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Kamal Haasan thanks the people of Andhra

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What is the use of 10 roles
by Guest on Jun 18, 2008 05:29 PM  | Hide replies

I believe kamal could have done 10 more characters extra as there is no link between avatars..What is the meaning of avatar? there should be link in the characters rite? What is link between George Bush and Fletcher? It took 3 days for me to get from Dasavathram trauma..The message in this movie is "Whatever happening in this world is the sake of goodness" like tsunami killed thousands of people and saved lakhs of people from Biogene...This movie was like drama and kamal has tried to show that he can do 10 characters for the sake of doing and killing us to watch it..."Whatever happening in this world is the sake of goodness" HA HA :)

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Sudhakar Muthuknnan
RE:What is the use of 10 roles
by Sudhakar Muthuknnan on Jun 18, 2008 10:12 PM
This is exactly why, Stupids don't understand good movies like Hey Ram, Anbe Shivam, Guna.

Because people think they are smart and totally mis-interpret the concept. Hey GUEST please take a loner brain to watch the movie. You are totally opposite to what it has been said.

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You See
RE:What is the use of 10 roles
by You See on Jun 19, 2008 12:21 PM
take sudhakar's brain and sit inside the theatre. even his brains would walk out of the theater secondtime...

God save all of us from this overbloated fanatics first...

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RE:What is the use of 10 roles
by phoolkumar on Jun 18, 2008 05:45 PM
Mr.Guest, anybody can say anything bad about Dasavatharam.But we should appreciate the hard work he had put in.He does not want anybody's good certificate. He had already proved so many times through his numerous films that He is one of the best talented actors India has ever seen .

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glipsy cherian
RE:What is the use of 10 roles
by glipsy cherian on Jun 18, 2008 06:37 PM
It looks like phoolkumar is a kamal's agent and is paid to promote the filim

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RE:What is the use of 10 roles
by Keerikkadan on Jun 18, 2008 07:45 PM
no one is disputing kamals talent, but everyone has a right to criticize a movie. After all we paid to see it and got a bad deal.

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You See
RE:What is the use of 10 roles
by You See on Jun 19, 2008 12:07 PM
well said!!! everyone has paid huge amount and hard earned money and what do we get! A third rated affair, jingoistic and loosely tied script with no meaning to it and finally some news that muslims where saved in tsunami and hindus were washed away...

what a waste of money and time!!! the movie is running for a good 3 hours and its so dragging that everything in the movie was so artificial(makeup and the storyline)...

Sorry guys... lets get on with it and dont try to boast too much about this forgettable movie by kamal. SHEER WASTE

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by sab on Jun 18, 2008 05:10 PM

kamal plays two characters..
one is sethu and the other is madhavan..
Both are killed by a Yogi ..
The secret behind the murder is th marmam..
thats why marmayogi..

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histronics and dialouge
by indian on Jun 18, 2008 05:04 PM  | Hide replies

Histrionics: No need to write about Kamal. Asin excelled in her character as an Agraharam lady trying to protect the sanctity of the Idol of Vishnu, which is carrying the deadly Virus in its belly. Mallika Sharawat and she seem to be getting hotter and hotter with each movie. She sizzles the screen with her presence; though not much to offer in terms of acting she played her role to the t. I do not see any one else to write about as all other characters are Kamal.

Dialogues: I watched the movie in Telugu and the dialogues are pathetic. May be they are lost in translation. Little care was given for the dialogues some times they are even incomplete. Action speaks louder than words, but not this time.

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RE:histronics and dialouge
by manapart on Jun 18, 2008 05:16 PM
dont compare perfect storm and dasa,the budget of dasa is very limited (not 65 crores that producers say),graphics is done by "us" indians mainly tamil and telugu programmers in chennai, its thier first attempt(my friend was invloved in graphics) so i think it is better to appreciate thier first attempt

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story and action
by indian on Jun 18, 2008 05:03 PM  | Hide replies

Graphics: The much touted graphics could have been 1000 times better. Graphics used in a movie are supposed to be seamlessly integrated with the original. Viewers are not supposed to know that it is a graphic shot. There is this subtle thing which I call transition i.e. when the shot moves from graphic shot to original and original to graphics shot, which makes or breaks graphics used in the movie. If the viewer is able to notice the transition then it is a failure. The graphics in the movie are far from better. If you want the best graphics for water, watch the movie “The Perfect Storm” starring George Clooney.

