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Indian Idol fans clash in Siliguri

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imran patel
Free Speech - Government Role.
by imran patel on Sep 29, 2007 12:39 AM  | Hide replies

It is the role of the government to protect the right of the individual to express his opinion freely even if the opinion is contrary to public beliefs. (Same applies to Taslima Nasreen)

But there needs to be a check to make sure that free speech is NOT inciteful. For that we have the Judicial arm of the government. If someone or some community feels that they were portrayed in a dis-honest manner by an individual/group/institute, they can take them to court.

Financial boycott is a legitimate tool that can be used to express anger or discontent.

PR campaign (Not funded by government Money) is a legitimate tool.

What we do not want is a destruction of Public/Private property. Inconvenience caused dues to "BANDHS". It is a crime for someone to threathen someone based on difference in opinion. In the case of Taslima, the Idiot Mullah should have faced a Jail sentence.

That is the role of government.

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Tathagata Mukherjee
RE:Free Speech - Government Role.
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Sep 29, 2007 12:43 AM

SHOW A PROOF THAT YOU PROTESTED when taslima was almost killed, rioting took place in vast parts of India by Muslims because of Cartoon, when Rushdie's book was banned.


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imran patel
RE:RE:Free Speech - Government Role.
by imran patel on Sep 29, 2007 12:50 AM
First of all,
I do NOT owe you an explanation and I do NOT need to give you a proof.

You should have read my Posts on the Taslima Story. I am not a "Personality" to give press conferences. But people who are regulars on the rediff forum know my views very well.

I was also hurt with the Prophets Cartoons, but I was more hurt with the reation of the Muslims. And now I am hurt to see the reaction of my fellow Indians.

You will not understand or feel this pain. You just want to feel good about yourself by comparing yourself with people who are worse than you.

Such a comparison makes you BAD not BETTER !!!

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Tathagata Mukherjee
RE:Free Speech - Government Role.
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Sep 29, 2007 12:59 AM

You don't have any rational explanation, that's why you fool write here "I do NOT owe you an explanation and I do NOT need to give you a proof. "


We have seen your comments on many issues, including Rama controversy.


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Adnan Khalid
RE:Free Speech - Government Role.
by Adnan Khalid on Sep 29, 2007 02:01 AM
if i did not read it wrong, the violence erupted because the protesters (in a silent march to the commission) stopped an ambulance with a patient, and the local residents protested that.
Now that is a totally different issue, isnt it????

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RE:Free Speech - Government Role.
by Ganesh on Sep 29, 2007 10:05 AM
hey I believe you are muslim if you believe in free speech why don't u speak on behalf of salman Rushdie and Danish Paper, people like u have double standard about the free speech. u can curse others like Nepali or other communities and it cannot be other way around

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RE:Free Speech - Government Role.
by Judge on Sep 29, 2007 12:45 AM
I dont see any wrong with the mullah.......In fact he followed the basic principle of Islam in doing so. For the betterment of the society you cannot change the person but you need to change the system we are in. If a mullah says so it is because of the religion he is practising. You seem to be quite an intellectual. Why dont you try to face the reality. Dont act like a cat which closes its eyes and thinks that no one is watching it.

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imran patel
RE:RE:Free Speech - Government Role.
by imran patel on Sep 29, 2007 12:54 AM
That is NOT the "BASIC PRINCIPLE" of Islam.

Here is a story from the life of the Prophet...You decide.

There was an old lady in the City of Mecca who did not like the Prophet (PBUH) because at that time people were idol-worshipper in Mecca. The prophet was spreading the concept of ONE GOD. (Difference of Beliefs)

The old lady would throw dirt on the prophet everyday. One day she did NOT. The Prophet went up to her house to inquire about her. She was bed ridden and weak. The prophet helped her with her shores and other work.

That is one of the Basic Principles of Islam. Not this "Terrorism".

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Adnan Khalid
RE:RE:RE:Free Speech - Government Role.
by Adnan Khalid on Sep 29, 2007 01:56 AM
for once, i read some intellectual discussion on rediff, albeit it still had traces of certain mistakes of humanity like TATHAGATA, who is one among hte small group of people who feel that comparing and splitting populace on religion would do any good. Which religion preaches terrorism man, open ur eyes dude!!!! Its for thoughts like these that provoke bigger fires.

