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Big letdown by A R Rahman!

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Well Said
by Ramji on Apr 24, 2004 04:23 PM

Hello Karthikeyan Natarajan!
Well said.. Conducting for Orchestras is no easy job! And moreover film songs are not apt to be converted to orchestra scores.

Composing and conducting a symphony would be any composer's ultimate dream.. but then that should not lead one to convert film songs to orchestra scores. That shows the lack of ability to compose for a symphony which is no easy task.

The orchestras need to survive, but then they should not resort to attract crowd by such methods. Symphonies are to composed/conducted by real talented people.

A big letdown indeed.


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Rahman's fiasco
by Subramanian on Apr 24, 2004 12:31 PM

Rahman is not a legitimate music composer of the levels required to conduct a symphony orchestra. He is just a jingles composer with no much musical depth in his works. He's come to fame purely on his association with some good technicians in Indian film industry. Comparing with Ilayaraja who has tremendous knowledge of western classical music which he suptly amalgamated it in Indian folk music, Rahman stands nowhere. His songs in the last 4 to 5 years have not even measured up to 3rd levels in content. Many films flopped because of bad music score of Rahman. Soon we would be seeing his back.

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Viswanath Chavali
Do not be harsh on ARR
by Viswanath Chavali on Apr 24, 2004 11:59 AM  | Hide replies


Agreed he did mess up while conducting, but does it invite such a rebuke? Everyone human does make mistakes and I am sure Rahman will learn from this that his preperation was inadequate.

In a recent interview in sun tv he said that he had made a mistake by not preparing exhaustively.The best part is he agreed that he has done a mistake. And that I guess definitely redeems Rahman. Knowing the guy he is he will sure comeup with a smashing performance next time. Lets not be harsh on Rahman, who has put India on the world music map and has brought great joy to millions with his matchless music.


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Gopi Krishnan
RE:Do not be harsh on ARR
by Gopi Krishnan on May 05, 2004 10:04 PM
Dear Mr.Ramji

If you think this as a letdown for the India music industry, I feel sorry for you

Please realise one simple fact that ARRahman is the one of the very few persons who raised the image of Indian Film Music to world standards

Ofcouse he did not do a great job in the recent Orchestra. But it is his first attempt and we need to give it some time. And should not start accusing him.

Hope u agree

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RE:Do not be harsh on ARR
by Srinivas on Apr 28, 2004 12:15 AM
"Lets not be harsh on Rahman, who has put India on the world music map"

How true is it? Extremely talented composers like Zubin mehta, Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ilayaraja and a few others are the ones who brought some respect to india in music world. Not A.R.Rehman.

Ilayaraja is the first indian and asian too to compose & conduct music the prestigious "London Philarmonic". Thats phenominal.

I dont think people have the ears to realise that Rehman's music is ONLY rhythm based. Every song he composed starts with heavy orchestration and beat which covers up the bad tunes of his song. Can anyone show me one song which has a tune without rhythm based music of A.R.Rehman? Ilayaraja used such rhythm based music for his songs as an experiment for maybe one song per album. Listen to ilayaraja melody and one typical rahman's song and u will know the difference.

Human beings make mistakes. Yeah! Big mistakes like rehman trying such a feat which he knows that he is not capable at all. Yes, thats a mistake. He better learn it and never do it again.

I guess indian cinema is not so keen on rahman these days. Thanks to the repetative rhythm based music and unsynchronised music.

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Vikram Venkatesh
RE:Do not be harsh on ARR
by Vikram Venkatesh on Apr 29, 2004 12:29 PM
Putting India on the map in music? Since when did recognition by the West put us on any map? We Indians need to learn to stop looking for approval from the West. Our strength likes in embracing our own magnificent culture and rejecting what comes from the West. They have absolutely NOTHING to offer us. Only then will Indian fulfill her destiny - superpower status in all walks of life. We are the greatest nation on this earth, ladies and gentlemen. We need to walk to the tune of own own tabla maestro - not to the beat of a western drummer. Whether western nations acknolwedge us or not is irrelevant. Ten/fifteen years from now, they will be looking for approval from us.

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