Music: The music is provided by two music directors. The music for songs is composed by Himesh Reshamiya and the back ground score by Devi Sriprsad. Music is a real let down in the movie. I agree that music has no language but surely it has culture. How can Himesh pull off a spectacular music for a South Indian cinema, it is not his mistake if he could not. The choice is wrong. The back ground score is simply superb. That is what keeps your sagging spirits alive till the end. Couple of songs are okay, like Mukunda Mukunda.

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RE:story and action
by indian on Jun 18, 2008 05:05 PM
Story: The movie starts with chaos theory and turns into chaos. Chaos in a nutshell “All the seemingly unrelated events have some relation an ultimately end in accomplishing a task”. In dasavatharam the tsunami of 2004 is not a random occurrence, it happened to achieve 2 tasks. One to unite the couple of 12th century two to save millions of lives at the cost of a couple of thousand lives ostensibly from the virus invented by our hero which can be made impotent only by tons of gallons of sea water. Not a bad story but told very badly on the screen.

Action: The action sequences take you a decade back. The action sequences especially in USA are very badly done. They are of a C grade Hollywood movie. We know that even our heroes need luck but too much of it sucks. How many times you jump off from a bridge or a sky scrapper and jump straight into a garbage truck or a truck will full of vegetables? Surely not 4 times in a movie right? The only escape route for our hero seems to be blindly jumping off.

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RE:story and action
by phoolkumar on Jun 18, 2008 05:55 PM
Mr.Indian,r u a literature fellow ? Ur way of writing is very good. Why cant u write some books ? I mean ur language has a flow and u possess the ability to analyse things systematically.Keep it up !

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RE:story and action
by indian on Jun 18, 2008 07:30 PM
Thanks a ton dude! I need encouragement from you folks. This is my first ever review of a movie. I am no literature guy. I just placed my thoughts as they came in. I have written a full review but don't know how to post.This is my small beginning and I am writing a book of short srories.Thanks again

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Gaphics and Music
by indian on Jun 18, 2008 05:02 PM

Graphics: The much touted graphics could have been 1000 times better. Graphics used in a movie are supposed to be seamlessly integrated with the original. Viewers are not supposed to know that it is a graphic shot. There is this subtle thing which I call transition i.e. when the shot moves from graphic shot to original and original to graphics shot, which makes or breaks graphics used in the movie. If the viewer is able to notice the transition then it is a failure. The graphics in the movie are far from better. If you want the best graphics for water, watch the movie “The Perfect Storm” starring George Clooney.

Music: The music is provided by two music directors. The music for songs is composed by Himesh Reshamiya and the back ground score by Devi Sriprsad. Music is a real let down in the movie. I agree that music has no language but surely it has culture. How can Himesh pull off a spectacular music for a South Indian cinema, it is not his mistake if he could not. The choice is wrong. The back ground score is simply superb. That is what keeps your sagging spirits alive till the end. Couple of songs are okay, like Mukunda Mukunda.

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Dasavataram good with out avatars
by indian on Jun 18, 2008 05:01 PM

What a gigantic waste of effort. Usually movies revolve around Hero, Heroine and they are supported by other cast in weaving a story. Here is the movie where the support case is also played by the lead actor albeit in different avatars. As the support roles were played by the lead, they are given undue importance in the movie. Some avatars are not at all needed Mr Bush, Mr Muslim, Mr Japanese, Mrs Old, Mr Singh. The avatars are also a drag on the movie, as the viewer is always in anticipation of the next avatar and in judging the avatar being performed by Kamal. The avatars successfully digresses you from the main story.

If not for the avatars the movie would have been good to watch. The movie is for Kamal’s fan who miss him for quite some time. The only way to enjoy the movie is ignore the avatars and follow the story. It is not that bad after all.

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