We need to peacefully co-exist like we used before Mountbatten tried the trick and has left the british an eternal joke to laugh at.

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This RJ should be fired
by AD on Sep 29, 2007 12:39 AM  | Hide replies

This RJ should be fired from his job. You cannot make such statements on FM Radio.

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manoj talukdar
RE:This RJ should be fired
by manoj talukdar on Sep 29, 2007 01:34 AM
Tathgatha. ont you think you are coming on too strong on Imran.Its an uncivilised way of dealing with a very sensitive soul. You represent the scum of society. Not all muslims are good just as not all Hindus are bad. we are la different hues of grey. Yet probity demands that we be civil and not offend others. I am sorry that now I take it upon me to offend you only to staunch the bad blood that you and your ilk can spill.
The point is there is no urule of law because we do not want any of it. We eulogise a state that never existed, never will for sure in a country as morally bankrupt as India. Go to town with your great memories of the past. That was great only in hindsight and never took into account the toil of the ture Indian. You and me are the dregs of India. Neither here nor there. Let your democracy unfold for another generation. Then people like us will be on the wrong end of the street my friend. GOD BLESS and the Lord help the complacent.

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Kaushik Basu
Any Idea on what is being said on the Radio?
by Kaushik Basu on Sep 29, 2007 12:34 AM  | Hide replies

Does anyone has any idea as to what is being said on the Radio?

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RE:Any Idea on what is being said on the Radio?
by AD on Sep 29, 2007 12:37 AM
He told prashants journey from Chaukidar to Indian Idol

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RE:Any Idea on what is being said on the Radio?
by Neil on Sep 29, 2007 12:42 AM
Well rhw RJ Said
Shopkeepers will now have to make their own security arrangements as Gorkhas have taken to singing.
It sure wasn't
prashant's journey from Chaukidar to Indian Idol

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Adnan Khalid
RE:Any Idea on what is being said on the Radio?
by Adnan Khalid on Sep 29, 2007 02:00 AM
if i did not read it wrong, the violence erupted because the protesters (in a silent march to the commission) stopped an ambulance with a patient, and the local residents protested that.
Now that is a totally different issue, isnt it????

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Tathagata Mukherjee
RE:Any Idea on what is being said on the Radio?
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Sep 29, 2007 12:37 AM

Prashant became Indian Idol from a Chowkidar (Constable).

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Inferiority complex
by stav on Sep 29, 2007 12:33 AM  | Hide replies

Indian society is plagued with inferiority complex. THis comes to light
at the slightest provocation.

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Adnan Khalid
RE:Inferiority complex
by Adnan Khalid on Sep 29, 2007 02:00 AM
if i did not read it wrong, the violence erupted because the protesters (in a silent march to the commission) stopped an ambulance with a patient, and the local residents protested that.
Now that is a totally different issue, isnt it????

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RE:Inferiority complex
by kaka on Sep 29, 2007 12:37 AM
yes we will regretfully see more of it with growing awarness and emotion. People used to take it but not anymore.

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RE:Inferiority complex
by V H on Sep 29, 2007 01:14 AM
This is all because Congress started minority appeasement by banning books, banning cinemas and banning everything that minorities didn't like....now everyone has learnt the trick.. everyone wants same treatment.

Because of congress policies we are in the danger of loosing free speech because somebody doesnt like it

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But what were the comments of the RJ??
by Nav on Sep 29, 2007 12:32 AM  | Hide replies

Can anybody tell me what were the comments that made the public go crazy?

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RE:But what were the comments of the RJ??
by AD on Sep 29, 2007 12:34 AM
Chaukidar to Indian idol.

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RE:But what were the comments of the RJ??
by kaka on Sep 29, 2007 12:41 AM
what is rac*st about it though? if you say something about his caste, appearance, race then ok but not this?

