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Salman news shocks Bollywood

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On record killed black bucks, a man, what else you need
by Mahesh on Feb 17, 2006 07:25 PM

Totaly disagree with this, nothing to shock. What else you want from salman, the real killer. You want to give him reward like Mohd Gazanni.

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shaikh faizan
some of my wishes to salman
by shaikh faizan on Feb 17, 2006 07:23 PM

Hi salman,this is faizan 1 of your's fan .wanted to tell u that don't worry ur's fan's r with u and there is nothing to worry b coz the thing which u had done
u only know that it is wrong or right...............
And if there is a disces about your life then evervone one know that.So sir dont worry if there is nobady there then also I will be there.Or by my thots i m not having so much totell.So "SALMAN SIR" dont b abset.JO BHI HOGA ACCHA HI HOGA.Sorry to say good bye your's 1 of greatest fan faizan.And sorry if some of my message hearts you thanks.

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Prakash Rao
Why are you shocked !!!
by Prakash Rao on Feb 17, 2006 07:15 PM

Are you kidding !! Why the hell is bollywood shocked?? Was anyone schocked when those poor creatures were poached for their meat. Wake up !!! There is only one law under the indian soil, to the poor, rich and ofcourse to the actors? If you go against the law, be prepared to accept the consequences !! I dont give a damn if he is Salman, Sharukh or for that matter Amitabh ...

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no one is above law
by Venkat on Feb 17, 2006 07:11 PM

Dont fret Bollywood.. he deserves it.

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R Sriram
Salman Khan sentenced
by R Sriram on Feb 17, 2006 06:57 PM

Bollywood is always shocked by what is very obvious to others. They are invariably shocked by criminal elements and womanizers among them. They are shocked by tax evaders and hawala money in the industry. Huh!Salman should have been sentenced long ago. I am surprised at the moral decandence of our youth and teens. Here is a person who has violated the law and has also behaved crazy many times and yet we have a bunch of teens who seem to worship him. I wonder where India will be heading if all teens turn out to be this way. Thankfully, it is not so yet and hopefully will never be. - R Sriram, Chennai

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i dont agree with bollywood,
by hrishi on Feb 17, 2006 06:48 PM

Yes, I dont agree with bollywood. It is a bunch of hypocrites, they
never come out openly. ask them any question their answer is "i know
it is there in the industry, but i have never seen it". and salman is
always known to be on the wrong side of the law. and this Mr.chopra
and Mr.jaffrey, who know that salman is innocent at "his heart", how
appropriately bollywood line. Do they think that the judiciary is a fool,
or, that it is always looking for salman's blood, i think it is the other
way around. If you people know that Salman is good at heart, he is
innocent, he is victimised, can you, the same people also tell, why it is
always Salman and no one else. And if you believe so much in him,
then why not give him a good piece of advice. As to Mr.Jaffrey, was it
written on the bullet that it was fired by salman, well Rumi, it is not
important that the name to be written, my point is why was the bullet
fired in the first place at all. It is also a pity that the other accused
actors got away with it. They should have also been sentenced atleast
for some days. But all in all, people, Bollywood bad....shah's think,
they are above law, and its time they knew better.

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by Vineet on Feb 17, 2006 06:32 PM

Its shameful the way the columnist is so sympathetic with this habitual offender. Shame on people like him

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Court has taken a right decision according the law
by Sulabh on Feb 17, 2006 06:29 PM

Salman khan is a citizen of country. He has to obey law of the land... I think court has given the right judgement..
If others have escaped from punishment,they should also be tried..

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