think that their local loyalties are far greater than this country and that the country can be compromised at any cost to fulfill their wishes and give vent to their prejudices.If you have any sanity left, come to your senses!!!!

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RE:India is not Yugoslavia for God Sake!!!!!!
by Purohit Sharma on May 01, 2007 06:30 PM  Permalink
Those who do not have an intelligent answer to a query gets angry and starts using primitive culture and language, filthy remarks. This is totally unbecoming of a civilized person anyway. Everybody knows Hinduism is a sinking ship. Unless and until some radical reforms based on human values are taken Hinduism will only find a place in museums only in a very short span of time. As time passes the exodus will gain further momentum. So end it if you can not mend it.

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RE:RE:India is not Yugoslavia for God Sake!!!!!!
by Akash on May 01, 2007 06:36 PM  Permalink
I am extremely sorry to say the sort of hatred you carry in your heart for peoples of different religions,castes,linguistic affiliations,nationalities or regions just shows how uncompromising you are. What can I say? I believe you yourself are a sinking ship with all this excess hatred baggage in your heart.I feel sorry for you. Hope you come to your senses!!! and learn to live a healthy social life and respect others. Take care. You can shout as much as you want now and air your prejudices and feel happy about it, but seriously I feel extremely sorry for you.

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RE:[object MouseEvent]
by Akash on May 01, 2007 06:36 PM  Permalink
Sorry didn't see the next message, you are a good person. I am sorry this time. Take Care

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RE:RE:India is not Yugoslavia for God Sake!!!!!!
by Purohit Sharma on May 01, 2007 06:32 PM  Permalink
Cancelled.... Agree with you

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by Purohit Sharma on May 01, 2007 06:20 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

A Brahmin who understands reality speaks:
There is a village near Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu where a high priest Brahmins lives. They decided being they are the greatest they will not go any where, everything should come to them. They avoided any education except their moribund Sanskrit language. See now after centuries of self created isolation they are worse than Dalits in education poverty etc.
Similarly, white Caucasian villages near New York who avoided all modern gadgets like electricity, car, radio, TV, etc, and live like a primitive tribe with their own dear customs and belief system.Their plight is also like any tribals in India or Africa.
I can site so many such examples. In short education, sophistication, modern values and democracy are the keys to progress and development neither Sanskrit nor Brahminism as some Rip Wan Winkles think.
So the privileged classes in India have the moral responsibility and historical obligation as they were the party responsible for denying vital education to them.So we have to impart opportunity for the deprived sections of Indian society by positive discrimination and not further insult and injure the majority indigenous population by denying their basic human rights the proportionate representation reservation to correct the century old Brahmin reservation as upheld by Manusmriti favoring Brahmins and upper castes.
1How can you explain the so called Brahmin poverty given tremendous opportunity and culture,clout etc.It is only less intelligence among them in a lesser stimulating environment.So idiocy can affect any body if environment is poor.
2 Brahmin monopolies in everything resulted after religious reservation in their favor for centuries.
3 Ethnically Brahmins are not superior to other castes or Dravidians.The British conquered the Brahmins and ruled India more than 200 years because they had superior system and intelligence. Moreover Brahminism prevented others to fight for the motherland except the Kshthriyas
4 Dravidian states like Keralam,Tamil Nadu,Mysore,Andhra are superior in development,less corruption,riots,law and order,literacy,state of females,longevity,quality of life, peaceful elections,more number of cars telephones,fridges,less disparity between haves and have nots%u2026than the filthy underdeveloped Aryavartha,the devastated by foreign Arya Brahmin attack and cultural domination.Hindu fascist organizations are only interested in maintaining their dear caste system by persecuting the Avarnas.They did not raise even their little finger against the foreign rulers.They attacked Muslims branded them as enemies to prevent unity between Avarnas and Muslims so that they can continue their centuries old monopoly.
5 India became a beggar nation after thousands of years Arya Brahmin domination subjected to maximum period of foreign invasions including 200 years of British Domination.
6 85% of Indians did not have any freedom or opportunity to grow and express themselves under the clutches of the fascist Hinduism and Brahminism.
7 Dr Ambedkar and Sri Buddha were the greatest intellectuals India has ever produced. Both were not Brahmins

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by VIJAYA BUDDHIRAJU on May 01, 2007 06:53 PM  Permalink
I think any body can write any which way they like. The so called Brahmincal literature was not created by Brahmins alone. Brahmins protected it against great odds. Without Brahmins, there is no religion, literature, art, music, dance, sculpture even a book. We would have been tribal. We are acting like tribals with zero understanding and negative knowledge of even the recent history, no w that we took Brahmins out.
Your first observation is partly correct. Priests forgot the meaning of what they were preaching and victimized themselves and others to some extent. The belief in God makes one to relinquish many things. The Taliban of Muslims or the Evangelist Christians staunchly believe in their book and live by it cause harm, and make others to live in their unreal world. In that perspective, religion makes no sense.
But you see, in the Hindu mythology which was ardently preserved by Brahmins, there was no God we pray to, who is a Brahmin. They had no guarantees to them, like the privileged castes today.
Let us assume this periyar or Amebedkar were the preservers or create of religion or philosophy, all our Gods would have been their caste. What ever faults you may want to attribute to Brahmins, they were not monsters, they did their job and excelled in them. You may be assuming Brahmins suppressed some one. The persons of every caste contributed enormously to the society. There was no weaver, Godsmith, pottery, architecture, valor, business which were preserved several other castes could be matched by any one or group in the world.
No law or practice can be written for ever. Once Hindus become a minority in India, the laws will change. The so called blind reservation policies will disappear and probably those responsible for this unjust nonsense will pay a dear price.
By the way, Ambedkar was not the greatest intellectual India has produced. He was not even average. He had attachment his caste and fought only for it. He was no patriot either. It does not hurt to read some books in India. We lost 90%. But what we have still is a ocean. If you want me make list of intellectuals of just 20th century, I can make it for you. That will fill over 100 pages. India is a land of million Shakespeares, Platos, Aristotles and Jesuses. Europe may have one each.

