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Perils of the Israel model

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Ban leftist writers!
by rishi on Aug 02, 2006 01:54 PM

I highly respect rediff.com's articles as they are written by intellutials like Francis Gautier and Rajeev Srinivasan but this Mr.Praful is a typical leftist and his views a are far from reality and are antinational.Its hight time that rediff.com does allow such people who are usually entertained by our national english media.Mr.Praful must go to ndtv, they will adopt him..

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Chandru G
Perils of the Israel Model
by Chandru G on Aug 02, 2006 01:53 PM

Praful Bidwai:

U look totally lost. U have no idea about what is happening in the world and especially in middle-east. Israel has its own measurements to counter the terrorism. This tiny nation is surrounded by all cunning terrorist nations who do not recognise Israel's existence. I strongly support Israel in its defense. If Israel has attacked Lebenon, it is because Lebonese (some or many)sponsor terrorism indirectly. If u r aware of what is happening in India, u wouldn't be talking all this bull-shit (criticising Israel). What is the value of many civilians who died in 7/11 Mumbai attacks. These so called terrorists are not braves but cowards. Israel is doing what it should do to protect its civilians unlike our Indian politicians who have given the future of our nation in the hands of a coward foreigner. Stop writing your articles since u don't possess any knowledge of what is defense and what is terrorism. Shame on you.

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Bidwai- another hypocrete
by dimitrios on Aug 02, 2006 01:36 PM

Bidwai is another communist hypocrete who doesnt believe what he says and doesnt say what he believes. His job is to create a make believe world of his own where right is wrong and left is right and everything is so dim and confused that its better to do nothing.
Let alone Indian interest, he doesnt even know his own friend's and family's interest, that if there is a terrorist attack next time he might lose one of his family member or for that matter himself.
Pls ignore him and pity him.

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Perils of the Israel model
by Venkat on Aug 02, 2006 01:33 PM

Crap article, you can't expect us to sit idle and do nothing when pakistani's are attacking our people. Hey Bidwai, do you sit idle when someone kills your people infornt of you?

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about israel model
by hemal on Aug 02, 2006 01:30 PM

I agree that India can't just follow Israel model. Presently they are just trageting civilian bases and are making situation worse in long term. India is much bigger in size and population. India has never before taken such extreme and violent measure. It is extremly clear that peace has been elusive in that region from past 1000 years.

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Stronger response is needed by India
by Harish on Aug 02, 2006 01:29 PM

If protenting its citizens is an act of terror; yes Israel is a terrorist state. That too a proud one.In that sense, all patriotic indians want India to be ruthless in encountering the terrorists. Whatever the pseudo secularists call it.

India is a soft state with no political will. (Think about the brutal murder of BSF Javan by Bangladesh rifles a couple of years back.) As a responsible govt. it has to project its citizens. To do that, if one has to invade another countries it has to do. Note that invasion and occupation are two different things.

Invasion can be subversive too. That essentially means that a systematic clean up (elimination) of the tentacles of terrorism within India and its perpetrators across the border. It could be Bangladesh, Pakistan, PoK, Nepal or middle east.

In your article you are saying that "Like ethnic cleansing and expulsion, these actions are unacceptable, unconscionable and unworthy of any civilised state." Everyone in India is believeing that ethnic cleaning and expulsions have happened in Kashmir as far as Kashmiri Pandits are concerned. Would you be kind enough to let all know about it too.

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India and Israel
by Krishna on Aug 02, 2006 01:01 PM

There is a sane, sober and peaceful alternative to this approach: to build confidence among the neighbours, strengthen people-to-people contacts and pursue the peace process with Pakistan while bringing the culprits of terrorism to book. But that means rejecting 'Tunda-style' wishful thinking and militaristic approaches.

CAn you please go beyond these lines and explain the real time activities in line with this thinking? Bringing to book etc is wonderful. Will (Can?) you get them to book? Else let the country decide.

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Satyajeet Sahu
Absurd Article !!
by Satyajeet Sahu on Aug 02, 2006 12:55 PM

I have never read a trumpery like this before. First of all I failed to understand the relevance of mentioning 'Tunda'in this anti Israel tale.
Apart from this its ludicrous to portray Israel as a villian attacking friendly countries. What does the author expect Israel to do when it is surrounded by hostile countries desperate to smash Israel and erase it from the world map ? Start peace talks with brutes who have absolutely no sense of civilization and make way for Hizboolah and Hamas millitants into Israel the way Indian has been doing since insurgency started in kashmir. Its for people like Praful that India is loosing battle to terrorism. Instead of cutting off the lifeline of terrorists by strictly dealing with terrorist supporters inside Indian muslim community the author is suggesting India to continue with peace talks and wait for the next terrorist strike to occur. I pity such statements.
India should make it clear to pakistan that we mean business and end this facade of peace talks behind which terrorism lurks.

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