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Poor standards
by Sahib on Feb 01, 2007 09:10 AM

If the media had access to Abhishek and Ash, they would print their words, it is because they dont get access to them and therefore run after big B to get something in their begging bowl... that is why we now have headlines and news like this. Wake up Rediff... this does not excite us at all.

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mehul patel
Meet Abhishek's new voice
by mehul patel on Feb 01, 2007 08:56 AM

I think, now I have to stop reading news in Rediff. Media thinks a father should take permission from them before speaking any thing about his son.

Mehul Patel

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Meet Abhishek's new voice
by ARIANNE JOYCE on Feb 01, 2007 08:55 AM

Amit ji knows that no one is going to see his son when he is with ASH & AMITJI, thefore he has no choice but to promot his son, after all he is doing so many advertisements these days a bit for his own son 'SAHI

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Sangeetha  SIJO
Don't lose rediff's credibility
by Sangeetha SIJO on Feb 01, 2007 08:51 AM

Is rediff running out of news that this has been placed in the headlines? what is there if a father speaks for his son? He is not promoting Abishek. What is wrong in being a proud father? Just because he is a celeberity doesnt mean he cant be normal like others. he too will have same emotions. Rediff do think twice before publishing such craps.

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Subinay  Jana
stop this
by Subinay Jana on Feb 01, 2007 08:48 AM  | Hide replies

You are jst writing articles for the sake of writing. Stop this crap. Every father can be proud of his son..so what if that dad is Amitabh Bacchan. That's not their fault. Anyways...Abhishek''s performance in Guru is worth much more than what he said in the inetrviews. So stop being JEALOUS, NARROW-MINDED and concentrate more on writing worthwhile things. Don't just waste your time. Or else find a different job, don't stay and tarnish the image of rediff.com


Dr S.Jana
Perth, Australia

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akanksha goil
RE:stop this
by akanksha goil on Feb 01, 2007 09:51 AM
But can you just find any reason why media is behind Amitabh about Abhishek's performance. Why just change the channel and you will find Amitabh talking about his son and to be daughter in law. Those two guys, who are getting married, are not mature enough to talk about thier relation or they require baby sitting.

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ashish avasthi
RE:stop this
by ashish avasthi on Feb 01, 2007 09:50 AM
Yes my friend, U r right.

Only one way gives each person exach way to move forward and I think abhi has done it.

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RE:RE:stop this
by ! on Feb 01, 2007 09:30 AM
are you in India ?

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shoma mukherjee
by shoma mukherjee on Feb 01, 2007 08:40 AM  | Hide replies

Please stop these crap. Don't you think media is giving too much importance to him and his family. I am sure there are many issues in our country which we should seriously act on. Moreover he is a father if he is promoting or talking any thing good then what is the problem. I would also do the same thing if I would have been at his place.

Next time try to get some sensible topics on the web.


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raja nisha
by raja nisha on Feb 01, 2007 08:52 AM
Why you guys open this page and watch ?. Leave it to people like us who want cenema and Bollywood Glamour that is a part of our life. Concentrate on sensible topics. Do not divert your attention to crap topics like tis. Leave it to us.

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Asima  Mishra
by Asima Mishra on Feb 01, 2007 08:57 AM
instead of stopping us from readibg this, please stop publishing all these useless topics...

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ganesh kannan
What the hell
by ganesh kannan on Feb 01, 2007 08:24 AM  | Hide replies

Is this a topic to discuss.

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RE:What the hell
by ARIANNE JOYCE on Feb 01, 2007 09:00 AM
this is another add shot of amit ji, same linke promoting Chyawanprash he is promoting his son, after some time ASH will have to promot her husband same like LUX soap, Amitji doesnot know that a simple movie "VIVAH" is much more hit & appreciated than "GURU", amitji should revalue the courage of such film-maker & actors for giving good values also

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Subienay G
RE:RE:What the hell
by Subienay G on Feb 01, 2007 03:25 PM
Vivah is an insult to an intelligent viewer. Do not compare Guru with Vivah. Vivah is a huge hit in Bihar & UP, where Guru was a flop. Just goes to show audience sensibilities. And we all know what Bihar and UP are all about, right. In a place like Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune etc, Guru is a huge hit. And we also know what Bangalore, Mumbai & Pune are, right ? Just stop this nonsense about Vivah. Its all about taste and upbringing honey !

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RE:RE:RE:What the hell
by savita on Feb 13, 2007 05:29 PM
Do you always analyse which territory is a hit? Well for your kind information Vivah was made for hardly any money and has earned the same revenue as GURU! If we talk of successful movies,Vivah is definitely a bigger hit than GURU.

