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Javed Akhtar: Kolaveri Di is an insult to sensibility

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fink fanther
javed akhtar
by fink fanther on Dec 06, 2011 09:49 PM

Mr. Akhtar, have you ever heard the saying 'if you dont have anything nice to say about something or somebody, just keep quiet'. who cares about your opinions? you think people take them seriously? stop living in your world of meaningless lyrics and let others do the entertainment around here.

btw, ever heard of anu mailk's lyrics and his voice in your beloved bollywood? they sound a like a d#nkey throwing up due to a bad tummy.

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fink fanther
javed akhtar
by fink fanther on Dec 06, 2011 09:49 PM

Mr. Akhtar, have you ever heard the saying 'if you dont have anything nice to say about something or somebody, just keep quiet'. who cares about your opinions? you think people take them seriously? stop living in your world of meaningless lyrics and let others do the entertainment around here.

btw, ever heard of anu mailk's lyrics and his voice in your beloved bollywood? they sound a like a d#nkey throwing up due to a bad tummy.

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Hari Chaurasia
at least on moharram
by Hari Chaurasia on Dec 06, 2011 09:29 PM  | Hide replies

javed akhtar has sense to speak truth dumb song hyped by paid media funded by southern superstar for his below average looking son in law

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Re: at least on moharram
by AnilSkatti on Dec 06, 2011 10:05 PM
that is only javed does.. and many bollywood lyricist do take credit for somebody's effort..Paying media is only in hindi film industry.. not here;;;;;
what is the story of Dabung?
what is the story of ready?
what is the story of Om shanti Om?
what is the story of RA-one?
If javed failed to comment on the above films stories and acceptance by the people of india at large.. then why he is behind one funnyu song which has meaning of day to day life, and connects to the people at large..
let you appreciate the sense of javed but not the sense of song..
I believe you people havn't lisened the song ... listen first carefully 10 times.. you will come to know what song is KOLEVERI D..
I am High Court advocate.. not an average.. we are qualified.. educated..SONG IS HIT IN ENTIRE WORLD NOT IN TAMILNADU ALONE..
Who knows who is son in law of whoose man.. Who knows javed man..
Moharam will never come in the way. we know .. and we respect/coment by thought not by their religion..
don't mess man you are not an average
when you are appreciating nonsense comment then you should bear irk man..

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Adaksh AA
by Adaksh AA on Dec 06, 2011 09:26 PM

What a chtiyapa song is this Kolavari D...

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Adaksh AA
by Adaksh AA on Dec 06, 2011 09:26 PM

What a chtiyapa song is this Kolavari D...

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Adaksh AA
by Adaksh AA on Dec 06, 2011 09:26 PM

What a chtiyapa song is this Kolavari D...

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Adaksh AA
by Adaksh AA on Dec 06, 2011 09:25 PM

What a chtiyapa song is this Kolavari D...

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