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RE:But what were the comments of the RJ??
by Neil on Sep 29, 2007 12:49 AM
The racial discrimination is that ppl think that all nepalis (Gorkhas) are Darbans (Chowkidars)
And the comment
Shopkeepers will now have to make their own security arrangements as Gorkhas have taken to singing.

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RE:But what were the comments of the RJ??
by kaka on Sep 29, 2007 12:56 AM
thanks. i got it from your psoting to another post.

yes that is rac*st but violence wont help one bit at all.

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RE:But what were the comments of the RJ??
by Nav on Sep 29, 2007 12:46 AM
If that is true then what is wrong with it? It is a rags to riches story that is often hailed! Down south Rajinikath story from a bus conductor to superstar never ignites violence.. it is hailed as a big success story.

Even if the RJ made fun of Indian Idol then it does not merit any violence.. probably an apology.

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RE:RE:But what were the comments of the RJ??
by Neil on Sep 29, 2007 12:51 AM
Apology was what was demanded.....and the protest march was non violent....infact.... silent march.....It turned violent after stones were thrown on the protestors

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RE:But what were the comments of the RJ??
by Nav on Sep 29, 2007 12:58 AM
I think the India media needs to be aware that it is not considered humourous in India yet, to make fun of people the way it is done in US in programs like Tonight Show etc.

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Adnan Khalid
RE:RE:But what were the comments of the RJ??
by Adnan Khalid on Sep 29, 2007 02:00 AM
if i did not read it wrong, the violence erupted because the protesters (in a silent march to the commission) stopped an ambulance with a patient, and the local residents protested that.
Now that is a totally different issue, isnt it????

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by AD on Sep 29, 2007 12:32 AM  | Hide replies

Racist feelings still exist in society. Even in US recently a TV host made racist against US Basketball team(mostly blacks). This RJ should be punished.

We need to treat everybody as equal.

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by kaka on Sep 29, 2007 01:07 AM
yes i know about that incident.

I dont know why people listen to these shows anyway.

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Is this Indian Idol or ...
by Raavan on Sep 29, 2007 12:32 AM  | Hide replies

.. Nepali idol?

It's well known that nepalis and other 'chinks' are looked down upon in India. Maybe thats why there is so much controversy..

By the way what song did he sing to win the idol? Is it "Jaagte Raho.., Jaagte Raho " hahahahhahahhahaaaaaaa

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RE:Is this Indian Idol or ...
by sri on Sep 29, 2007 12:40 AM
"It's well known that nepalis and other 'chinks' are looked down upon in India."

Totally Untrue. Everyone in India - south indians, biharis, bengalis, sikhs, are all called names. So the real problem is not of selectivity but that we disrespect each other.

So dont make this to be an issue against anyone in particular.

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RE:Is this Indian Idol or ...
by kaka on Sep 29, 2007 12:45 AM
that is exactly why i think there will be more of these. People from certain areas from India think it is their god given right to make such comments.... They have another thing coming with the growing awarness plus emotional nature of people. Sad.

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Nagendra M
Shame !!!
by Nagendra M on Sep 29, 2007 12:30 AM  | Hide replies

Mera Bharat Maahan...

Another shameful act by my proud "Indians".
This is how we protest..., we burn our own cars, we burn our own shops, we burn/vandalize our own people/property.

btw, we are in 2007....no matter what happens ..this country will remain the same....

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Satadru Sen
RE:Shame !!!
by Satadru Sen on Sep 29, 2007 12:43 AM
How much we grow in GDP India will be India as Indian will be Indian .... Sorry to say that but I am also an Indian and don't see India as a developed country in next 5000 years!

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Virender Sehwag
RE:Shame !!!
by Virender Sehwag on Sep 29, 2007 01:05 AM
I completely agree with you. I am also an Indian and I know what is Indian all about.

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great great
RE:Shame !!!
by great great on Sep 29, 2007 02:53 AM
biharis have been the subject of more ridicule than anyone else including delhi cm and shivsena in mumbai
but they never protested

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vinay a
what did he say about tamag
by vinay a on Sep 29, 2007 12:28 AM

unse aakhir aisa bola kya....

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