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surya das
Today is our Netaji's birthday..Did we all forget abt this?
by surya das on Jan 23, 2009 07:05 PM  | Hide replies

It is really shame to see there is no article, no news , can say nothing abt our true and greatest leader Netaji Subash Chandra Bose. But, you can see many articles about some crap things. Is that what Netaji wanted to see his beloved people treat on his birtday. I feel ashamed to see this.

We should understand that what we are now because of greatest people like Netaji. I can only say, it is really shameful for us.

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sky eyes
Re: Today is our Netaji's birthday..Did we all forget abt this?
by sky eyes on Jan 23, 2009 07:29 PM
Keep your mouth shut. Don't try to prove that by remembering the bday of netaji you are doing a very big thing. netaji never wanted to remember people his birthday. many people who don't even this date hold high regard for him unlike you who is just cramming the dates and doing good for nothing !!!

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Message deleted by moderator
Silly review!
by Rekha on Jan 23, 2009 06:21 PM  | Hide replies

This review is totally baseless, the reviewer has just seen the movie superficially, with a lot of prejudice in mind. This might seem an average movie to Indians because we've seen others in this genre, but it must be borne in mind that the movie was made for a wider audience, and it has worked big time. Unlike Mr Bachan, or many others on this forum say, its not because the slums of India are portrayed so well. However we try to cover it up, these things are true! Saying that the West has an obsession for the poverty in India is also ridiculous!
As about the facts hes states, for eg about th revolver, he probably has to watch the movie again, where Salim points the gun to Jamal and mentions its a Colt.
Maybe one has to see the movie with an open frame of mine..and dont see it as another Bollywood movie..then it might appeal more to you.

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vera mangalam
Re: Silly review!
by vera mangalam on Jan 23, 2009 07:19 PM
shut up witch! I wll break your face, fukcking shiit face!

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Re: Re: Silly review!
by Rekha on Jan 23, 2009 11:53 PM
..because I have a different opinion than you?

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Re: Silly review!
by afzp on Jan 23, 2009 11:46 PM
don worry rekha...
these ppl probably didn't even understand ur perfect language.Your post is Short but effective.But the goons will not agree

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Re: Re: Re: Silly review!
by Rekha on Jan 23, 2009 11:52 PM
what a pity that I just got to check back at the forum and I see both replies were deleted by the moderator! I guess it was just one more of the uncivilized replies. The point here is the movie. Different people may have different opinions about it, but its only fair enough to point it out when someone speaks nonsense!

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Samudra K
There is a veiled British arrogance
by Samudra K on Jan 23, 2009 06:21 PM

Ever wondered why the title Slum DOG. Doesn't this phrase remind the uber rich / iconoclast / arty farties / junked up generation of the ubiquitous "Dogs and Indians not allowed" in the time of British rule. Fail to understand how could any self respecting Indian ever watch this movie let alone act in it. Thought there would be more patriots in this forum. I am wrong.

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Nandan Gautam
Chandni Chowk to China nominated for 12 oscars
by Nandan Gautam on Jan 23, 2009 06:13 PM  | Hide replies

Best Picture: For it's down to earth and realistic portrayal of a local cook, who's epic journey into china, to seek salvation of his soul, and understanding of his father, CC2C is my next contender for the 2010 oscars.

Best Actress: In a double role, Deepika as Meow meow brings a dimension of character rarely found even in Meryl streep.

Best Actor in a negative role: The villian (whatever his name is)'s laugh is so creepily evil. Also, the urinating scene is one of the most powerful since Marlon Brando in Godfather.

Best Animation: The villain turning into a potato, has to be the most haunting yet disturbing moments in the film. You feel for the hero here.

Best Music score: Emotion is kingggg. Kailash Kher can melt the most coldest hearts (play Saiyaan to your worst enemy and he'll cry, I promise). he melted Akshaye's and mine whenever he sang.

Best location: The great wall of China. It's big. It's long. It's windy. It's cool. However, If you fall off , you're dead! That's cool.

Best Father: Mithun da shows us that the Disco Dancer has still got a few aces up his acting sleeve. Looking forward to his next outing in Kabhi Alpachino Ko Mat Bulana (KAKMB) directed by K Jo.

Best Mother: The award goes to Akshay's mother, who , in her absence makes her presence felt all the more. Thanks to the great direction of Nikhil Advani

Best Director: Nikhil Advani(read above). Also due to great interpretation of the script(yes there was a script)

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Samudra K
Re: Chandni Chowk to China nominated for 12 oscars
by Samudra K on Jan 23, 2009 06:26 PM
Danny boyle - nominated for order of british empire for projecting Indians as third class third world country.

Danny boyle - nominated for BBC man of the year award for the title Slum DOG very representative of British empires monikar "dogs and Indians not allowed"

Arty Farties / commies / and censor board - nominated for Jananpith Award as they are towing the UPA and Congress culture of slavery.

Need I say more Mr. Gautam

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Dileep Vellodi
Re: Re: Chandni Chowk to China nominated for 12 oscars
by Dileep Vellodi on Jan 23, 2009 06:30 PM
You are right.Commies should love it but for the fact that it has American funding. But hey the whole thing is slightly anti indian so it has to be commie friendly, right? So laal salam slumdog.

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Dileep Vellodi
Re: Chandni Chowk to China nominated for 12 oscars
by Dileep Vellodi on Jan 23, 2009 06:28 PM
LOL man

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