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Payel Dasgupta
Abhishek's new voice!!!
by Payel Dasgupta on Feb 01, 2007 08:10 AM  | Hide replies

Rediff's certainly out of topics/ideas!!Or the only way it gets sponsorship is by publishing something about the Bachchans!!Looks like Big B has to seek Rediff's permission before saying or feeling anything about his son!!!Shame on you Rediff!!!!


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RE:Abhishek's new voice!!!
by ARIANNE JOYCE on Feb 01, 2007 09:01 AM
you have not seen hindi a TV channel "AAAJ TAAK"
they do not have any coverage other than ASH KA LAHANGA, ASH I CHADI, ASH KI BANIYAN HO HO HO

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mohan bhargav
RE:RE:Abhishek's new voice!!!
by mohan bhargav on Feb 01, 2007 09:45 AM
i agree with the viewers,
i think media either dont have any good worthy
topics for discussion or they dont want to work at
all, hence come up with such sort of useless discussions.

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One request
by DEVANAND on Feb 01, 2007 08:03 AM  | Hide replies

Please think twice before posting something so cheap. Think whom you are writing about. It is Big B. None less.The whole media is running after the family like huntin dogs, and we common people read it because we love Amitabh Bachan , Jaya and Abhishek.

I had the chance to meet Abhishek once and I could not believe how Amitab's son can be so humble,when draged from his lunch for a photoraph.Yeah, he does not have to show off. Neither does he need the promoting of Amitab.

Please understand how much this irritates the normal people who reads rediff with a belief that it has credibility.Please try to learn something from the number of replies you got.

Dont let you fall in the eyes of the readers.


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sanjay p
RE:One request
by sanjay p on Feb 01, 2007 08:19 AM
Big B Till Yesterday Small b. Media is giving to much importance to an ex his days are gone , but there are always fan of every great actor that is yesterday. Today small or big "B" there are many actors better to them , but the family is tyo much media savy , & has forgotten the days when he was removed from industry & was working in movis like shahinsha & all c grade movies.I would never complain of abhishekh cause the way I know he is a good man , but big B as you guys call him has a lot to learn cause for him its money that is talking not his work & is talking from his head not mouth .

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expat indian
RE:RE:One request
by expat indian on Feb 01, 2007 08:46 AM
you loser.. what have your achievement in life till now.... dont try to spit at the sun... it will fall on your own face

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sanjay p
RE:RE:RE:One request
by sanjay p on Feb 01, 2007 01:43 PM
hi achever so nice to know you have achieved everything , but sad you don't now what is achievement or have met very few who achieve little talk big , come out & c world is big

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expat indian
RE:RE:RE:RE:One request
by expat indian on Feb 03, 2007 07:37 PM
dont need to learn from you abt acheivement... and i knw how big the world is having worked and stayed in most of the major countries around the world.

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RE:One request
by ARIANNE JOYCE on Feb 01, 2007 09:03 AM
you might met him quite earlier, ask the people who work with abhi, he is class councious

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Sourav Patra
RE:RE:One request
by Sourav Patra on Feb 01, 2007 09:25 AM
Hi Arianne,
Whats problem with you. I don't know you, but I can recongnize you by seeing your replies against every message shows some interest on AB. In this way you are creating a wrong impression about you to others...if you are a gentleman.
God bless you.

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ankur singh
Itz the feeling that matters.....
by ankur singh on Feb 01, 2007 08:00 AM  | Hide replies

If you are a father or have a son, you would understand the feeling. I think people are making an issue of it just because Amitabh is a senior actor. Dr.Haribansh Rai would have praised Amitabh similarly but no body would have objected or commented at that time...

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RE:Itz the feeling that matters.....
by ARIANNE JOYCE on Feb 01, 2007 09:06 AM
The GURU is totaly belong to Mani Ratnam, the quality is from the vision of MANI, nothing great ABHI has done to praise or to be promoted like LUX soap. most of the people go to movie becuase of MANIRATNAM's brand, a class, he could have transformed other person/actor in same ways how ABHI did

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Subienay G
RE:RE:Itz the feeling that matters.....
by Subienay G on Feb 01, 2007 03:27 PM
This I totally agree with. Mani can make me act, forget Abhi !

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prabhat mohanty
RE:RE:Itz the feeling that matters.....
by prabhat mohanty on Feb 02, 2007 11:25 AM
We can surely talk about Mani,when we talk about Film Directors. Now the discussion is about an actor.
So stop your talking out of context.

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raja nisha
RE:RE:Itz the feeling that matters.....
by raja nisha on Feb 01, 2007 02:57 PM
Hey man..!!! Is this yard stick only for Abhishek. What about big stars like Sharukh, Hritikk Roshan , Salman, etc. They are also big stars today due to great directors. Hindi picture men isehi hotahe man.

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