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Review: The Fast And The Furious 6 is a B-grade boom

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This is a very good movie
by dicktracy on May 25, 2013 10:05 AM  | Hide replies

Saw it yesterday, much better than fast 5 with plenty of well shot chases and fistfights galore, the whole theatre was cheering troughout and dont miss the after credits scene that ties in Tokyo Drift into the timeline and introduces the villain for Fast 7.(This scene got the biggest response from the audience)Only problem is that Vin Diesel looks a bit flabby when standing next to the superfit Rock. (Their climatic fight against a muscle bound giant is brilliant) And given that the next villain is "you know who" he better shape up.

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Agent Vinod
by Agent Vinod on May 25, 2013 08:21 AM

Someone please shut this guy up!! Dude just cos you can write in english does not make you an authority on movies. This cannot even be classified as a review. Pathetic!!

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Mayank B
This Review Sucks
by Mayank B on May 25, 2013 01:48 AM

I have just created this rediff account to comment on this review. This review sucks. I have just returned from watchin d movie and it was awsome.

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A confused and a royal moron called Raja Sen !
by Nofakedemocracy on May 24, 2013 08:00 PM

.......i pity zrediff cant find a senile person as a critic....

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amit pareek
Raja Sen
by amit pareek on May 24, 2013 07:56 PM

I dont understand why he always write such confusing reviews. His reviews are not at all correct.

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nomaan jawed
I Laughed at ur review
by nomaan jawed on May 24, 2013 07:39 PM

Sir Raja Sen, thanks for making me laugh.
Well I dont even know wat to tell you, Ur better of reviewing bollywood movies.

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nomaan jawed
I Laughed at ur review
by nomaan jawed on May 24, 2013 07:38 PM

Sir Raja Sen, thanks for making me laugh.
Well I dont even know wat to tell you, Ur better of reviewing bollywood movies.

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