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MP who travels on a scooter

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ajay pandey
we must learn from him
by ajay pandey on Aug 20, 2004 04:46 PM

He is setting an example amidst all odds. We as a nation must treasure such people and follow them. The quality of people in this country is getting worse day by day. They give recognition to those who indulge in show offs etc. It is most unfortunate that people respect and follow wrong persons.

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ajay pandey
we must learn from him
by ajay pandey on Aug 20, 2004 04:43 PM

He is setting an example amidst all odds. We as a nation must treasure such people and follow them. The quality of people in this country is getting worse day by day. They give recognition to those who indulge in show offs etc. It is most unfortunate that people respect and follow wrong persons.

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It is great but look at the safety
by Rajith on Aug 20, 2004 04:39 PM

He should be a model for new generation MPs.

But Life of such MPs are so valuable so they should travel in car where they are more safe.

Let God bless him.

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by P. MURALI on Aug 20, 2004 04:37 PM

It is really surprising to see the MP leaving in simple life and it is very much appreciable looking into the present day of luxury life our parlimentarians like to have.

Kindly give more coverage to such type of such type of people so that people can identify the real people, who really work for the people.


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MP who rides a scooter to Parliament
by GIRISH MENON on Aug 20, 2004 04:33 PM

Great, Its really happy and thankful to God that, there are GOOD AND SINCERE POLITICIAN in our Democratic India. I am a regular reader of REDIFF NEWS but never think of writing any of my comments as I don't feel of any importance to my words.

But after going through this article, I strongly feel to express my view and I want other Politicians too think twice before they spend the money of public for their convenience.

Through this message, I would like to express my THANKS to Dr Ramkrishna Kusumaria to prove that, an MP can also be simple and be within People and for the people

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V P gautam
by V P gautam on Aug 20, 2004 04:26 PM

Well done sir, Your idea really spelendid. But it would be better,if you have only one or two kids, this will also a message for the indian who has more than two children.

Though, I am impressed upon you.


V P Gautam

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by MANOJ AGARWAL on Aug 20, 2004 04:25 PM

As lotus blooms in dirty pond,so is Mr.kusumaria,M.P.

of khajuraho,may he always bloom in pond of

politicians which has been made dirty by their deeds.

More such lotus are required in india.

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mohit bhalla
by mohit bhalla on Aug 20, 2004 04:24 PM  | Hide replies

in my opinion it is all about befooling people and gaining their confidence.in other words it is a drama for the next elections...don't forget this is india.

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by Pm on Aug 20, 2004 10:04 PM
Hi there,
You are a poet and put the facts in a poetic way!

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by Nishant on Aug 20, 2004 08:55 PM
Mr.Mohit Bhalla

A politician fools the people to win elections so that he can make money and have all the luxuries of life but doctor sahab is not interested in luxuries he roams around on scooter and lives in small flat he is greatest politician of india

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mp who tavels on scooter
by vikram on Aug 20, 2004 04:21 PM  | Hide replies

Dr Ramkrishna Kusumaria is right ... he is a representative of public and that he shouldn't forget... very few MPs keep this reality in their mind. my best wishes to dr.rakrishna ...

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RE:mp who tavels on scooter
by vijukumar on Aug 21, 2004 10:49 AM
Don't think negative.If this is ur stand, what is ur opinion abt gandhiji.

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RE:mp who tavels on scooter
by Sameer on Aug 21, 2004 05:13 AM
Mr Bhalla..may be u didn't read this piece carefully.he is no first timer who is indulging in this "publicity stunt"(like so many young,first time MPs are doing) as u seem to be thinking,but he's been doing so for the last many years.(remember he is an MP for the 5th consecutive time).and riding scooter in delhi for more than 10 years,well that's no mean thing..right???

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Lakshmi Kantham Punugu
RE:Fooling! NO! please encourage the good
by Lakshmi Kantham Punugu on Aug 20, 2004 07:30 PM
Dear Mr Mohith Balla,

I appreciate your warning at people to be cautious. It would be more nice encouraging people to see the goodness of this man also.

I analysed this article, My voews are----
1.If Dr Babji ( please let me call him as peoples rep)
wants to play this trick, he would have done a long ago many more. There is an example for the past 13 years he never used a car. People got him car he never accpted.
2. In Mother India the politician can not fool people on long term basis. How this babaji, could able to get people verdict and win every time.
3. Every one has strong and week points which cause good and bad to this society. The strong point with this man is he shall serve the people. This can only be achieved if the person who wish serve people is not selfish.

4. How ever a word of appriation is required for every good people does, like parents appreciate children, Teacher appreciates student, boss appreciates subordinate, along chain of examples..
A word of discoragement is required when it at the bud stage.

5. He excersised his duties as doctor and publc servant. what else we want.

Reagrd Take it in good health

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