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''Tell the world our story''

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Kishan Negi
Mumbai Rain
by Kishan Negi on Aug 02, 2005 06:59 PM

I read some of the comments ...I am much surprised that despite of the extremes of the pains and anger peoples are still not committed to come forward & to fight against the corrupt leaders. Of course the first priority is to save the public life.

Some of the writers begging to charities for donation(TELL THE WORLD OUR STORY). Is it not the begging ? Are we really so poor or helpless to see the world for help. I understand this is the time to awake from the deep sleep and determined to make our leaders answerable to the civic facilities. Untill we all ready to fight corruption and take some stern actions to the politicians whatever donations/money you collect/Govt gives the situation will not change.

This catastrophe has come because of few...state govt and who are responsible for city planning, who has chenged the city into a huge slum area.It is truly a a city planning anarchy.

It becomes our mentality "chalta hai" and no one bothers, leaving the politians to live lavishly, enjoy on public funds.

I request media to publish the news about the filures of the state govt and who are responsible and invite peoples to demostration on roads and fight for their rights.

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World is not required
by tejas on Aug 02, 2005 06:57 PM

Its not my false pride but strong belief that no begging bowls are required for Mumbai.No need go atop roofs & tell our story.Just learn lessons & better prepared next time.Mumbai in itself does not require a pie of charity.It can take care of itself.World is just a shadow of the cosmopolitanity of Mumbai & shadows never help.

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by ff on Aug 02, 2005 06:00 PM

In India there is a blind aggression. This country is developing but people are nowhere. Where is this money is going? The mumbai floods had exposed the country's strength. It has no any comparison with country like china.

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