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by Sudhakar Hiramani on May 01, 2007 10:07 PM  Permalink
dont talk of babasheb ambedkar u know very little of him and u have not experienced worst form of untouchability that he and his generation has e3xperienced,manuwadi system has not left free all the free thinkers from time immeomorial it is only ambedkar that manuwadi were not able to tarnish his image or else manuwadis have made rakshasas of every free liberal intellectual from avarna caste.u r not fit enough to comment on ambedkars talent ,one ambedkar was sufficient to bring gandhis and nehrus below feets, hope so after touching ambedkars talent u have learnt fitting reply from him where u and future generations of manuwadi followers shiver just at invoking his name,since he was staunch nationalist u r still majority hindu nation or else if anybody else would have been then this would have turned by this time to islamic nation,if ambedkarites turn up to islam no nobody can save hinduism from disentegrating like of pack of cards.

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by Sriram Vanamamalai on May 01, 2007 09:13 PM  Permalink
Bye the way Calling brahmins as descendants of Aryans proves my point that you are a fool. The Aryan Invasion theory has been discredited and even Max Mueller in the later part of his years agreed to that that it may be flawed. You people are misinformed and ignorant. Even in this open era you refuse to read and then blame the SO CALLED BRAHMINS

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by Sriram Vanamamalai on May 01, 2007 08:05 PM  Permalink
Your Point 7 is right. Add this as point 8

Purohit Sharma is also the greatest fool India has ever produced.
I say that because Brahmin is not determined by the family your are born in. Its determined by the deeds they perform. Since you started Brahmin bashing let me ask you this how is it fair that when birth does not categorize one as a brahmin you deny them all kinds of oppurtunities in schools and colleges and still the majority children denied turn out to be in the top? Answer is simple the reservations and all evils push them to work harder. One who is knowledgable is considered a brahmin. Your ways make Brahmins to be intellectually superior and will be superior intellectually unless others decide to compete. If you keep thinking free education is enough then you will not reach the heights. Grow up think in the mordern society there is no upper caste or lower caste. Do not play politics with this for a 15 minutes of fame.

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Correct the Misdeeds of the Past
by Purohit Sharma on May 01, 2007 06:18 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Historical correction for our unpardonable accumulated sin!
As a Brahmin I feel crying for poverty from our part and further reservation on that gimmick upon the already enjoying monopoly is a very grave sin against the OBCs who are downtrodden for so many centuries. Our forefathers came from northern part of Caspian Sea and monopolized everything in India. We Aryans made a Ramarajyam were none other than Brahmins can live with dignity and peace. Our Judicial Brahmins should not play Savarna Politics and adhere to justice and Indian Constitution which upholds social justice. In the preamble it starts with the word %u201CSocial Justice%u201D and the custodians of law is destroying it by dancing to the tunes of the so called youth for quality- the Complan Boys.
Caste Reservation is for Positive Discrimination for historical reasons. We know the most that the Hinduism is a religion for reservation were all good things money, women, land, power, knowledge, wealth were all monopoly of Brahmins. Other Kshathriyas and others were living on the left over loaves of Brahmins. This stratified hierarchy destroyed India. Became very poor. Largest number of illiterates, illnesses, Aids and so on. If we give opportunity they will be better than us in all fields, culture education administration etc. Then India will definitely become the most progressive, prosperous, and strong nation. Since we have cornered everything and monopolized it is totally immoral to continue the same as it is very inhuman. They are totally powerless and unorganized and we should be magnanimous to take initiative and offer unconditional help and reservation, the basic human rights to them. Then only we can continue to get the traditional respect we are enjoying. Otherwise a day will definitely come when the vast majority may rise up in arms against us and we are only just two percent of the population! That eventuality is a terrible situation indeed. We lag behind in sports because our Brahmin Boys eat potatoes and ghee become pot bellied, unable to compete with people from China, Korea etc. People denied education and other basic necessities of life declined rapidly in the ladder of progress constituting the OBC,Dalits,Muslims,Adivasies. It is our moral responsibility since we have already plundered this beautiful land and made it a hell. So we Brahmins should take the leadership in rousing public opinion for Caste Reservation for those people oppressed for centuries by us, the historical correction for our unpardonable accumulated sin!
Now the Supreme Court discarded law,constitution, morality ,and human values by denying the basic human rights to OBC.They are upholding Manuvad.

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RE:Correct the Misdeeds of the Past
by Humanist on May 01, 2007 06:21 PM  Permalink
right coorect the misdeeds of the past by creating misdeeds for the future by wrong policies. Poor OBCs will benefit is the biggest joke I have heard,

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